摘 要
本课题制作了一款具有多功能的智能小车,通过设计电子智能小车的机械结构,在此平台上采用超声波测量小车与前方障碍的距离并通过液晶显示,同时运用 PWM调速,完成自动巡线和通过PC端控制软件蓝牙无线遥控智能小车的功能,并且具有运行状态的声光指示功能。完成整个系统的硬件设计和上位机软件设计。而且使本智能小车具有较好的人车交互界面,稳定性和美观性。
关键字:单片机 传感器 PWM 超声波 无线蓝牙
This topic has produced a multi-functional smart car, smart car through the design of the mechanical electronic structure, on the platform and the car in front of the ultrasonic measuring the distance between obstacles and through the liquid crystal display, while the use of PWM speed control of auto transmission line and adoption of the PC-side Bluetoo - th wireless remote control software features smart car, and has run the state of sound and light indicator. Complete the hardware design and PC software design. And the smart car has a better interface of people and vehicles, stability and aesthetics.
The design of the two main drive gear DC motor, through the ground path of infrared sensors to collect information into the main control unit STC89C52 microcontroller, to pr - ocess data to complete the appropriate action, to achieve their own control, motor drive circuit L298N driver chip, thereby achieving black line patrol functions; by ultrasonic se - nsors, microcontroller processing accordingly complete the ranging function, real-time di - splay by LCD1602 distance; through the design of PC control software, key to the serial port through the Bluetooth transmitter to send data to give the serial transmitter Bluetooth receiver to send data to establish the connection, the small car MCU through the decoding process, corresponding control signals, intelligent car of the short-range wireless control.
This topic has good fun, can serve as a senior intelligence toys, while the equivalent of simple robots, as our students learn can be a powerful embedded control application e – xample.
Key Words: MCU ; sensor; PWM; Ultrasonic; Wireless Bluetooth
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