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正式写作的艺术 Art of formal writing 英语介绍

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Art of formal writing

Hello friends how are you? Today you are going to read something which is helpful for every student. Irrespective of your field, this article will help you in learning the art of formal writing. This the name of today’s topic “Art of formal writing.”

Have a look on topics which we will be going to discuss in this article:

What is Formal Writing

Audience and Purpose

The Rules of Formal Writing

Types of Formal Writing Assignments

Tips for formal writing

What is Formal Writing?

There can be different categories of all kind of writing. But the main division of writing is between informal and formal writing. So what could be the possible examples of formal writing? Business writing, formal letter writing, and academic writing come under this category. Almost all the writing that comes under formal include almost similar pattern. So in today’s

article, we will discuss in detail about formal writing and its uses.

Audience and Purpose

So, first of all, you should know that informal or formal writing both are the correct form of writing. You cannot say one is right and other is wrong. Each is having their own purposes. Just like formal and informal clothes. At times you need to wear formal clothes and other times you can be in informal. Similarly with these two types of writings. When we talk about any official work, business, academics like for research papers or writing to someone who is senior to us then we

正式写作的艺术 Art of formal writing 英语介绍


