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32。 English people can't give up hamburgers or fried chicken because they’re delicious。 However, the French are changing. They aren't interested in food like before. A. fast

B. healthy

C。 natural

12. -Wha t do you think of Tom’s speaking?

-No one does in our class.

B。 better

C. well

D。 best

A. good

26。 -Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly history.

-Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921.

A。 90 years; at B. 90—year; in C。 90—years; of

D. 90-year; on

11。 The bag of rice is heavy for Tom to carry。 Let’s go and help him。

A. too

B。 so

C。 very

12。I am glad to see you。

A. happy B. sad 47. The girl can run very fast。

A. quickly B. slowly C. quietly 50.He did the work all by himself.

A. already B. together C。 alone 6. The woman is very busy so she ________ watches TV.

A。 often B。 always C. seldom D。 almost 9。 — The doctor told me____ too much but I find it difficult. - The doctor is right。 The less you drink, ______ you will be.

A。 don’t drink; the healthier

B。 not to drink; the healthier

C。 old

C. not to drink; the more healthier D. don't drink; healthier


29. Oxford University is ________ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings. A。 different B。 famous C. special D. popular 33。 Mrs Smith has a cute baby。 It often smiles at people ________。

A。 friendly B. lovely C. happily D。 lively 11. —Which month has ______ days in a year?




A. few B。 little C. the least fewest

12. His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _______. A。 lonely; alone B。 alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone

( )25。 —What a careful boy you are!

—Thank you. In fact, Tom does everything ___ than me。

A. more carefully B. more careful C. much careful

( ) 22。 Mom bought ____ oranges for me, but I’d like to drink some ________. A. many; oranges B。 much; orange C。 many; orange 36 —Dad ,how can I get on well with my xlassmates?

—Tryto be friendly to them .That will make it much____。


B.more easily C.easy


( )27。 Li Kai jumped in the long jump. He won the game.

A。 longest B. farthest C. highest

5。 —Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’ Union?

-David is。 He is ______ enough to come up with new ideas。

A。 imaginative B。 humorous C. modest D。 outgoing



