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关于针对理科生在德语学习中应采取的教学策略的探析中 英文对照

About for science students in learning German language teaching strategies should be taken to the analysis of Chinese and English language compared


Along with our country the sustainable development of German professional, many science and engineering school joined the act. However, due to traditional German teaching in China is on the school of arts living to students on the basis of development, for teaching in the school of science living on should also be improved. The school students for the school of science living, and have many years experience in teaching for liberal arts students, so the difference of the characteristics of the liberal arts life learning has certain experience. Although the difference between liberal arts students is not absolute, but they still exist in the introduction stage of the stage class link evident characteristics of differences.


Relative to the arts, school of science living the classroom atmosphere is more difficult to mobilize. Because of the German university from the most basic began to learn pronunciation, it is required that every student must master all



Pronunciation method, a lot of in-class reading and teachers in a timely manner to correct, is very necessary. Relative to liberal arts majors, science students have psychological barriers for high proportion of students, many students are ashamed to open mouth, often can appear ice situation, make it difficult to smoothly advance in the teaching link. And the situation in the following dialogue practice part are more obvious: it ashamed because in speech, to complete the conversation is more difficult for them, no doubt even more difficult. This situation is extremely easy to cause a vicious cycle of the effect of classroom teaching, teacher's enthusiasm is also vulnerable to, lead to the struggling of classroom teaching in the future.



German language teaching pays attention to the training of the grammar. Theoretically the German grammar, clear, change regularity is strong, for the habit of thinking in science students should be more easy to accept. But the fact is just the opposite: the school of science living rather slowly to adapt to the grammatical rules of heavy and complicated, especially the spoken grammar in the application. Thinking habit


of different, moreover, to the school of science living easily entangled in some detail problems. Such as in the original contact \living often simply stated:\phenomenon of morphological change according to the circumstance, students can understand. But more people in the school of science living produces doubt, like asking why. A similar situation caused by class schedule can not meet the deadline.

口语是语言初学阶段的重中之重。相对于文科学生,理科生在积极性和对错误的认知上都有显著的区别。由于练习中错误是难以防止的,学生的心理素质和对错误的态度对口语的提高中起着关键作用。理科生面对问题善于首先进行缜密的构思,然后将其在书面上得到验证。这种理性的思维习惯对于口语训练显然缺少帮助。他们往往过于在意说出的性、数、格是否正确,在说出口之前犹豫再三,一旦发现有错误便马上急于纠正。如此反复,导致很难完整地说完一整句。长此以往,口语练习不仅难以进步,反而给学生带来较大的心理负担从而使其产生逆反心理或者是消极的态度,导致最后落入只能写而不能说的“哑巴外语〞的为难境地。The key of the spoken language is a beginner. Relative Y u Wenke student, school of science living in initiative and the cognitive errors, there is significant difference. Due to errors are inevitable in the practice, the students' psychological quality and the attitude towards errors plays a vital role in the improvement of oral English. Science students face the problem at first carries on the careful design, and verified it in written. The rational thinking habits for oral training is obviously the lack of help. They are often too care about name, number, case is correct, before say hesitate repeatedly, once found to have eager to correct errors. So, makes it hard to completely finish a whole sentence. In the long term, oral practice is not only difficult to progress, give students bring larger psychological burden instead to make it produce rebellious attitude or negative attitude, resulting in falling into can only write not said \





