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PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or works from the 4 choices marked A.,B.,C. and D. then you should write the letter in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

1. Los Angeles is really a fascinating city and they have decided to stay for _____three days.

A. the other B. Other C. Another D. others

2. Salt also played an important part _____ population movement and world exploration.

A. at B. in C. for D. by

3. The old houses have been pulled down to _____the museum to be built next year. A. make use of B. make way of C. take control of D. take part in 4. Having no one else _____ him with the work, he had to put it off till later. A. help B. Helped C. helping D. to help 5.—I’m sorry, but smoking is not allowed here. —Sorry, I ____ that. I’ll put it out right now.

A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. haven’t know D. wouldn’t know 6.____ you really need it, it is better not to use free Wi-Fi. A. Because B. Since C. Unless D. When

7. Many People hold the____ that it is hard to push ahead with this unpopular policy. A. Heart B. mind C. subject D. view

8. Mary was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____of course, made the others unhappy.

A. that B. what C. who D. which

9. _____why he was against cloning human, the scientist explained that it might lead to disaster.

A. Asked B. Having asked C. Being asked D. To be asked 10.—Would you like to go to the theater with me tonight? — _____, but I don’t think I can afford the time.

A. I wanted B. I’d like to C. I am eager D. I’d better do

11. I would not have chosen law as my major if I ____that it was so difficult to find a job.

A. had known B. have know C. Know D. knew

12. It was at the party yesterday ____ I got the news that he was transferred to shanghai.

A. that B. where C. when D. which

13.—Has Mary finished her book review on Gone with the wind? — I’m not sure. She _____on it last week.

A. has worked B. was working C. had worked D. would work 14.—How did you survive the fire?

—The firefighters ____my screams, as I felt myself being pulled out of the house.

A. could have heard B. might have heard C. must have heard D. should have heard

15. Not enough American students want to be engineers, mathematicians, _____scientists.

A. or B. and C. Either D. but

Part II Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 5 reading passages in this part. After reading each passage, you will find some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A., B., C. and D. You should choose the most appropriate answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Questions 16 to 19 are based on the following passage. Graduation Ceremonies Spring 2015 Health Related Field:

Thursday, April 30, 2015 - 3:00pm Non-Health Related CTE Programs: Friday, May 1,2015 - 3:00pm Liberal Arts and Sciences: Friday, May 1, 2015 - 7:00pm Graduation Information Day

Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 10:00am - 1:00pm Location: R-01

Graduation Application Deadlines Graduation Last Day to Grades Post &

Program Deadline Apply Online Degrees Awarded February 27, 2015 April 30, 2015 May 5, 2015 Graduation Tickets!!!

To ensure that your closest loved ones are able to share your special moment, while the College follows strict safety standards, each graduate participating in ceremony will receive four graduation tickets for invitees. Only persons with tickets will be admitted into the gym. Attendees without tickets will be able to view the graduation ceremony on the big screens inside the Fine Arts Hall or in the E-building Auditorium. Seating in each venue (场地) will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.You may pick up your tickets starting the day after Graduation Information Day by visiting the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in R-211 between the hours of 8:00a.m.and 4:30p.m. 16. Where will the graduation ceremony be held? A. In the Gym. B. In E-building Auditorium. C. In the Fine Arts Hall. D. In R-211.

17. Why will only persons with tickets be admitted into the graduation ceremony venue?

A. For seating arrangement. B. For lack of space. C. For safety reasons. D. For the big screens. 18. Tickets can be picked up after _____.

A. February 27 B. March 12 C. April 30 D. May 5 19. When can spring graduates get their degrees?

A. In February. B. In March. C. In April. D. In May.

Questions 20 to 23 are based on the following passage.

Traveling to another country where you know no one can be very challenging and frustrating. It’s even worse if you don’t know the language. When I had the opportunity to go to the United States to learn English, I realized how ignorant I was and how difficult a new life could be.

It was very challenging for me to get used to the language and the way people lived. On my first day of school, while entering the classroom, Mr. Erickson asked me, “What’s your name?” Very quietly and shy I replied, “Yes.” The classroom filled up with laugher. I was confused but soon I understood. It was difficult for me to get used to the accent. Whenever I wanted to ask or say something in English, the students should start laughing and making fun of me. I had trouble in school because I barely received help from my teachers and classmates. I would cry myself to sleep for almost one year.All I wanted to do was go back to Mexico because I just couldn’t deal with things anymore. I hated school so bad.

However, throughout the years I started to improve. My writing skills increased, my pronunciation was clearer, and my grades got better. I felt so proud of myself and of what I had accomplished. My ignorance decreased by a lot. Coming here made me a better person because now I know much more. It’s difficult at the beginning of the journey but throughout time you see how things will get better sooner or later. I didn’t give up; instead I kept on trying for my parents and for myself. I wouldn’t change anything that happened to me because I believe that everything happens for a reason. Thanks to everything, I’m standing where I am.

