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Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars

单元练习题 Ⅰ.用适当的连接词完成句子

1.—What has made John look like lacking sleep?

—________he had to prepare for the coming exam and stayed up last night. 答案: That

2.________was most important to her,she told me,was her family. 答案: What 3.It remains to be seen ________this plan is practical enough to keep the project going.

答案: whether

4.It hasn’t been made clear ________the new underground line is to be open to traffic.It’s maybe next year.

答案: when

5.—Is there any particular soup you would like to have? —________you select is all right with me. 答案: Whichever

6.It made Kate’s parents excited________Kate entered the final in the tennis match.

答案: that

7.________has helped to save the drowning old man is worth praising. 答案: Whoever

8.________they would support us was a problem. 答案: Whether

9.________type of computer he will buy needs discussing. 答案: Which

10.________the book will sell depends on its author.And I think it’ll sell well. 答案: How


1.He couldn’t understand that,as a teacher of Chinese,he had been asked to teach history.

→________ he couldn’t understand ________that,as a teacher of Chinese,he had been asked to teach history.

答案: What;was

2.When and where to go on a business trip hasn’t been decided.

→________hasn’t been decided ________ ________ ________to go on a business trip.

答案: It;when and where

3.We don’t know who will take the place of Mr Smith.

→________will take the place of Mr Smith________ ________ ________ ________. 答案: Who;isn’t known to us

4.My uncle happened to be out when I visited him on Sunday.

→________ ________ ________my uncle was out when I visited him on Sunday. 答案: It happened that

5.Whether the old couple will like the trip abroad or not remains to be seen. → ________ ________ ________ ________ ________whether the old couple will like the trip abroad or not.

答案: It remains to be seen

6.It makes no difference how you get there.

→________ ________ ________ ________makes no difference. 答案: How you get there


1.________________________is literary books,especially those by famous writers.(江西高考作文)

我最感兴趣的是文学书,尤其是由著名作家写的。 答案: What interests me most

2.________________________that about 30 volunteers who are at least 18 years old will be chosen from all over the world to go to the Mars by the year of 2015.(广东高考作文)

据报道,到2015年,大约有30名至少18周岁的志愿者将被从世界各地选派去火星。 答案: It is reported

3.________________________________interested everyone present.

令在场每个人感兴趣的是他是怎样设法在森林中活下来的。 答案: How he managed to survive in the forest

4.____________________________has excited every one of us. 他将要参加会议使我们每个人都十分激动。 答案: That he will attend the meeting Ⅳ.阅读理解

Casey stood in front of the net,which looked as big as the Grand Canyon (大峡谷).She shouted at her teammates,who were controlling the game again.There were two minutes left.“Hurry up,”Casey thought.“If I never have to touch the ball,we’ll win the game.”

Suddenly Number 25 had the ball and was racing along the sidelines.She moved toward the center of the field,keeping the ball rolling in front of her.She ran past Kelly and around Olivia,and then cut sharply,rushing directly toward the goal.

Casey stood still,and focused on the determined face of her_opponent.Number 25 ran between Becca and Lindsay,and then appeared just ten yards from the goal,with nothing but grass between her and Casey.

“Calm down,” Casey told herself.She stepped to her left,keeping her body between the ball and the goal.Number 25 waved her left leg with a powerful kick that sent the ball like a rocket.Casey ran as far as she could and felt a sting (灼痛) as the ball hit her fingertips and flew past.

As Casey fell down to the ground,she looked back,seeing the ball beat the goal post and bounce (弹跳) toward the corner of the field.Number 25 was there immediately.

Casey struggled to her feet and went back quickly toward the net as Number 25

sent another shot at the goal.Casey jumped again.The ball hit against her chest and she held the ball tightly.What a great feeling!

Casey ran a few steps and threw the ball to midfield,where it bounced toward the other end.A minute later the clock ran out.

When she turned back,Lindsay,next to her,said with a smile,“Nice save!”

语篇解读 赛场上的最后两分钟里,一切皆有可能。Casey沉着冷静,连续两次化险为夷,赢得了最后的胜利。

1.What can we infer from the first paragraph? A.Casey controlled the ball again.

B.Casey’s team was ahead of the game then. C.The game was held in the Grand Canyon. D.Casey wished she could touch the ball.

解析: 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“If I never have to touch the ball,we’ll win the game”可知只要再坚持最后两分钟,Casey队就赢了,说明她们队当时是领先的。

答案: B

2.In the third paragraph,the phrase “her opponent” refers to________. A.Kelly B.Olivia C.her teammate D.Number 25 解析: 细节理解题。根据第二、第三段内容可知Casey当时盯着的对手,也就是“25号”。

答案: D

3.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph? A.Casey stood on the left of the goal. B.Casey waved her leg to kick the goal. C.Casey didn’t catch the ball. D.Casey ran faster than Number 25.

解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“as the ball hit her fingertips and flew past”可知Casey没能抓住球。

答案: C

4.What could be the best title for the passage? A.An Exciting Game B.A Nice Save C.Good Number 25 D.The Last Minute

解析: 文章标题题。文章主要叙述Casey在最后两分钟成功地救了一球,使全队最终胜利。故“A Nice Save”是最佳标题。


