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川大《大学英语(四)0004》18春在线作业2 1、D 2、C 3、C 4、A 5、D 一、单选题共40题,80分

1、Regardless of how hard she tried, Jennie couldn’t figure out what her boyfriend thought. A珍妮努力的想都想不出她的男朋友在想什么。

B珍妮想的多么努力啊,但是还是揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。 C尽管珍妮很努力,但是还是不明白她的男朋友在想什么。 D不管珍妮如何努力,都揣摩不透她的男朋友是如何想的。 正确答案是:D

2、— Do you prefer tea or coffee? — _______ AMilk.

BYes, I like tea. CCoffee, please. DNone. 正确答案是:C

3、When Susan and I _______ on an article for the school newspaper, we found it difficult to work together. Acompiled Bgathered

Ccollaborated Djoined 正确答案是:C

4、There ________ a book and some magazines on the desk. Ais Bare Chave Dhas


5、— Do you think I could borrow these magazines? — _______ ANo, you can’t.

BYou could borrow other magazines. CThe magazines aren’t here now.

DI’m sorry, but the magazines you want are out. 正确答案是:D

6、— Have you got a table for four, waiter? — _______ AWelcome to our restaurant. BYes, sure. This way, please. CWe have looked the seats.

DHere are the menus. 正确答案是:B

7、It was on the beach ____Miss White found the kid lying dead. Athat Bthis Cit Dwhich 正确答案是:A

8、The publisher and the author _______ made an agreement. Ais Bhas Care Dhave 正确答案是:D

9、Physics _______ always my strong point. Ais Bare Cbeing Dto be



