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2020高考英语纠错笔记专题07 名词性从句

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It is suggested that... 有人建议…… It must be pointed out that... 必须指出…… It has been proved that... 已证明……

?It is believed that at least 20 buildings were damaged or destroyed. 据信,至少有二十座楼房遭到破坏或彻底


?It is suggested that the meeting should be put off. 有人建议会议延期召开。

?It’s reported that three people were killed in the accident and five were hurt badly. 据报道,事故中三人丧生,


?It is known to all that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. 众所周知,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。 二、主语从句三要素

1. 从句用陈述语序

?How he became a great scientist is known to us all. 众所周知他是如何成为一名伟大的科学家的。

2. 谓语动词一般用单数。当主语是从句时,主句谓语一般用单数。

?Whatever he says is of no importance. 无论他说什么都不重要。 ?Whoever says that is wrong. 无论谁说这话都不对。



?What I need is money. 我需要的是钱。 ?What I need are books. 我需要的是书。

3. 通常不能省略关联词

?That he is the best student in the class is obvious. 很明显,他是班里最好的学生。 三、学习主语从句应该注意的几个问题

1. 引导词that与what

what既有引导主语从句的作用,同时又在从句中作句子成分(主语、宾语、表语等)。这时what相当于all that/everything that...,常译成"所……的(东西、事情、话等)";而that只起连接作用,本身无实际意义,在从句中也不担当任何句子成分。但that引导的主语从句放在句首时,不能省略that。

?What is done can’t be undone. 已成定局,无可挽回。

?What we can’t get seems better than what we have. 我们得不到的东西似乎比已得到的要好。

?That we should work out a plan to deal with the present serious situation is important. 我们应该制订一个计划


?That a new teacher will come to teach us geography is true. 一位新老师将来教我们地理,这是真的。

2. 引导词if和whether

(1)whether之后可以直接跟or not,而if 则不能。

?I don’t care whether or not your car breaks down. 我不知道你的车是不是坏了。


I don’t care if or not your car breaks down.


?I don’t care if she doesn’t come. 我不在乎她来不来。


?I wonder whether he doesn’t think too much of himself.=I think he does think too much of himself. 我想他没有


(3)在个别动词之后,如discuss 等,只跟用whether引导的宾语从句。

?They discussed whether they should close the shop. 他们讨论是否应该关掉商店。

(4)whether 可以引导从句作介词的宾语,而if则不能。

?I’m not interested in whether they’ll go or not. 我对他们会不会去不感兴趣。


?I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. 我不知道是要笑还是哭。


?Whether it is true remains a problem. 这是不是真的还是一个问题。

3. 其他引导词

连接代词who, which, whom, whose有各自的意义,起连接作用,并在从句中充当语、宾语、表语、定语等;连接副词when, where, why, how等有各自的意义,起连接作用,并在从句中充当状语。


在It is necessary / natural / important / strange...+ that-clause这类句型里,that所引导的主语从句中谓语动词用"should +原形",表虚拟语气。

?It is necessary that the problem should be settled at once. 这个问题必须马上解决。

?It’s strange that he should have gone away without telling us. 他竟然没向我们说一声就走了,真是奇怪。 四、以it作形式主语的主语从句与强调句型的区别

"It be + adj./n. + that-clause"与强调句型均有It be...that...之类的语言标志,但不同的是:(1)前者中的that从句是主语从句。若删掉其中的It be和that,则剩余部分不论结构还是语意都不能成为一个句子;但若将后者中的It be和that去掉,则剩余部分的结构和语意仍能构成一个完整的句子。(2)强调句型译为汉语时可加上"正是……"或"就是……"之类的字眼,而主语从句则不可以。请比较下面两个句子:

?It is surprising that Mary should have won first place. 令人惊奇的是玛莉竟然获得了第一名。 ?It is Mary that has won first place. 正是玛莉得了第一名。

第一句话中的It是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句,句中的It is和that无法删除,一旦删除,句子就不成立;第二句是强调句型,其中的It is和that可以去掉,因为没有It is和that句子仍然完整。

2 宾语从句



1. 连词that(引导从句,但是在从句中不作成分,that常可省略)

?He knows that Jim will work hard. 他知道吉姆会努力工作的。

2. 连词if, whether(表示"是否",引导从句,但是在从句中不作成分) 【特别提醒】

whether和if都有"是否"的意思,一般情况下两者可以换用,但在介词之后、不定式之前、与or not连用、在句首或在引导表语从句同位语从句时,只能用whether。

?I want to know if/whether the news is true. 我想知道这个消息是不是真的。 ?He doesn’t know whether to stay or not. 他不知道改不该留下来。


动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句中时,其后宾语从句常用 that 作连接词;用在肯定句中时,连接词用 whether 或 if 皆可,而不用 that。

?Do you doubt that he will win? 你怀疑他会赢吗?

?I don’t doubt that your proposition is wrong. 我不怀疑你的提议是错的。 ?He doubts whether/if I know it. 他怀疑我是否知道这件事。

3. 连接代词who, whom, which等

?Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for? 你知道他们在等谁吗? ?Do you know which dress fits her best? 你知道哪件连衣裙最适合她吗?

4. 连接副词when, where, how, why

?Could you tell me how we can get to the station? 你能告诉我我们怎样才能去车站吗?


1. 使用宾语从句,连接词的选择至关重要。有关连接词的选择可遵循以下规则:


?I hope (that) you will write to me as soon as possible. 我希望你尽快给我写信。


?He asked me if(whether) I would go to Beijing by air. 他问我是否乘飞机去北京。


?He didn’t know how he could get across the river. 我不知道他是怎么过了河的。

2. 从句的语序


?The teacher asked if you had finished your homework. 老师问你是否做完作业了。 ?Can you tell us when the sports meeting will begin? 你能告诉我们运动会何时举行吗?

3. 时态的选择


?I hear a new restaurant will be opened in the city next month. 我听说这个城市下个月将开一个新饭店。


?She told us she had borrowed the book from the library. 她告诉我们她从图书馆借的这本书。 ?He never told me when he would leave. 他从未告诉我他何时离开。




?The teacher said millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. 老师说数百万行星都比太阳


3 表语从句

表语从句在复合句中作句子的表语,通常用在连系动词be,look,seem后。引导表语从句的连词有that,as if,as though,whether;连接代词who,what,which;连接副词when,where,how,why等。需要注意的是表语从句也要用陈述语序。

1. 从属连词that(一般不省略为好),whether(不用if),as if(though)等引导的表语从句。

?The reason (why) she hasn’t come is that (此处不可用because) she has to take her mother to a hospital. 她没来


2. 连接代词what, which, who, whom, whose等引导的表语从句。

?This is what I want to say. 这就是我想说的。

3. 连接副词when, where, how, why等引导的表语从句。

?This is how we overcome the difficulties. 这就是我们克服困难的方法。

?The question is where we shall have the sports meeting. 问题是我们在哪里开运动会。 ?It looked as if he had lost something. 看起来他好像丢失了什么东西。 ?His trouble is how he can get the help he needs.


?His car broke down on the way. That’s why he is late.


4 同位语从句


在复合句中作名词的同位语的从句叫同位语从句。同位语从句一般放在某些抽象名词的后面,用以解释或说明名词所表示的具体内容。 二、同位语从句的引导词

从属 功能 只起连接作用,不充当从句中的that, whether 例词

2020高考英语纠错笔记专题07 名词性从句


