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一、词汇。 A. 词语释义。

( )1. I’m sorry. She isn’t here right now. A. at a time

B. just now

C. at times

( ) 2. Over two hundred men died in the accident. A. less than

B. about

C. nearly

( ) 3. I called him three times yesterday, but no one answered. A. visited

B. told

C. telephoned

( ) 4. --- Hello! May I speak to Jim? --- Hold on, please. A. Speak

B. Wait a minute

C. Call again

( ) 5. In China autumn lasts from August to October. A. goes B goes on

C. keeps

B. 根据句意填入恰当的词。

6. You must look after yourself and keep _______. 7. ______ TV too much is bad for your eyes. 8. December is the ______ month of the year.

9. What ______ did you give Ann for her birthday part? 10. The ______ will stay above zero in the daytime.


11. You’d better ______ (not talk)in class. 12. They have a lot of _____ (work)to do. 13. It will be _______ (cloud).

14. The wind is blowing _______ (strong).

D. at the moment

D. more than

D. asked

D. Stop

D. stays

15. Look! The bus _________ (come).

16. The child stopped ________ (cry)when he saw his mother. 17. Jim picked _______ (many)apples than Tom. 18. I ___________ (go)to see him tomorrow.

19. He _______ (buy)a new pen on his way to school yesterday. 20. How many ______ (sing)are there in your band?

三、选择填空。 21. My job is ________. A. teaching you English C. to teach you English

B. teaching your English D. to teach your English

22. __ you ____ a good time in the park last Sunday? A. Were…have

B. Was…have C. Did…have

D. Did…had

23. He ______ down and broke his leg. A. feels

B. falls

C. felt

D. fell

24. There is a bridge _______ the river. A. over

B. on

C. above

D. below

25. Japan is ______ the east of China. A. to

B. in

C. on

D. at

26. Which colour do you like ______, white, red or yellow? A. good

B. better

C. well

D. best

27. It’s cold outside. _______ putting on your sweater? A. Shall we

B. Will you

C. Why not

D. What about

28. I’m busy. I have ______ time to watch TV. A. much

B. any

C. little

D. few

29. We’ll go there _____ the morning of September 20. A. on

B. in

C. at

D. of

30.There ______ a football match in our school next week. A. will have

B. will be

C. is going to have

D. are going to be

31. _____ of the boys has a new bike. A. Each

B. All

C. Every

D. Both

32. We started out _____ two weeks. A. in

B. after

C. later

D. for

33. After a short rest, I ______ working. A. began on

B. went on

C. start to

D. go to

34. ______ beautiful flower! A. What

B. How

C. What a

D. How a

35. I ______ her _____ in the next door at eight last night. A. heared…sing C. heard…sing


36. I didn’t move to England because I like living in China. (就划线部分提问) _____ ______ you _______ to England? 37. Spring is his favourite season. (改为同义句) He ______ spring ______.

38. Mrs Gao will stay in Beijing for two years. (就划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ Mrs Gao ______ in Beijing? 39. It’s a fine day today. (改为感叹句) ______ _____ ______ it is today!

40. You teach me English. Thanks a lot. (改为同义句) ______ very much _____ ______ me English.

五、完成句子。 41.请随便吃点鱼吧。

some fish. 42.去年你上学迟到过吗? you last year?

B. heared…singing D. heard…singing


_____ _____ me _____ _______ hour _______ read English every day. 44.她正在为她的晚会做准备。 She is _____ _____ ______ her part. 45.北京的天气怎么样?

______ the weather _____ in Beijing?

六、补全对话。 A: Hello!

B: Hello! May I __46___ _47___ Jim, please?

A: I’m __48___ he isn’t here__49_____ now. Can I take __50____ _51___ for you? B: Yes, please. Please tell him to come to my party at 8:00. A: OK!

B: Thanks __52____ ___53_____. Goodbye. A: It’s __54____ ___55____. Bye.


One day two brothers went fishing. They had a __56__ with them. When they come ___57__ the river, they threw down their hats on the ground and went to the river to look __58___ fish. It was so _59__ that day, and soon they wanted their _60__. They told the dog to go __61__ for them.

When the dog got there, he tried to take __62__ hats together in his __63__ at the same time. It was not very easy. Then the dog found that _64__ of the hats was smaller __65__ the other. He put the smaller one in the larger one, then he could carry both hats. ( ) 56. A. child B. boat ( ) 57. A. out B. near ( ) 58. A. after B. at ( ) 59. A. cold B. cooler ( ) 60. A. shoes B. hats ( ) 61. A. over B. by

C. duck C. from C. like C. hot C. trousers C. back

D. dog D. into D. for D. warm D. clothes D. out

( ) 62. A. all B. some C. both C. foot C. few C. like

D. many D. mouth D. any D. with

( ) 63. A. arms B. hands ( ) 64. A. each B. one ( ) 65. A. than B. as


Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century. Sandwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money. He often played for 24 hours, and didn’t even stop to have his meals. He ordered(命令)his servants to bring him some meat and bread. He put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in hid left and while he played cards with his right hand. People liked Sandwich’s idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did.

From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food “sandwich” today. ( ) 66. Sandwich was ________. A. America

B. an American C. an English woman

D. English

( )67. He didn’t stop to have his meals because he ________. A. liked to go on playing cards C. didn’t like his meals

B. like some meat and bread D. didn’t like playing cards

( )68. “Sandwich ”was made of ________. A. bread and chicken B. fish and bread

C. two pieces of bread with meat in between D. some bread only

( )69. Why did people begin to eat sandwiches from that time on? Because________. A. they liked Sandwich

B. they liked Sandwich’s idea D. they liked cards

C. sandwiches were very delicious

( )70. How do we have the word of the food “sandwich” today? We have it _____. A. from the name of meat and bread B. from the name of the man, Sandwich. C. from the names of cards D. from the name of a place



一、A. 1—5: DDCBB

B. 6. healthy

二、11. not talk 12. work

16. crying 17. more

三、21—25: CCDAA

四、36. Why did; move

37. likes, best

38. How long will, stay

26—30: DDC B

31—35: ABBCD

13. cloudy

14. strongly

15. is coming 20. singers

7. Watching

8. twelfth

9. present 10. temperature

18. will go 19. bought

39. What fine weather

五、41. Help yourself to

43. It takes, half an, to

六、46. speak


七、56—60: DBDCB

八、66—70: DACBB


40. Thanks, for teaching

42. Were, late for school 44. getting ready for

45. What’s like

48. afraid 53. lot

49. right 54. a

50. a 55. pleasure

52. a

61—65: CCDBA



