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or a group can place news, personal thoughts, text, photos, video or audio files, or links upon which visitors can comment. A blog lets you post on the Internet without having to know web design or be technical. You are given an environment to make dated entries on the topic of your choice which are “published”, so other people can read them.

Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Blogging has revolutionized Internet publishing in the last several years because it gives everyone with Internet access the opportunity to become an online writer. Objects, such as “text and photos” in a blog can be called “blog posts”, “posts”, or “entries”. The person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”.

Now, somewhere around the world, a blog is created almost every 6 seconds. Because it’s great potential, Bill Gates views it as important as e-mail, BBS, and MSN. He’s trying to make blogs the important tools for future business communications. 66. A blog is ___ .

A. a comment B. an Internet journal C. a design D. a link 67. A person can do the following things in a blog EXCEPT ____________.

A. talk to others B. give comments C. read articles D. enjoy photos

68. Who is a blogger?

A. A person who posts letters. B. A person who writes articles.

C. A person who posts text or photos in a blog. D. A person who is an online publisher.

69. From the passage we know that . A. Bill Gates will invent some tools for blogs

B. blogs will be an important business communication tool in the future C. so far, only a few persons have created blogs

D. blogs will replace e-mail, BBS and MSN in the future

70. According to the passage, the reason why blogs are so popular is that they


A. give everyone the chance to be an online writer

B. can be created by people without much knowledge of computer technology C. enable a blogger to place news, personal thoughts, text and photos and give comments

D. all of the above


Ask a teacher to name the most annoying invention of recent years and they will often mention the mobile phone.Disturbed by the problems they create, many head teachers have ordered that pupils should keep their phones switched off at school.Others have told pupils to leave them at home. However, education researchers at The University of Nottingham believe it is time that phone bans were reassessed, because mobile phones can be a powerful learning


aid, they say.Dr Elizabeth Hartnell-Young and her colleagues have reached this conclusion after studying the consequences of allowing pupils in five secondary schools to use either their own mobile phones or the new generation of ‘smartphones’ in lessons.

During the nine-month experiment, 14- to 16-year-old pupils used the phones for a wide range of educational purposes, including creating short movies, setting homework reminders, recording a teacher reading a poem, and timing experiments with the phones’ stopwatches.The smartphones, which could be connected to the Internet, also allowed pupils to access revision websites, log into the school email system, or transfer (转存) electronic files between school and home.

The research involved 331 pupils in schools in Cambridgeshire, West Berkshire and Nottingham.“At the start of the study, even pupils were often surprised at the thought that mobile phones could be used for learning,” Dr Hartnell-Young said.“After their hands-on experience, almost all pupils said they had enjoyed the project and felt more inspired.”

Some teachers found that pupils who lacked confidence gained most from the project.However, they recognised that greater use of mobile phones in schools could cause problems.

71. We can infer from the first paragraph that . A. teachers are strongly against students owning mobile phones B. mobile phones should be developed to meet students’ needs C. students are free to use their mobile phones at school D. mobile phones are usually forbidden to be used at school

72. When the students first used mobile phones for learning, they . A. all enjoyed the project very much B. didn’t know what they were used for C. didn’t fully realize the learning functions of mobile phones D. were surprised that they were allowed to use mobile phones in schools 73. Who benefited most from the project?

A. Older pupils. B. Pupils who were not confident. C. Younger pupils. D. Pupils who were confident. 74. The purpose of the text is to tell us that . A. mobile phones can actually help students learn B. mobile phones begin to be widely used in schools

C. too much use of mobile phones in schools can cause problems

D. the mobile phone is considered the most annoying invention of recent years


My primary education was done through online education,which meant I didn't often come into contact with large groups of people of my age. Not having a peer group of my age also meant that I never had to do things to behave in the same way as others,and I grew up doing things the way I wanted.

I was very naive(天真的) when I started high school. On the first day I didn't realize there was a right way to wear a school hat. In fact,on that first day I


did a lot of things wrong—like being the only person in the school who had a tongue ring. That ring made me considered a troublemaker,and by the first break I was given life membership to the “out” crowd. So I put my hair into my hat and took out the tongue ring.

It seemed more important to be like others than finding out what it meant to be me. I spent all my energy trying to conform. I couldn't work out why I was so unhappy when I'd achieved what I thought I wanted.

After many tears and sleepless nights,my teacher took me aside and asked why I was upset. I told him though I tried to fit in at school,I still felt unhappy. He asked me why I cut my hair off,and I told him that I wanted the same kind of hairstyle that the other girls had.

He said,“You've started doing things to please other people. If you don't do it for yourself,you will always feel upset. If the people at school don't like you for who you are,then it's their problem.” What he said was true. I started trying to do things for myself. After that I felt a lot better.

75. The author always did things as she liked when young because_______ A. she didn’t like to contact with other people. B. she thought her way of doing things was the best.

C. she began school with online education and didn’t have her peer group. D. she was naive.

76. From the second paragraph,we can learn that ________. A. the other students didn't like the author B. the author didn't wear a hat on the first day

C. the author was considered to be a troublemaker by the teacher D. everybody wanted to make friends with the author

77. The underlined word “conform” in the third paragraph means ________. A. to behave like others B. to behave differently

C. to behave in a wrong way D. to behave in a special way

78. According to the teacher,the author felt upset because ________. A. she did her primary education through online education B. she had a tongue ring on the first day of school C. she didn't know the right way to wear a hat D. she tried to please others instead of herself

79. According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The author cut her hair off because it looked cool. B. The author followed her teacher's advice at last. C. What the teacher said made the author feel sadder. D. The author didn't want to make friends with others. 80. What's the passage mainly about?

A. How to overcome sadness at school. B. How to get along with others at school. C. The pains to fit in at school.


D. The problem of loneliness.


1. I am a________ that I can’t work it out. 2. It was t________ of her to forget things.

3. I a________ to read the entire novel in one evening. 4. He t_________ the kitchen into a beautiful sitting-room. 5. He worked so hard that e_________ he made himself ill. 6. Our plans need to be f________ enough to satisfy everyone.

7. It’s urgent that we improve our ability to p________ earthquakes.

8. We will e________ our opinions about the event at the meeting tomorrow.

9. Having lived in the south all his life, he was not a________ to the cold of the north.

10. She spends all her spare time in reading and we all say that she is a_________ to reading.


假设你校将举行一次英语演讲比赛,演讲的主题是“I have a dream”, 请你根 提示写一篇120词左右的英语演讲稿。 要点:①我的梦想是成为一名……;






