UNIT ONE Party Politics P8 I Comprehension Check 1-5 DCDAB 6-10 DDCAB P10 Vocabulary Study
I 1-5 CBADB 6-10 CDBCD
II 1.etiquette 2.looped 3.unaccountable 4.told off 5. conspicuously 6. pesky 7.let loose 8.racy 9.murky 10.ticklish P11III Translation
To invite eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best advertising strategies and could, of course, produce a spectacular(powerful) VIP effect, privided that those celebrities are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the products to be advertised are genuine and of fair prices. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the advertisement is full of words lavishing praise on it, if a celebrity shows up as an image agent for such a product, the advertisement could, if any, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the product in question notorious and, more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. So, the famous are well advised to think more than twice before they agree to appear on the commercial. P13 Key to Supplementary Readings A.1-5 FFFTT 6-10 FTFTT B.1-5 FTFTF 6-10 FTFTF
UNIT TWO The New Singles P29 I Comprehension Check 1-5 BDBDC 6-10 ACCAD P31 Vocabulary Study
I 1.neo-realist 2.neo-Nazis 3.Neo-fascist 4.neocolonialism 5. neologisms 6.neo-Darwinist 7.neoclassical 8. neonates
II 1.fostering 2.reaved 3.holy grail 4.mainstay 5.twenty-somethings 6.heterosexuals 7.mandatory 8.embracing 9.meditating 10.fusion P32III Translation
Nowadays in the city’s tonier residential districts there are peple named as singles, who are usually young, rich and tech-savvy professionals and choose independently their own lifesyles. The number of singles has increased dramatically over the recent years. The reasons of remaining single are various:some may be busy exploring careers without putting their marriage into the agenda, some may indulge in their jobs, travel, entertainment, physical fitness or friendship, More than 80% of them have not abandoned the value of marriage, and they say they aspire to marry or they want to be married someday, but they are patient and feel content being single until they meet the right person.
Key to Supplementary Readings (略)
UNIT THREE Doctor’s Dilemma:Treat or Let Die? P51 Comprehension Check 1-5 BCCBD 6-10 DCDAD P53 Vocabulary Study
I 1.outstrip 2.limbo 3.ceased 4. in the wake of 5. paramount 6.ethical 7.prolonged 8. thorny
9.congenital 10.subsequently
II 1.euthanasia 2.salvaged 3.deformity 4.defects 5. handicaps 6.lingering 7. grapple 8. allegedly 9.acquitted 10.frontiers III Translation
People who are energetic, happy, and relaxed are less likely to catch a cold than those who are depressed, nervous, or angry. When the brain is “happy”, it sends messages to our organs that help keep the body healthy and sound. Your chance of developing the common cold, pneumonia, or even cancer may very well be decreased by keeping your brain in a healthy state. In addition, happy and relaxed people are prone to better health practices than their negative and stressed counterparts. They are more likely to get plenty of sleep and to engaged in regular exercise, and have been shown to have lower levels of certain stress hormones. P59 Key to Supplementary Readings
A. 1-5 FTFTF 6-10 TTTFT B 1-5 FFTTF 6-10 TFTFF UNIT FOUR The Cultural Patterning of Space P71 Comprehension Check 1-5 BABCC 6-9 DDDB P73 Vocabulary Study I 1-5 begja 6-10 hcifd
II 1.anthropologists 2. Patterns 3.tangible 4. persistent 5. infringe 6. integrate 7. secular 8. spatial 9.florist’s 10.Architecture III Translation
