洛 阳 理 工 学 院 论 文
题 目: 有机废气(voc)生物处理研究
学 院: 洛阳理工学院
专 业: 环境工程
姓 名: 王翰林
指导教师: 刘琼 完成日期: 2013年5月1日
摘 要
Biological treatment of organic emissions (VOC)
As the petrochemical industry, organic synthesis industry and spray paint and other industries the rapid development of the past few years, more and more organic compounds into the atmosphere and causing serious air pollution. For example: organic sulfur compounds, chlorinated organic compounds, benzene, phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other volatile organic compounds, and some will emit malodorous substances that will not only stimulate the body's sensory effect, reducing the body's perception, response and immunity , but many of them also have some toxic substances, will have a \effect, serious harm to the surrounding environment and people's health. Therefore, the control of such pollutants more and more people's attention. Biological method is in this situation gradually developed an effective new method, and has gradually attracted world wide attention, this article will briefly review the biological treatment of organic waste existing research results obtained monk problems.
KEY WORDS: Biological treatment,exhaust gas purification, organic waste gas,organic waste gas treatment, biological treatment