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人教版新目标 八年级下册Unit4复习(词汇,句型,语法等练习题)

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人教版新目标 八年级下册U4单元复习

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?




成功地发展;解决________________和睦相处;关系良好_____________________ 删除,删去____________________ 比较,对比_____________________ 依……看_____________________ 和朋友出去闲逛_____________________ 和….打架_____________________ 给某人打电话_____________________ 以便于_____________________ 害怕做某事_____________________ 在电话上讨论它_________________归还_____________________ 解决_____________________ 提供帮助_____________________ 和….交流_____________________ 介意她看电视_____________________ 从此以后_____________________ 对自己的感觉更好_____________________ 一条建议_____________________ Answers :

look through; big deal; work out; get on with; cut out; compare…. with…; in one’s opinion; hang out with my friends; get into a fight with sb; call sb up;

so that; be afraid of doing sth; talk about it on the phone; give back ;

work out; offer to help;

communicate with; mind her watching TV; in future; feel better about yourself; one piece of advice

重点句型与语法 翻译句子:


_______________________________________________________________ (2)昨天晚上我学习到半夜,所以我没有睡够。

_______________________________________________________________ (3)为什么你不忘掉它呢?虽然她错了,但是也不是什么重要的事啊。 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (4)他应该跟他的朋友谈谈以便于他能够道歉。

___________________________________________________________ (5) 我猜我可以,但是我不想让他惊讶。

_____________________________________________________________ (6) 昨天我发现我妹妹翻看我的东西,而且她还拿走我的一些新杂志和CD _____________________________________________________________ (7) 希望事情尽快解决。

_____________________________________________________________ Answers:

(1)You look tired. What’s the matter?

(2) I studied unitl midnight last night so I did’t get enough sleep.

(3) Why don’t you forget about it?Although she’s wrong,it’s not a big deal. (4)He should talk to his friend so that he can say he’s sorry. (5) I guess I could,but I don’t want to surprise him.

(6) I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.She took some of my new magazines and CDs (7) Hope things work out.

二、同步题型分析 (一)单词拼写

1. Students aren’t a________ to bring mobile phones to school. 2. R_________ between my parents have become difficult.

3. My teacher explained c______ the math problem.All the students have understood it.

4. Parents find it difficult to c________ with their children. 5. These days children often fell lonely and n________. 6. I feel stressed so you don’t give me too much p__________..

7. In order to get good grades, students often have to c__________ with their classmates at school.

人教版新目标 八年级下册Unit4复习(词汇,句型,语法等练习题)