As one travels abroad and examines the ways in which space is handled, startling variations are discovered; differrences which we react to vigorously. Since none of us are taught to look at space as isolated from other associations, feelings cued by the handling of space are often attributed to something else. In growing up people learn literarily thousands of spatial cues, all of which have their own meanings in their own contexts. 当人们到海外旅游时,如果留心观察外国人如何处理空间关系,就会发现许多令人惊讶的不同之处;而这些不同之处总让我们反应强烈。因为从来没有人教我们要把空间与其它联想区别开来,所以我们常认为空间处理引发的感觉是出于其它的原因。从小到大。人们要学会几千种空间暗示,所有这些暗示在不同的情境中都有不同的含义。 UNIT FIVE Can You Raise a Polite Kid in This Rude World? P94 Comprehension Check 1-5 BDADB 6-9 AADB P95 Vocabulary Study I 1-5 deigj 6-10 hfabc
II 1.provocative 2. notional 3. curb 4.devastating 5. appalling 6.perspective 7. counterpart 8. fray 9.defuse 10.frustrated III Translation
Wealth exposed American manners to continuing international scrutiny because it underwrote an expansion of tourism. In the late nineteenth century the American abroad symbolized for some the dangders of sudden wealth and became an instrument to expose comparative social codes and standards of morality. Boasting, vulgarity, obsessive acquisitiveness, and insensitivity were soon associated with this early version of the Ugly American. Representing a small portion of the population, the international travelers seemed to stand for the whole country in the eyes of many
foreigners, and it was the prodigality of their wealth, the apparently limitless wallets and purses, that seemed most dangerous. American money threatened to loot the Old World of its historic treasures, and aggressive celebrity hunters and relic gatherers to invade European privacy as well. 财富使美国人的行为一直受到国际上的关注,因为它是旅游业的基础。19世纪末,有人认为,在海外的美国人是那些骤增财富的内在危险的象征,并使他们那并非完美无缺的社会准则和道德标准面临腐蚀的危险。自吹自擂、粗俗鲁莽、贪得无厌、麻木不仁很快成了早期的丑陋美国人的象征。周游列国的旅行者在全国人口中虽然只是一小部分,但在许多外国人眼里,他们好像代表了这个国家的所有人。他们挥霍无度,看起来有用之不尽的资产,这是最大的危险。美钞大有把旧世界历史上的奇珍异宝掠之一空之势。一群追逐名利和涉猎文物古玩的人无孔不入,极大地扰乱了欧洲人的私生活。 UNIT SIX The New American Dreamers P115 Comprehension Check 1-5 DEAAC 6-10 DCDAB P117 Vocabulary Study
I outgoing 2.petite 3.emphatically 4.self-possessed 5. quest 6.personable 7. fantasized 8. buy into 9.defer 10.caught up
II 1.involved 2. committed 3. figure out 4. convinced 5.affluent 6. tied down 7. quest 8. the end of the rainbow 9.therapeutic 10. formulating III Translation
I agree to this ideal: people should be good in all aspects, It is necessary to have not only the mind, but also magnificent physique. I hope to get some kind of happiness and joy. The United States is the best place to get these things, because the people here and their ideas come from all over the world. So far , here are still many people to seek a dream.
Now I know, It is not education, not opportunities, and not hard work, but power and fear that decide whether the American dream can come to be or not. The higher your position is in enterprise, the more you lose something. The American dream is not the end. The idea is very popular in the United States today: never lose one’s dream. P126 Key to Supplementary Readings A. 1-5 CCBDD 6-8 AAA B. 1-5 FFFTF 6-10 TTTFT
UNIT SEVEN A Son’s Restless Journey P143 Comprehension Check 1-5 ABDCB 6-8 DAB P144 Vocabulary Study
I 1.carped 2. embodied 3. agonized 4. outright 5. peered 6.mediocre 7. inundated 8. bucked 9. snarling at 10.petered out
II 1.obsolete 2.wince 3.grueling 4. whizzed through 5. pretentious 6.squelched 7.mull 8. jaded 9. misgivings 10. sanctuary 11.unfazed 12.posed 13.scoffed 14. misbehaved
III Translation
Clinton and Bush are different greatly from each other. Clinton attends in person to everything, trival of critical; He can memorize data well just like a computer; He and his advisors never fail to take part in the interminable meeting of politics or economy. On the contrary, Bush dislike a meeting that lasts over 15 minutes, and even loathes being bothered by confusing figures. Clinton has cared very much about public approval presented by polls since his early presidency, where Bush, in a sharp contrast, proclaimed at the outset of his election that he would make all decisions on his own.
