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girls are ‘are’. I’ll show you some pictures or sentences. If you think the word is ‘is’, boys, stand up and say ‘is’ together loudly, otherwise, girls, you stand up and say ‘are’. OK? 6.Read and write Goldilocks is in the forest. There some birds and flowers in the forest. There a house in the forest, too. Goldilocks opens the door. There a clock in the room. It’s twelve, she is hungry and thirsty. There a table in the room. And there some soup on the table. She eats the soup. She is tired now. There three beds in the room. At last, she is afraid and runs away. Because there three bears in front of her. The usage of the word ”too” 1. Does Goldilocks like this soup? Why? What’s the matter? (This soup is too cold./hot) 2.Look at this bed. Why doesn’t Goldilocks like it? (This bed is too hard.) What about this one? (This bed is too soft.) 3. Let’s read these sentences together Learning tip: We use ‘too’ to modify some adjective words. 4.Look at the pictures and try to complete the sentences Eg: The tree is too high, he can’t reach the apple The sweater is too big ,he can’t wear it … Step 3.Fun time Goldilocks

invites the bears to visit her house , what’s in the house? 1. Draw something in her house. Maybe you can draw some food on the table, or some toys for the baby bear. 2. Who can come here to show your picture to us, and talk about it? Step 4. Consolation (补充习题Page 2-3) 1.Look ,read and choose 2, Look and say Homework: 1.Draw a picture of your room and talk about it in the next English class. 2 Finish the exercise book. 板书设计: Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears This soup is too hot / cold. There is a/some… This bed is too hard / soft. There are … 教学反思: 第4课时 教学目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的

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词汇:really, then, find, their; 2. 能够流利地表达There is … There are…的意思; 3. 能够理解并掌握There are …句型的否定句式There aren’t any …; 4 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Really? 5. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话 教学重难点: 1.学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事; 2. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。 教具准备: 教学设计 二次备课及 设计理念 Step1. Lead-in 1.Quick response “Yes or No” Show some sentences ,and let the students read and judge 1) There are 55 students in your class. 2) There are a lot of books in your bag. 3) There is a beautiful teacher in front of you. There is a TV in this classroom. 2. 1 minute ?C non ?C stop ?C talk OK. There isn’t a TV in this classroom, then, what’s in this classroom? Let’s play another game named ‘ 1 minute ?C non ?C stop ?C talk’. We will have a competition between boys and girls. Now each of your team has one minute. Please try to say the things in the classroom as many as possible. You should use ‘There is / are …’. Let’s see who can win. Step 2 Presentation 1. Talk about the pictures Now look at this picture. What’s in this picture? (There are two mice.) Who are they? (They’re Bobby and Tina.) What else? What’s in this room? (There is a sofa / book … There are some …) 2. Watch and think This is Bobby’s house. They’re in the sitting room now. Look at Bobby. Is he happy? Can Tina help him? Let’s listen. ( Yes, she can. ) What does Tina say? Let’s listen again. Who can have a try? So Bobby goes to the kitchen and try to find some cakes, but can he find any cakes there? 3. Read and learn 1). Where are the cakes then? Open your books, read the story by yourselves and try to find the answer. (Tina and Bobby’s cousin eats the

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cakes.) 2)Look at Bobby and his cousin. How do they feel? Can you fill in the blanks? Bobby’s cousin is ___________. Bobby is ________. 3)Well, if you were Bobby, what would you say? And how about the cousin? 4. Imitate and remember 1)T: This time, let’s read the story after the tape. 2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 3) Read in roles. 5. Act in groups Step3 Culture time 1. Learn to say Look, Bobby’s cousin eats so many cakes. Now he’s very thirsty, I think. Here’s a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, and a glass of juice. Which one would he like? Guess. I guess he’d like a glass of juice. Look at the coffee and the tea. Maybe our parents like them. Which is popular in China, coffee or tea? Yes. Follow me: Tea is popular in China. How about coffee? Oh, coffee is popular in Western countries. (Teach: popular, China, Western countries) 2. Say something more Different food and drinks are popular in different countries. Now let’s talk about more popular food and drinks in China and in Western countries. ________ is popular in China, and _______ is popular in Western countries. 3. Let’s enjoy different food and drinks. Let’s enjoy our wonderful lives. Homework: Read and act Cartoon time 板书设计: Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears

第5课时 教学目标: 1..了解字母c在单词中的发音。 2.能正确并熟练地运用本课词句谈论某处的物品。 3.通过练习,检测学生对句型There be 的掌握情况,使学生能正确运用。 教学重难点: 1.学生能熟练掌握字母c在单词中的发音。 2.学生能够运用较丰富的语言介绍自己的房间 教具准备:

教学设计 二次备课及 设计理念 Step1. Free talk 1. Look, boys and girls, there are many things on your desk. Right? What’s on your desk? (T&Ss) 2.I have a bag. What’s in my bag? Can you guess? Let me show you, OK? Step 2

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Presentation 1.Look at the picture. What’s in the picture? Whose coats are they? (They are Liu Tao, uncle and cousin.) Are they happy? What’s the matter? Who’s come? Let’s listen. 1).Answer the questions. 2). Follow the T 3).clap your hands follow the music 4).Practice in pairs 5). Ss say together 2.Look at the words, uncle, cold, cousin . What’s the pronunciation of the letter c? Can you write more words? This time, let’s try to read the new words. 3. Exercise : Read and find 将下列单词按读音归类: nice, cold, rice, come, doctor, cup, policeman. /k/ _____________

/s/_______________ Understand the different pronunciation of letter c. Step 3. checkout time 1. Look and say Goldilocks sees three bears. She’s afraid. She runs into another room. Look ,what’s in this room? 1).Work in pairs 2). Show us 3). Say together 2. Look and write You can say correctly. Can you write correctly? 1) Complete by oneself 2)Check together Step 4. Exercise (补充习题 Page 4) 1.Think and write 2. Look and write Homework: 1. Take a picture or draw one about your favorite room in your house. 2.Review Unit1 板书设计: Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears c /k/ coat cousin uncle cool cold come doctor cake cup /s/ nice rice policeman policewoman dance face cinema 教学反思:

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