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A. She is B. That is C. What is D. It is

15. Tom ____ the shopkeeper of overcharging him for the things he had bought.

A. scolded B. accused C. blamed D. criticized

16. Electrical energy _____ from the sun in a roundabout way is the most widely

used energy today.

A. come B. to come C. coming D. having come

17. It is important to remember the saying that _______ is better than cure.

A. proportion B. promotion C. permission D. prevention

18. With all this work on hand, He ______ to the cinema last night.

A. wouldn’t have gone B. mustn’t have gone

C. shouldn’t have gone D. needn’t have gone

19. Jack was so ___ the computer game that he didn’t notice my arrival.

A. grateful B absorber in C. thoughtful of D. associated with

20. Read the book carefully, _______ you’ll find lots of information related to our research.

A. and B. if C. or D. so


1. The two boys had so_____ in common that they soon became good fiends. A. little B. few C. much D. many

2. The medicine is harmful to the children. You must put it ___ the reach of the them.

A. beyond B. within C. besides D. beneath

3. He takes a walk along the river after supper every day _____ his health. A. because of B. for the interest of C. for the profit of D. for the sake of

4. The first, second and third prizes went to Jack, Tom and Henry __________.

A. differently B. respectively C. equally D. particularly

5. It is reported that yesterday’s traffic accident _____ the death of five passengers. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. regarded as D. responded to

6. Some information you need for writing the essay is freely _______ on the



A. average B. adequate C. available D. abstract

7. The little girl who found the ring received a generous ______ of one hundred dollars.

A. award B. price C. reward D. praise

8. Drinking a lot of water and taking plenty of sleep are often regarded as ____ for a cold.

A. operations B. corrections C. means D. remedies

9. The old couple decided to _____ a boy though they already had three of their own. A. adopt B. adapt C. bring D. receive

10. When he was asked about the missing camera, Jimmy ______ ever seeing it. A. denied B. opposed C. refused D. complained

11. People in cities _______ to suffer from stress more than people in the countryside. A. turn B. incline C. tend D. intend

12. The committee has decided that the race would continue ______ the wealth. A. regardless of B. instead of C. by means of D. in view of

13. Everyone here, including children and old people, ______ in for sports. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go

14. Never in China ____ been interested in studying foreign languages. A. so many people have B. have so many people C. did so many people D. have very many people

15. I’ve never been to Lijiang, but it s the place_________. A. where I’d like to visit it B. that I want to visit it most C. in which I’d like to visit D. I most want to visit

16. You can go anywhere until ____ your homework.

A. you’d finished B. you finish C. you’ll finish D. you’ve finished

17. You_________ your classmates if you had made an effort last term. A. had caught up with B. would catch up with

C. would have caught up with D. have caught up with

18. I’m going out to buy ____ furniture. Will you come along?

A. one or two B. a few C. a small amount of D. one or two pieces of


19. The lab ____ next year will be advanced than the old one.

A. to be built B. built C. being built . D. to build

20. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ________. A. to take B. taken C. take D. taking


1. Mr. Jones accepted our suggestion and tried every means to ____ himself to his new conditions A)suit B)adapt C)adopt D)regulate 2. The ____ of having one’s marriage arranged by parents has disappeared in many parts of the world but continues in some Asian and African countries A)content B)custom C)current D) context 3. Computers of this type make the home an ______ place to work in many cases. A) efficient B)effective C)affected D)affective 4. Although it was very difficult for him to finish the task, he was ___ to ask for help. A) reluctant B)impossible C)impatient D)reliable 5. Cindy’s parents give her everything she asks for, and as a result, she’s very much_____. A) injured B)harmed C)spoilt D)hurt 6. The old-fashioned chair in the living room has been____ in the family. It was my grandmother’s originally. A)hand over B)handed out C)handed in D)handed down 7. He told us to use our dictionaries to _____any word we didn’t understand. A)look for B)look out C)look up D)look at 8. Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they are acting ___ for their age. A)doubtfully B)appropriately C)conveniently D)elementarily 9. The fierce competition in this trade gets ____of this enterprise’s development. A)by the way B)in a way C)in the way D)on the way 10. We have ____ to the government for a home improvement loan. A)appointed B)approached C)arranged D)applied


11. The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also ___a large number of social customs. A)appreciate B)join C)share D)associate 12. In recent years, the tourist industry has ______ greatly to the development of our country’s economy.

A) benefited B) supported C) contributed D) assisted

13. It was because the applicant was too self-confident ___he failed in the interview. A)that B)therefore C)so D)benefited 14. Liu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He ____ a lot of hard training.

A)should have experienced B)must have experienced C)should experience D)must experience

15. A good writer is _____ who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way. A)that B)it C)this D)one 16. If the whole operation _____beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.

A)was not planned B)had not been planned C)were not planned D)has not been planned

17. We think ____impossible for them to finish their assignment in such a short time. A)it B) what C)this D)that 18. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _____to arrive on the evening flight. A)is B)are going C)are D)will be 19. No sooner______ home than he was asked to start on another journey.

A)Jack arrived B) Jack had arrived C) would jack arrive D)had Jack arrived 20. ___ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test. A)Give B)Giving C)To give D)Given


合同管理制度 1 范围 本标准规定了龙腾公司合同管理工作的管理机构、职责、合同的授权委托、洽谈、承办、会签、订阅、履行和变更、终止及争议处理和合同管理的处罚、奖励; 本标准适用于龙腾公司项目建设期间的各类合同管理工作,厂内各类合同的管理,厂内所属各具法人资格的部门,参照本标准执行。 2 规范性引用 《中华人民共和国合同法》《龙腾公司合同管理办法》3 定义、符号、缩略语无 4 职责 4.1 总经理:龙腾公司经营管理的法定代表人。负责对厂内各类合同管理工作实行统一领导。以法人代表名义或授权委托他人签订各类合法合同,并对电厂负责。4.2 工程部:是发电厂建设施工安装等工程合同签订管理部门;负责签订管理基建、安装、人工技术的工程合同。4.3 经营部:是合同签订管理部门,负责管理设备、材料、物资的订购合同。4.5 合同管理部门履行以下职责:4.5.1 建立健全合同管理办法并逐步完善规范;4.5.2 参与合同的洽谈、起草、审查、签约、变更、解除以及合同的签证、公证、调解、诉讼等活动,全程跟踪和检查合同的履行质量;4.5.3 审查、登记合同对方单位代表资格及单位资质,包括营业执照、经营范围、技术装备、信誉、越区域经营许可等证件及履约能力(必要时要求对方提供担保)4.5.4 保管法人代表授权委托书、合同专用章,并按编号归口使用;4.5.5 建立合同管理台帐,对合同文本资料进行编号统计管理;4.5.6 组织对法规、制度的学习和贯彻执行,定期向有关领导和部门报告工作;4.5.7 在总经理领导下,做好合同管理的其他工作,4.6 工程技术部:专职合同管理员及材料、燃料供应部兼职合同管理员履行以下职责:4.6.1 在主任领导下,做好本部门负责的各项合同的管理工作,负责保管“法人授权委托书”4.6.2 签订合同时,检查对方的有关证件,对合同文本内容依照法规进行检查,检查合同标的数量、金额、日期、地点、质量要求、安全责任、违约责任是否明确,并提出补充及修改意见。重大问题应及时向有关领导报告,提出解决方案;4.6.3 对专业对口的合同统一编号、登记、建立台帐,分类整理归档。对合同承办部门提供相关法规咨询和日常协作服务工作;4.6.4 工程技术部专职合同管理员负责收集整理各类合同,建立合同统计台帐,并负责

,检查合同的履行情况; ; 10



