我做木糖英语真题时总有一些词不是我背的意思,有很多词都是一词多义的。今天为大家整理了考研英语常考的一词多义,一起来看看吧! 1. go through
(1)经历;(2)仔细检查,审;(3)(物,钱等)用完;(4)顺利完成; (5)受苦;(6)穿过;(7)通过(法律,提案);(8)成交(生意);(9)被批准。
例:We’ll have to go through a severe test. 我们得经过一次严峻的考验。
The sale of the store went through quickly. 这家店铺的转卖迅速成交。 I didn’t go through college. 我没念完大学。
Their business arrangements went through. 他们的营业计划被批准了。
This road goes through the forest. 这条路穿过森林。
The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。
The new law has gone through Congress. 这项新法律国会已经通过了。 I went through the papers.
He went through all the money his father gave me. 他把父亲给的钱全都花光了。 2. put away
例:Put away these dishes. 把这些盘子收拾一下。
She's got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement. 她已存了几千镑以备退休之用.
He must have put away half a bottle of Whiskey last night. 昨晚他大概喝了半瓶威士忌酒.
I don't know how he manages to put it all away! 我真不知道他怎麽吃得这样多!
He was put away for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫而关押了十年.
She went a bit odd and had to be put away. 她有点不正常, 只好送进了疯人院. 3. come up
例:The flowers are just beginning to come up. 花刚开始长出地面。
I'll let you know if anything comes up. 一有事发生我就通知你。
The seeds I sowed last week haven't come up yet. 我上星期种的种子至今还未发芽。
I like to get up early and watch the sun come up. 我喜欢早起看日出。
He came up to the policeman and asked the way. 他走上前去向警察问路。
I could hear footsteps coming up behind me. 我听见身后有脚步声过来。
I'm afraid something urgent has come up; I won't be able to see you tonight.
很抱歉,有点儿急事,今晚不能见你了。 The subject came up in conversation. 这个话题在谈话中提到了。
My number came up and I won £100.
The question never came up in discussion. 讨论中始终未提及这个问题。 4. out of
(1)从...的内部出来;(2)在----范围之外;(3)从(某个数)之中; (4)由---做成;(5)失去,欠缺;(6)无;(7)放弃;丧失 例:He walked out of the house. 他走出房子。
The cat ran away out of fear of the dog. 猫因怕狗而跑了。 The shop is out of sugar. 商店里的糖卖光了。 The plane is out of sight. 飞机飞得看不见了。 The house is out of stone. 这房子是用石头建起来的。
They finally talked him out of his fears. 他们始终消除了他的恐惧心理。 5. get on
(1)相处融洽;(2)进行;(3)设法度过;(4) 穿上,戴上;安上、放上;(5)进展情况;
(6) 骑上(马等),登上(公共汽车、火车等);
(7)(时间)晚了,(年岁)老了 ;(8)继续(干某事) 例:Where did you get on? 你在哪里上车?
The work is getting on very well. 工作进展顺利。
How is he getting on in France? 他在法国的情况如何?
How are you and Peter getting on? 你和Peter 相处得怎么样?
It’s getting on, we’d better go home. 时间不早了,我们最好回家吧。
I’ll just get my things on and we’ll go for a short walk. 我去穿上点衣服然后我们去附近散步。
The builders couldn’t get on for lack of materials. 建筑工人停工待料了。 6. set up
(1)竖起;(2)生起;(3)建造;(4)配置;(5)提出;提议; (6)生产;(7)树立,推崇;(8)创(新记录)
例:A statue was set up in memory of the great inventor. 为纪念这位伟大的发明家竖立了一尊塑像。 The school was set up years ago. 这所学校是前几年创办的。
He set up a new national record in the Marathon race. 他创造了马拉松赛跑的全国新记录。 7. work out
(1)设计,制定,安排;(2)解决,找到...的答案;(3) 使筋疲力尽;耗尽;
例:We should work out a plan for the new term. 我们应该制订一个新学期的计划。 To work out in the gymnasium. 在体育馆里锻炼。
Things will work themselves out. 事情会有好结果的。
I hope the new job works out for you. 我希望新的工作能令你满意。 To work out a maths problem. 算出一到数学题。
The cost works out ﹩20 a day. 成本算下来每天合 20美元. 8. cut off
例:I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call. 我话讲了一半,电话中断了。
They have cut us off. 他们将我们分隔开了。 He was cut off in his prime. 他死于壮年。 9. cut down
例:You must cut down on sugar to lose weight. 你必须少吃糖来减轻体重。 10. come to life (1)苏醒过;(2)变得活泼 11. close to
(1)(在空间上/时间上)接近;(2)可能(快要做某事)+doing sth. be close to:(1)与...关系亲密;(2)在...附近。
例:Close to a hundred experiments have been made. 已进行了近 100 次试验。
The villagers reported that the tiger was still lurking close to. 村民报告说那只老虎还在附近一带出没。 12. devote to (1)把----用于;(2)献身;
例:He devoted his life to the study of science. 他把毕生献给了科学研究。
He determined to devote himself entirely to the cause of revolution.