Clinton is an avid reader, but his successor is not. Joyful, casual and elegant, the ex-president time and again drinks a little, but the new president has been a teetotal since he abstained from it 14 years ago.
Bush Jr. was born of a privileged WASP family in Texas, while the former, from an ordinary family, has tempered himself and developed his talents in hardships. He works with his wisdom and eloquence, which his successor is short of. P150 Key to Supplementary Readings A.1-5 DCCDB 6-10 ABAAB
B. 1-5 FTFTF 6-10 FTTFF 11-15 TTFFF UNIT EIGHT Sex Roles P169 Comprehension Check 1-5 DCABA 6-10 CCBAD P171 Vocabulary Study I 1-5 jhgab 6-10 idcfe
II 1. aggressive 2. stereotyped 3. inhibit 4. masculine 5.disapproval 6.subsistence 7. speculate 8.perceive 9. socialize 10.prone III Translation
Uncomfortably,Women's liberation seems to be a more work \。Is a liberated professional woman happier than a very contented mother? If men like to work, and women are willing to help them share the pressure at home,is there anything to be blamed? I don't think that \is threatened, it’s only the rational division of labor. I believe that it is women’s responsibility to create a harmonious family , and does not all depend on women whether success or not, but they play a far greater role than men. It is not the real problem whether men and women are equal, but is what create a happy life. By what standard, can we determine that life is rich and desirable? I often ask, why the success of career is always regarded as the same in life ? As a woman, if I am a successful wife and a successful mother, and very satisfied with my work,
I will think that my existence is not bad, and will feel contented with it. Perhaps, we should give attention from women to men, men will be very sad if they can't see their children grow up. I dare say, many husbands will be more pleased, if they have less time-consuming work and can go home to play with their children.
P181 Key to Supplementary Readings A.
B.1-5 TFFTT 6-9 TFTT
UNIT NINE Animal Emotions P193 Comprehension Check 1-5 DADCC 6-10 BBACD P195 Vocabulary Study
I 1. parlance 2. stringent 3. ascribed 4. symposium 5. copious 6. aversion to 7. warrant 8. manipulated 9. garnered 10.lingered
II 1. hormones 2. predators 3.elated 4. elicited 5. entail 6. anecdotes 7. controversial 8. legitimize 9. wake 10.dejectedly III Translation
Mounting evidence shows that animals also have emotions. Because feelings are intangible and tough to study scientifically, it is hard for scientists to bear out the possiblity of complex animal feelings that entail mental processing. But some scientists believe there are similarities in the brain anatomy and chemistry of humans and animals. For example, scientists studying the biology of emotions have found that emotions seem to arise from parts of the brain located below the cortex, the regions that have been conserved across many species throughout evolution; behavioral neuroscientists have found in the experiments that rats’ brains release copious amounts of dopamine associated with pleasure and exitement. All these show that some creatures have true feelings at least.
P200 Key to Supplementary Readings A. 1-5 TTTTF 6-10 FTFFT B. 1-5 TFFTT 6-10 FFTFT
UNIT TEN Is Science Dangerous? P214 Comprehension Check 1-5 BBDAC 6-10 BCADB P216 Vocabulary Study
I 1.standing by 2. conjured up 3. cherishes 4. stick to 5. shoulder 6. siblings 7. came by 8. dressing up 9.tyranny 10. come into play
II 1. reverberates 2. appropriate 3. dispassionately 4. emphatically 5. rationed 6. enlightened 7. proscribed 8. blameworthy 9. confidentiality 10. implication III Translation
P222 Key to Supplementary Readings A.1-5 TTFFT 6-10 TFTTT B. 1-5 TFFFT 6-10 TFFFT
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