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C) turn out D) turn down

38. Let's go on a picnic this weekend, _____ A) will we B) shall we C) would we

D) should we

39. I ____ until he told me to. A) left B) didn’t leave C) hadn’t left D) would leave 40. He likes novels, ____I like poetry. A) while B) because C) although D) so

41. Only years later____the truth about the matter. A) I learned B) did l learn C) I did learn D) had I learned

42. At the time of economic crisis, he could only earn a_____of $ 2,000 per month.

A) wage B) pay C) salary D) fee


43. John's never been to New A) And hasn’t Tom B) Nor he didn’t C) Neither has Tom D) Tom hasn’t neither

44. Please_____your overcoat from the scat so that I can sit down. A.) move B) shift C) transfer D) remove

think you'd better hold you position and don't_____ to their demands.

A)gave off B) gave up C) gave away D) gave in box is_____that one. A) twice as heavy as B) as twice heavy as C) twice heavy than D) as heavy as twice


47. I think it was high time they____ to take you more seriously. A) began B) should begin C) begin D) begun

is totally _____ to other people’s attitudes.

A) unconcerned B) careless C) indifferent D) bold was caught ____in the examination. A) deceiving B) cheating C) tricking D) joking

plays ____violin, while his brother prefers to play_____baseball. A) the, the B) the. / C) /, the D)/,/

第三部分:阅读理解(Part HI Reading Comprehension.本大题共20小题,每小题分, 共30分)



Passage one

The factors that add up to a happy life for most people are not what we typically hear about.

Things like earning a master’s degree don’t make people happy over an extended period of time.

Rather, the key to happiness, and the difference between happy and unhappy Americans, is a life that reflects values and practices like, hard work, marriage, charity, and freedom. Work

When more than 1,000 people across the country were asked in 2002, \of your life, would you stop working\Americans answered yes.

Contrary to widely held opinion, most Americans like or even love their work. In 2002 an amazing 89 percent of workers said they were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their jobs. This isn't true just for those with high-paying, highly skilled jobs but for all workers across the country. And the percentage is almost exactly the same among those with and without college


degrees and among those working for private companies, nonprofit organizations, and the government.

For most Americans, job satisfaction is nearly equivalent to life satisfaction. Among those people who say they are very happy in their lives, 95 percent are also satisfied with their jobs. Furthermore, job satisfaction would seem to be causing overall happiness, not the other way around. Marriage & Family

In 2004, 42 percent of married Americans said they were very happy. Just 23 percent of never-married people said this. Overall, married people were six times more likely lo say that they were very happy than to report that they were not too happy. And generally speaking, married women say they're happy more often than married men.

Marriage isn’t just associated with happiness --it brings happiness, at least for a lot of us. One 2003 study that followed 24,000 people for more than a decade documented a significant increase in happiness after people married. For some, the happiness increase wore off in a few years, and they ended up back at their premarriage happiness levels. But for others, it lasted as long as