他决心把自己的一生全部献给革命事业。 13. get rid of (1)摆脱,免除;(2)丢弃
例:You should get rid of such silly ideas. 你应丢掉这种糊涂观念。 14. make up
例:By hard work they made up the lost time. 他们以勤劳地工作弥补了失去的时间。 That’s not true, you just made that up. 那不是真的,是你编造出来的。
She has made up her quarrel with me. 她同我的争吵已经和解。
Why don’t you make up with her? 你为什么不同她和解呢?
Eleven players make up a football team. 足球队由十一名队员组成。
All animal bodies are made up of cells. 所有动物的躯体都是由细胞组成的。
The actor made(himself)up for the part of an old man. 这个演员把自己化妆成老人。 15. put forward
例:He put forward a new plan. 他提出一个新计划。 16. keep to
(1)不偏离道路;(2)履行诺言;(3)固守(习惯) 17. point to
例:Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们都有光明的前途。
The needle of a compass points to the north. 罗盘的指针指向北方。
Their comments point to some notable omissions in the dictionary.
他们的评论指出该词典中几处明显的遗漏。 18.take up
例:He took up the study of English at the age of five.
There is another matter which we ought to take up. 还有一件事我们应该提出来塔轮。
It would take up a lot of time to tell you the whole story. 要把全部经过告诉你,得花很多时间。
The trolleybus stopped to take up passengers. 无轨电车停下来让乘客上车。 19. go along with
例:Would you like me to go along with you? 你愿意我与你同去吗?
I can’t go along with you in this matter. 在这件事上,我不能赞同你。 20. get away with
(1) 做了某事而不受惩罚;(2) 把…卷跑;偷走;抢走 例:The dog got away with the meat in his mouth. 狗嘴里衔着肉跑了。
You shouldn’t let him get away with telling lies. 他说谎,你不能放过他。 21.break up
(1)婚姻/组织解散;(2)变得衰弱,瓦解;(3)期末放假; (4)通过分析,行政决定等方法;(5)强行驱散某物
例:The party broke up at midnight. 晚会半夜结束。
We break up on July 25th. 我们7月25日放假。
The party broke up when the police arrived. 警察一到,聚会就解散了。 22. throw away
例:We can’t throw away our revolutionary tradition. 我们不能扔掉我们的革命传统。
This is your last chance, don’t throw it away. 这是你最后的一次机会,不要错过。 24. refer to
(1)查阅,参考;(2)与...有关,涉及,(3)谈到; (4)指...,指...而言;(5)适用于;(6)把...归功于 例:Don’t refer to this matter again. 不要再提这件事了。 He referred to your illness. 他提起过你的病情.
I often refer to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 我经常查阅《朗文当代英语词典》。 I had no idea what she was referring to.
This rule refers only to children. 这条规则只适用于小孩。
The speaker often referred to his notes. 那位演讲者,经常看演讲稿。
The story he referred to was about a little hero. 他讲的故事是关于一位小英雄。
The dispute was referred to the United Nations. 该项争议已提交给联合国。 25. put down
(1)写下来;(2)镇压;(3)责难。 例:Put down your address here. 把你的地址写在这儿。
The army put down the rebellion. 军队镇压了叛乱。
You never give me credit for anything——you’re always putting me down.
