Unit 1 what is a manager?
1.Effective managers are essential to any organizations overall success,regardless of whether it is a global giant or a small start -up enterprise. (无论对于一个巨大的全球公司或者对于一个刚起步的小企业而言,精明强干的经理都是企业获得总体成功的重要因素)2.A manager is a person who plans ,organizes,directs,and controls the allocation of human,material,financial,and information resources In pursuit of the organizations goals.(在追求实现组织目标的过程中,计划,组织,领导和控制人力资源,物质资源,财务资源和信息资源的配置)3.Regardless of an organizations specific goals,the job of mamgers is to help the organization achieve those goals.(不论某组织的具体目标是些什么,经理的工作是帮助这个组织实现这些目标)4.Because mangers achieve organizational goals by enabling people to do their jobs effectively and efficiently -not by perfroming all the tasks themselves_they must find ways to keep employess motivatd(因为经理们实现组织的目标是通过使人们有成效,更高效做工作----而不是通过他们自己来执行任务----他们必须找到方法来保持雇员的积极状态) Unit 2 levels of management
1.In general,first line managers are directly responsible for the production of goods or services. They may be called sales mangers,section heads,or production supervisors,depending on the
Organization.employees who report to them do the organizations basic production work_whether of goods or of services.(一般来说,第一线经理对商品的生产和服务负直接责任。根据企业的不同情况,他们可能被叫做销售经理,科室头目或者生产监督。他们的下级雇员进行企业基础的生产劳动---生产商品或提供服务)2.First -line mangers usually need strong technical to expertise to teach subordinates and supervise their day -to-day tasks(第一线经理通常需要丰富的专门技术来指导他们的日常工作)3.The heavier emphasis on managing group performance and allocating resources represents the most important differences between first -line and middle mangers(把更多的精力放在管理小组的工作和配置资源上体现了第一线经理和中层经理之间的最重要差别4.The overall directin of an organization is the responsibility of top managers(高层经理的责任是决定一个企业的总体方向)5.In a small organization,there is usually only one level of management .as an organization grows,more levels of management are needed.(小企业中通常只有一个管理层,随着企业的成长,需要更多的管理层)
Unit 1 what is a manager