TINY, a DREB-Like Transcription Factor Binding to
DRE Element
【期刊名称】《清华大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2001(006)005
【摘要】TINY isolated through a transposon-mutagenesis experiment designed to recover dominant gain-of-function alleles in Arabidopsis encodes a protein containing a putative DNA-binding domain which is conserved in AP2/EREBP transcription factors of plants. AP2/EREBP transcription factors play a variety of regulatory roles in several developmental processes and in response to biotic and environmental stresses. Using the yeast one-hybrid analysis system, we demonstrated that TINY could function as a DREB-like transcription factor specifically binding to the dehydration-responsive element (DRE) cis-acting element.
【关键词】TINY;transcription factor;dehydration-responsive element (DRE)
【作者】曹志方;陈峰;李洁;李一勤;周海梦;张贵友;刘强 【作者单位】Department
Biotechnology ,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China;Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology ,Tsinghua University,Beijing
TINY, a DREB-Like Transcription Factor Binding to DRE Element