你从来不表扬我,只是一个劲儿地责难我。 26. more than
(1)+数字:超过;(2)+名/形容/副/动/分词:不只是; (3)no~n+数字:仅仅;(4)not~+数字:至多,不超过;
例:That is more than I can tell you. 那是我不能告诉你的。
What she said is more than he can understand. 她讲的话是他所不能理解的。
The beauty of the city is more than I can describe. 这座城市的美丽远非我能描述的。 27. put on
(1)穿上;(2)上演;(3)拨快;(4)增加 例:Put on your raincoat. 穿上雨衣。 We are putting on the play next week. 下星期我们将上演这出戏。
A film will be put on tonight in the cinema. 一部影片将于今晚在电影院上演。
The worker on the construction site should put on their safety helmets before starting to work.
建筑工地上的工人在开始工作前都必须戴上安全帽. 28. put off
例:Don’t put off writing to him. 不要推迟给他写信。
Don’t forger to put off the radio. 别忘了关收音机。 29. put out
例:Put out the candle when you go to bed. 睡觉时,把蜡烛吹灭。
The factory put out a lot of new products last year. 去年这个厂生产许多新产品。 30. put up
(1)举起;架起;安装;(2)盖起;修建;(3)住宿;(4)贴出,陈列 例:They put up the Chinese flag. 他们升起了中国国旗。
We’ll have a telephone put up in the office. 我们将在办公室装一个电话。
These apartment houses were put up in 1982. 这些住宅楼是1982年建起的。
They put up a map of China on the wall. 他在墙上挂了一幅中国地图。 31. get along
例:How are you getting along with your study? 你的学习进展如何? They get along very nicely. 他们相处得很好。
He managed to get along without much money. 他设法在经济困窘的情况下维持生活。 32. get over
(1)克服,摆脱;(2)理解,弄清楚;(3)超过 例:How shall we get over this difficulty? 我们怎么才能克服这个困难? The boy is getting over the wall. 这男孩正在跳墙。
I can’t get over his rudeness. 我不理解他的粗鲁无礼。 32. set down
例:He set down the books on the table and went away. 他把书放在桌子上就走了。
The bus stops regularly to set down and pick up passengers. 公共汽车按时到站让乘客上下车。
It would be best to set it down on paper. 最好把它记在纸上。
33. pick up
(1)让人搭载;(2)收拾整理;(3)收拾行囊;(4)捡起;(5)学得,获得; (6)[跌倒后]再爬起来;; (7)收听到;(8)(使)恢复健康 例:Phil, could you pick me up after work? Phil, 你下班后能来接我吗?
Nicholas, please pick up after yourself and put things back where you found them.
Nicholas, 请把用过的东西收好, 并把它们放回原位。 She just picked up and left her husband of eight years. 她包袱收收, 就离开了他结婚八年的丈夫。 The boy picked up the hat for the old man. 男孩替老人拾起了帽子。
He was picking up the skills quickly. 他正在很快地掌握技术。
She picked up a stone and threw it at the window. 她捡起一块石头朝窗户扔去。
She picked herself up and started running again. 她跌倒后爬起来,又开始跑了起来。 Where did you pick up your English? 你的英语是哪里学来的? This tonic should pick you up. 这种补药会增强你的体质.
Pick me up at the hotel. 到旅馆来接我。
We picked up a hitchhiker. 我们接载了一个搭乘便车的人。
We picked up radio signals for help form the damaged plane. 我们接收到那架发出故障的飞机发出的无线电求救信号。 34. blow up
例:I have to get my front tyre blown up. 我得给前胎打气了。
The soldiers blew up the bridge with dynamite. 士兵用炸药把桥炸掉。 35. break down
(1)(机器,车辆等)坏了;(2)(计划,谈判)失败; (3)破坏;(4)感情崩溃;(5) 身体累跨;(6)分解
例:The car broke down half way and we had to walk there. 汽车半路上坏了,我们只好步行去那里。 All our plans broke down. 我们的计划都失败了。
The peace talks have broke down. 和谈已经失败了。
Peter broke down and cried when his mother died.