20. What makes traveling to another country more difficult according to the author? A. Knowing no one there. B. Not knowing the language.

C. Being ignorant of the country. D. Not knowing much about the new life. 21. The students often made fun of the author mainly because_____. A. he was a Mexican B. he spoke with a different accent C. he had trouble with teachers D. he hated school so bad 22. The author found out he had become a better person because . A. he felt proud of himself B. he stood where he was C. his ignorance decreased by a lot D. things got better by and large 23. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Challenges Turning into Opportunities.

B. Obstacles Blocking the Way to Success. C. Clear Pronunciation Improving Grades. D. Giving Up Leading to Ignorance.

Questions 24 to 27 are based on the following passage.

Are there any chronic (长期的) complainers where you work? It seems like every workplace has them — the people for whom the weather is always too warm or too cold, the food is bad, the work is dull, and so on. No matter how good things get, they still only see the bad. They go to huge lengths to point it out to everyone around them.

I’m not saying we should forbid complaining, but workplaces need to do something about the chronic complainers because they tend to make people around them unhappy at work. It’s a fact that negative people are highly contagious (传染的) and one chronic complainer can easily get an entire department down.

We try many different strategies to deal with complainers. But most of the strategies we normally use on complainers don’t help and often make matters worse. So what does work? Here’s a simple but very effective trick.

A friend of mine who’s a dentist told me about an elderly complainer who was a patient of hers. Every time he came in for an appointment, he’d complain. My friend is a naturally happy person and would try to cheer him up. But it didn’t work and just made him complain even more.

So I taught her this trick, and the next time he came in for an appointment she was ready. He sat on the chair, and immediately started complaining. After listening to his usual complaints for a while, my dentist friend said, with deep sympathy in her voice, “You know, that sounds terrible. I don’t know how you deal with all of these problems.”

You know what he said? “Well, well, it’s not THAT bad!”

This approach works because it gives the complainer what he’s really after: understanding of what is, for him, a difficult situation. 24. Chronic complainers are those who _____. A. usually express feelings of dissatisfaction B. tend to see the good side of everything C. like to talk with anyone about weather D. often share their feelings about others

25. What is the author’s attitude to chronic complainers at workplace? A. They should be put in the same department. B. Their complaints should be forbidden in the office. C. Something should be done to make them negative. D. Measures should be taken to stop their complaints.

26. What did the dentist use to do with the elderly complainer? A. To complain together with him. B. To try to make him happy.

C. To persuade him to stop talking. D. To ask him questions about his life.

27. What does a complainer hope to get by making complaints to others? A. Advice on how to become a happy person. B. Medical help and treatment.

C. Suggestions to stay away from problems.

D. Others’understanding and sympathy.

Questions 28 to 31 are based on the following passage.

A tree growing in a remote area of southeastern Guinea was once home to thousands of bats. A year ago, a two-year-old boy who lived within meters of the tree died in December 2013 and later was identified as the first person in West Africa to have developed Ebola. The question now troubles researchers; were the tree’s occupants the cause of that boy’s virus in the first place? Yet they will never know the answer. By March 2014, that tree was burnt down. Thousands of dead bats rained down on the village, but all researchers were left with were fragments of bat DNA.

The fire spoiled the researcher’s plans since no Ebola genetic information could be gathered from the remains of burnt bats. And, Making matters worse, the same bat species had totally disappeared in the area. The research team also gathered other bat species from the area, but found those were all Ebola-free.

The work from researchers fails to pinpoint the bat species that may be behind Ebola, but it does shed light on other facts around the disease. They have found it unlikely that primates (灵长目动物) were behind this outbreak. In that small village there were no large animals to be hunted and any meat consumed there was packaged and sent there from elsewhere. Those observations suggest there was no outbreak among the local primates of a deadly disease like Ebola. Beyond primates and bats, however, there still could have been another creature causing the outbreak that researchers may not have even thought of. So for now, the mystery remains. 28. A two-year-old-boy died in December 2013 because _____. A. he got a bat’s virus B. he was attacked by bats C. he was infected with Ebola D. he fell off the tree with bats 29. What happened to the bats living in the tree? A. They were killed by Ebola virus.

B. They were burnt to death with the tree. C. They died out after a rain in the village. D. They were examined by the researchers.

30. What does the word pinpoint (Para. 4) probably mean? A. Reach. B. Match. C. Find out D. Set out.

31. What species might be carrying Ebola according to the passage? A. Primates of West Africa. B. Other bats in Guinea. C. Bats in the tree. D. Still unknown.

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the following passage.

When you take a pill, you and your doctor hope it will work—and that helps it work. That’s not a new idea. But now researchers say they know just how much of a drug’s effect comes from the patient’s expectation: at least half.

When patients in the midst of a headache attack took a dummy (假的) pill which they thought of as a widely used headache drug, it reduced their pain. It worked almost as much as when they took the real drug thinking it was a placebo (安慰剂).



