课 程 英语基础模块下册 Unit 1 Travel 建议学时 4-5学时,阅读、听说、语法、写作各1学时,可适当调整 1. 阅读介绍长城的短文,熟记重点词汇与短语 知识目标 2. 学习“问路”的常用表达方式 3. 学习被动语态的基本结构和用法 4. 用简单语句介绍自己的家乡 1. 能用本单元生词、短语及谈论问路的常用句型进行简单表达 教学 目标 技能目标 2. 听懂导游欢迎词、景点介绍以及简单的行程 安排 3. 能简单介绍自己的家乡 1. 通过对课文的学习,增强学生的民族自豪感,激发学生的爱国之情 情感目标 2. 培养学生自主学习意识,以及小组合作学习、探究学习的良好习惯 1. 读懂课文,正确使用课文中重点词汇和短语,完成相关基础练习 教学 重点 2. 用简单语句介绍家乡的情况 3. 掌握被动语态的基本结构和用法 4. 培养并运用问路与应答的基本表达方式交流 1. 要求学生具有初步的听记能力和单词拼写能力 教学 难点 2. 在阅读短文的基础上进行仿写,简单介绍自己的家乡 3. 掌握被动语态的基本结构和用法 1. 任务型教学法 教法与学法 2. 自主探究学习法 3. 小组合作学习法 4. 竞争激励学习法 教学 手段 多媒体、录音机、图片等
教学 过程 教学内容(第一学时 阅读) 1. 走遍中国 使用Google earth,教师在屏幕上展示一幅中教学设计 调动已有知识进行思考,集体回答。熟悉国地图,当鼠标点向某个城市,便出现该城市话题,激活内容图式。 代表的旅游景点图片,学生需要依据图片猜测走遍中国的匹配题,该旅游景点的英文。 扩大学生视野,激发学生学习兴趣。 谷歌地球(Google Earth,GE)是一款谷歌公司开发的虚拟地球软件,它把卫星照热身 活动 片、航空照相和GIS秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑 Qin Shi Huang 布置在一个地球的三Mausoleum and the Qin Terracotta Warriors and 维模型上。选择著名Horses ---Shanxi Province; 景点,呈现出清晰照布达拉宫(大昭寺、罗布林卡)Potala Palace 片。 ---Tibet Autonomous Region; 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙Chengde Mountain 学生调动课外知识进Summer Resort and Eight Outer 行回答,也是为接下Temples---Hebei Province; 来的学习打下认知基丽江古城 Ancient City of Lijiang ---Yunan 础。 Province; 平遥古城 Ancient City of Pingyao ---Shanxi Province; 苏州古典园林 Suzhou Classical Gardens ---Jiangsu Province; 天坛 The Temple of Heaven ---Beijing;
颐和园 The Summer Palace ---Beijing; 龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes ---Henan Province; 鼓浪屿Kulangsu --- Fujian Province; 2. 朗读介绍,填写相应的景点名称。 (1) The most southern city in Hainan Island has the most pleasant climate, the fresh air and the warm sunshine, the blue of the sea, the soft sand, the most delicious seafood. Sanya (2) It is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. 24 emperors were enthroned there. the Palace Museum (3) It is situated on Red Hill, 3,700 meters above the sea level. The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7th century for Tang Princess Wencheng. It features the essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom. Potala Palace (4) It is located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. Construction of the grottoes began in 366 AD. The well-designed grottoes are a treasure house containing painting, sculptures, documents, and cultural relics. Dunhuang Grottoes 阅读 理解 1. 导入:通过长城的图片和视频,简要介绍长思考问题,导入新课。城。 (见本单元PPT第5-11页) 激活已有知识,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生
学习的主动性。通过一段关于长城的视频引入今天所要讲的阅读,生动形象的解说及画面更激发学生阅(1) The Great Wall is also called the “Ten-Thousand-li Great Wall”. It is one of the 读的欲望。 wonders of the world. It is the longest wall in the world and runs across north China like a huge dragon. It has a history of over 2,000 years. In old times, it was very difficult to build such a wall. 让学生带着问题阅读课文,收集信息,旨(2) Look at a video with two questions about the 在让学生迅速找出文Great Wall. 章大意。在快速阅读Who built the Great Wall? 中,指导学生遇到生Why they built the Great Wall? 词不要停下来,尽量2. 快速阅读:给学生3-4分钟时间对本单元课根据上下文判断生词文进行快速阅读,准确找出问题答案。(见本的含义。 单元PPT第13-16页) 通过再次读课文,完成判断对错,让学生对课文的细节有所掌握。 (1) Where is the Great Wall? (2) When was the Great Wall first built? (3) Who decided to have the walls linked and extended? (4) When was the Great Wall rebuilt?
(5) Why did the ancient people build many 通过反复阅读后,同beacon towers on the Wall? 学们对课文有了一定3.找读:学生以小组为单位再次朗读课文,判的理解。各小组同学断对错。 讨论,提出课文中疑(1) The Great Wall first was built during the Qin 难点,在教师引导下Dynasty. (F) 探究解决。 (2) The Great Wall was built to protect their countries. (T) (3) At that time, one third of China’s population were made to build the Wall. (F) (4) People used the bricks and stones to build a wall around the earth. (F) (5) The Wall which we can see now was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty. (T) 4. 重点词汇与语句分析(见本单元PPT第17-36页) 通过学生讨论,广泛交流思想、交流信息,(1) be located… 将(某物)设置在某处;使教师只是给予地启发坐落于“位于……” “坐落于……” A new factory is to be located here. 和点拨。这样充分体现出教师的主导作The information office is located in the city 用,学生的主体作用,centre. (2) protect sb./ sth. (against/ from sth.) 课本的示范作用,知识的迁移作用。增强保护,保卫某人(某事物) 学生保护长城和保护You need warm clothes to protect you against/ 环境的意识。