彼特的母亲去世十时, 他不禁失声痛哭. They broke the door down. 他们把门打碎了。 36. break in (1)非法闯入;(2)插嘴
例:He broke in and stole my money. 他非法进来并偷了我的钱。
The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had arrived. 秘书插进来说来了一封电报。 37. bring back
例:I know it happened, but I can’t bring it back to my mind. 我知道有这件码事儿,可是我想不起来了。
All library books must be brought back before June 20. 图书馆的图书都必须在 6 月 20 日前归还。
The few hours I had spent in the library had brought back my old passion for reading.
在图书馆度过的短短的几个小时又使我恢复了原有的读书的热枕。 38. set out
例:Half an hour later we set out to again our journey. 半小时之后,我们又启程赶路了。
They set out to perform the operation. 他们开始做手术。
He set out his idea in simple English. 用简明的英语表达了他的意思。 39. settle down
例:He settled down at his desk to work out the exact figures. 他在办公室桌前坐下,把确切的数字算出来。 They hoped to settle down in this country. 他们希望在这个国家定居下来。 The situation has settled down. 局势安定下来了。 40. dress up
(1)穿上盛装; (2)化妆打扮;(3)(比喻)粉饰,伪装,修饰.
例:The fact are quite clear, it’s no use trying to dress them up. 事实很清楚,想掩饰是没用的。
Are you going to dress up for the wedding? 你准备穿上盛装参加婚礼吗?
He’s tried to dress it up, but I still think it’s a bad plan. 尽管他百般修饰,但我还是认为这是个很糟的计 划。
41. run out of
例:He is always running out of money before payday. 他老是在发工资前就用光了钱。
He just ran out of his home. 他刚从家里批跑出来。 42. come off
(1)脱离;(2)成功,实现;(3)举行,发生;(4)结果是 例:It didn’t come off. 它没有实现。
The wedding came off as planned. 这场婚礼如期举行。
She came off rather badly in the debate. 她在这场辩论中表现的相当不好。 43. lead to (1)导致;(2)通往
例:The bank has offered a reward for any information leading to the arrest of the men.
银行悬赏确保,以便将这些人绳之以法. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马.
The street leads to the station. 这条路通向火车站 44. feel like
(1)喜欢,想要(做);(2)感觉象;(3)好象是. 例:I felt like another glass of wine. 我想再喝一杯葡萄酒。 It feels like rain. 天好象要下雨了。
I was only there two days but it felt like a week. 我在那里只有两天, 45. run out
(1) 用完;耗尽;(2) 驱逐;
例:Our supplies finally ran out. 我们的供给终于耗尽了。 We ran him out of town. 我们把他驱逐出镇子. 46.come about (1)出现,发生;(2)转向
例:Hoe did this dangerous state of affairs come about? 这一危险状态是怎样发生的? 47. go up
(1)涨价,上涨,(2)建造,(3)爆炸,烧毁 例:Prices have gone up again. 物价又上涨了。
New buildings are going up everywhere. 到处都盖起了新的大楼。
The gas tank was hit and went up in flames.
油库中弹起火被烧毁了。 48. go over
(1)视察;查看;(2) 查阅;(3)复习;(4)改变立场. 例:We went over the building. 我们查看了这座大楼。 Go over the lesson again. 把功课再复习一遍.
We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them. 在结帐之前,我们必须仔细查阅帐目。
She went over the list of names and chose two. 我们查阅名单,选了两个人。
She went over to the Republicans after their election victory. 共和党大选取胜后,她投靠过去了。 49. find out
例:I found out the phone number by looking it up. If you’re not sure, find out.
通过查找我查到了电话号码。如果你不肯定,查一查。 Liars risk being found out. 骗子冒着被揭穿的危险。 50. turn up
(1) 开大,调高;增加速度/音量/强度/流量 (2) 找到;(3)到达,出现
例:turn up the public-address system 调高播音系统的音量
The papers will turn up sooner or later. 文件迟早会找到的。
Several old friends turned up at the reunion. 好几个老朋友出现在聚会上。 51. clean up
(1)彻底清理,整理;(2) 清理掉,清除,(3)赚得 例:It is your turn to clean the bedroom up. 轮到你把卧室彻底清扫一遍。
The waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates. 服务员赶紧把盘碟的碎片打扫干净。
He really cleaned up at the football pools today. 他在今天的足球赌注中发了大财. 52. throw away
(1)扔掉;抛弃;(2)丧失,错过,未能利用。 例:Throw the old magazines away. 把这些旧杂志扔掉。
He threw away a chance to make a fortune. 他丧失赚大钱的机会。
53. up to
(1) [数目]到---之多;(2)一直到;(3)胜任 例:up to 100 men 可达 100 人
Read up to 100 pages. 一直读到 100 页.
