Unit7 重点词组及句子翻译练习
1.一条黑色的裤子 2.两双白色的袜子 3.一件大号的衬衫 4.三件小号的T-恤衫 5.红色的短裤 6.九件绿色的毛衣 7.四双蓝色的鞋 8.一件黄色的裙子 9一把长直尺 10.一个矮个子的男孩 11例如 12.服装店 13.来学校/来上学 14.去北京 15.到这儿来 16.去那儿 17.回家 18.非常好 19.在三夏服装店 20.廉价出售 21.看一看我的全家福 22.以非常合理的价格 23.从0到100 24.运动包 25.填写价格标签 一.句子:
①— ? — .
②— ? — . 2.—那些小号的短裤多少钱?—八美元。 ①— ? — .
②— ?— . 3.我想买一顶小号的帽子。
. 4早餐他想吃汉堡包。
. 6.来华夏服装大卖场买衣服吧。
. 7我们的短裤价格合理,仅售12美元。
? 9.我们有非常好的运动服仅售19美元。
, 11.我想为妈妈买件毛衣。
① ② 12.他想为叔叔买双袜子。
① ② 13.华联大卖场有有各种颜色的包,仅售30元。
. 14.亲自来我的店看看吧!
. 15.我从李明那儿买了一个排球。
Unit7 重点词组及句子(答案)
1.一条黑色的裤子a pair of black trousers2.两双袜子two pairs of white socks 3.一件大号的衬衫a big shirt 4.三件小号的T-恤衫three small T-shirt 5.红色的短裤red shorts 6.九件绿色的毛衣nine green sweaters 7.四双蓝色的鞋four blue shoes 8.一件黄色的裙子 a yellow skirt 9一把长直尺a long ruler 10.一个矮个子的男孩a short boy 11例如for example 12.服装店clothes store 13.来上学come to school 14.去北京go to Beijing 15.到这儿来come here 16.去那儿go there 17.回家go home 18.非常very good 19.在三夏服装店at Sanxia Clothes store 20.廉价出售on sale 21.看一看我的全家福 have a look at my family photo 22.以合理的价格at a very good price23.从0到100from zero to one hundred 24.运动包bags for sports 25.填写价格标签fill in the price tags 二.句子:
①—How much is the short shirt? —It’s seven dollars.
②—What’s the price of the short shirt ? — It’s seven dollars. 2.—那些小号的短裤多少钱?—八美元。
①—How much are the small shorts? —They’re $8. ②—What’s the price of the small shorts— They’re $8. 3.我想买一顶小号的帽子。 I want to buy a small hat. 4早餐他想吃汉堡包。He wants to eat/have hamburgers for breakfast. 5.她想去打网球。 She wants to play tennis. 6.来华夏服装大卖场买衣服吧。
Come and buy your clothes at Huaxia great sale/store. 7我们的短裤价格合理,仅售12美元。
We sell/have shorts at a very good price for only twelve dollars. 8.你需要运动鞋吗? Do you need shoes for sports? 9.我们有非常好的运动服仅售19美元。
We have great clothes for sports/sports clothes for only $19. 10.对于女孩子们,我们有红色,黄色,和白色的裙子仅售20美元。
For girl, we have skirts in red, yellow and white for only $20. 11.我想为妈妈买件毛衣。
①I want to buy a sweater for my mother. ②I want to buy my mother a sweater. 12.他想为叔叔买双袜子。
①He wants to buy socks for his uncle. ②He wants to buy his uncle socks.
There are bags in all colors for only thirty dollars at Huanlan great sale. 14.亲自来我的店看看吧! Come and see for yourself at my store. 15.我从李明那儿买了一个排球。 I buy a volleyball from Li Ming.
【最新】【人教版】七年级上册英语:Unit 7 试题Unit7重点词组及句子翻译练习