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1. She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, _________in Europe.

A) specially B) particularly C) partially D) specifically

2. ________ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only one minute

and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour. A) If only I had got up B) If I had got up C) If only I get up D) If I got up

3. ________ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our

dog up.

A) Being bitten B) Had been bitten C) Having bitten D) Having been bitten

4. They took________ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in the

chemical plant. A) fruitful B) beneficial C) effective D) influential

5. Never before that night ________ so great my responsibility was. A) I had felt B) I felt C) did I feel D) had I felt

6. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone________ me that evening.

A) had interrupted B) to have interrupted C) would have interrupted D) having interrupted


7. There is not much time left; so I'll tell you about it _________. A) in short B) in detail C) in brief D) in all

8. Indoor heating systems have made _______ for people to live and work comfortably in a mild climate.

A) possible B) it possible C) possible that D) it is possible

9. A railway ticket should indicate the place of departure as well as the_________ of the trip.

A) advance B) arrival C) direction D) destination

10. Over thirty coal miners were reported _________ in that shocking accident. A) to be killed B) to have been killed C) having been killed D) being killed

11. The United States is composed of fifty states,_________ are separated from the

others by land or water.

A) two of which B) two of whom C) two of them D) two of those

12. We are anxious to hear any information _________ his health.

A) involving B) including C) concerning D) considering

13. A good artist, like a good engineer, learns as much from ________ his success. A) his mistakes as B) his mistakes as from C) his mistakes from D) his mistakes from as

14. _______ its economy continues to grow, the US is increasingly becoming a

nation of part-time and temporary workers.

A) Even though B) If only C) Now that D) Provided that

15. At such a time of crisis, we must try to _______ differences of party or class and

stick together.

A) set forth B) set back C) set down D) set aside

16. I told the foreign guests that it was in the house ______ we used to live that the

exhibition was held. A) that B) which C) where D) there

17. ________ a choice of two jobs, the man decided to take the one which was more


A) When being offered B) When offering C) When he is offered D) When offered

18. I can't _______ her another day; she never stops complaining.


A) come up with B) keep up with C) put up with D) catch up with

19. The boy _________ Spanish for six years by the time he takes his examination A) has studies B) will have studied C) has been studying D) had studied

20. A soldier should never ________ from the duty of defending his country even in the face of death. A) shrink B) shield C) shelter D) avoid


1. Only in a few countries _____ a reasonable standard of living. A) the whole population enjoy C) do the whole population enjoy B) the whole population enjoys D) does the whole population enjoy

2. We have _____ to the government for a home improvement loan. A) applied B) approached C) apologized D) appointed

3. _____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of English is poor. A) Were other things equal C) Other things being equal B) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal

4. \ \ A) has gone B) will have gone C) had gone D) would have gone

5. There was a large crowd in the square _____ against the Iraq war. A) protesting B) protecting C) preventing D) promoting

6. The writer has published many books, _____ are well received by the readers. A) all of whom B) all of which C) all of them D) all of these

7. After a whole day of hard work I'm very tired. It's time we _____ home. A) go B) shall C) went D) should go

8. The continuous rain _____ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks. A) set out B) set aside C) set off D) set back

9. In those two years, Professor Brooks often had us _____ such oral presentations in class.

A) did B) done C) to do D) do


10. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____ knowledge.

A) intensive B) ineffective C) extensive D) expensive

11. _____ I admire George as an artist, I do not like him as a man. A) Only if B) Much as C) If only D) As much

12. The ceremony is not for the _____ of the dead, but for the comfort of the living. A) respect B) purpose C) sake D) impression

13. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _____ it helps us to correct our mistakes. A) until B) unless C) in that D) in which

14. We need someone really _____ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.

A) effective B) efficient C) essential D) executive

15. Some of the experiments _____ in our textbook are difficult to perform. A) to describe B) be described C) describing D) described

16. Tom graduated from a famous university at a very young age. He _____ have been an outstanding student. A) must B) could C) should D) might

17. Let's hang up some nice paintings on these _____ walls of the great hall. A) blank B) bare C) empty D) vacant

18. The student in glasses confessed to _____ the final English exam for another student.

A) take B) taking C) have taken D) having taken

19. The idea sounds very good but will it work in _____? A) practice B) common C) advance D) turn

20. I like climbing mountains _____ my wife prefers water sports. A) as B) for C) while D) when


1. Nowhere else in the world ______ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

A. you can find B. should be find C. can you find D. has been found

2. They are trying to _______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.

A. exploit B. exhaust C. expose D. exhibit


3. Spring_______ come, we may perhaps look forward to better weather.

A. has B. had C. have D. having

4. When she arrived, I felt bored and disappointed, because I____________ since

seven o’clock. A. had waited B. had been waiting C. were waiting D. have been waited

5. When we moved to France, the children _____ themselves to the new

surrounding very well.

A. adapted B. brought C. were waiting D. have been waited

6. A survey was carried out on cheating in examinations in college all over the

country, ________ were surprising.

A. such results B. the results of which C. these results D. the results of it

7. The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I __________ here 30 minutes sooner.

A. should have been B. would be C. would have been D. had been

8. Over ten people died and twenty people were _________ wounded in the train


A. eventually B. urgently C. bitterly D. seriously

9. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn’t make himself ________.

A. heard B. to hear C. hearing D. being heard

10. A good many proposals were raised by the students, _____ had been expected.

A. that B. what C. as D. so

11. Do you think it is true that people ________against nuclear weapon?

A. in particular B. in general C. in common D. in question

12. __________ that he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should now

help them.

A. Being seen B. See C. Seen D. Seeing

13. The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to ______ what he was


A. take in B. take out C. take up D. take over B.

14. ________ against nature for a mother to hurt her own child.