Michael’s not really up to that job. 迈克尔确实不胜任那项工作。 54. break down
(1) 使...崩溃,毁坏;(2)放弃抵抗,屈服;(3)失效,没有用了;(4)从化学上分解
例:We must break down the old customs. 我们必须破除那些旧风俗。 The elevator broke down. 电梯出毛病了。
He broke down and bought a new car. 他不再坚持,买了一辆新的小轿车。
Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substance.
体内的化学物质把失去转化成有用的成分。 55. let out
例:They were let out of prison last week. 上周的时候,他们从监狱中释放出来。 He let out a cry of pain. 他大声痛哭。
He accidentally let out that hadn’t been home for three weeks.
他突然说出他已经三个星期没有回家的事. 56. carry out
(1)实行,运作;(2)遵循或遵守;(3)得出结论,完成。 例:The government carried out a new policy. 政府实行一个新的政策。
He carries out instructions carefully. 他仔细遵循教诲.
He carried out the mission successfully. 他成功地完成了这一使命。 57. hold on
(1)[打电话时]等着,别挂断;(2)继续下去 例:Hold on a minute--I will just get a pen. 等一下,我要拿只笔。
Try and hold on until help arrives. 继续努力,直到帮助到达。 58. come back
(1)回来;(2)想起来,恢复记忆;(3)再次流行 例:When are you coming back? 你何时回来?
It’s suddenly come back to me where I met you. 我铁想起了我见到你的地方。
Do you think long dresses will ever come back? 你认为长连衣裙会重新流行起来吗? 59. come out
(1)出现;(2)为人所知;(3)(照片上)显出;(4)冲洗(相片); (5)(颜色﹑污点等)被除去;(6)罢工;(7)结果是 例:The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天一黑星星就出来了。
Mary always comes out well in pictures. 玛丽总是很上镜.
The news came out that the President was very sick. 有消息说总统病重.
The picture I took didn’t come out. 我照的相片还没有洗出来。
The answer to the problem came out wrong 问题答案错了。
I washed this shirt twice and the ink sill didn’t come out. 这件衬衫我洗了两遍, 可墨水还是洗不掉。
Workers in all the factories are coming out in support of the dismissed men.
所有工厂里的工人都举行罢工支持被开除的工人。 60. go on
(1)发生;(2)继续;(3)(时间)流逝;(4)运转,开始(起作用); (5)不断抱怨,责骂,(6)唠叨 例:What’s going on here? 这里发生了什么事?
As the day went on, it became hotter. 随着白天时间的推进,天气越来越热。 The lights went on at 6 o’clock. 灯在 6 点亮了。
He’s always going on at his wife. 他总是在数落他的妻子。
He went on talking even though no one was listening. 虽然没有人在听,他还是继续讲下去。 She can really go on! 他真能唠叨! 61. go out
(1)外出;(2)同异性交往;(3)出国远行;(4)熄灭; (5)退潮;(6)过时,不流行;(7)同情,想念 例:We go out three times a week.
They’ve been going out together for two years. 我们交往已经两年了。
My friends went out to Africa. 我的朋友们出国去非洲了.
Without more coal, the fire will soon go out. 不加煤,或很快就要熄灭。
Short skirts went out a few years ago, but they’ve come back again.
几年前短裙就不流行了,但是现在又流行起来了。 Our thoughts go out to our friends abroad. 我们想念海外的朋友。 62. dig out (1)挖出;(2)发现.
例:They dug the potatoes out of the ground. 他们从地下挖出番薯. did out the truth 发现真相 63. come into
(1)进入;(2)继承(遗产);获得;(3)进入(某状态),开始(活动) 例:come into being/existence 形成,产生,出现 come into effect 生效
come into fashion 开始流行 come into office 就职 come into power 当权 come into use 开始使用 come into blossom/flower 开花 64. take off
例:I forgot to take off my make-up last night. 昨天晚上我忘记卸妆了。
As the plane was taking off, I remembered that I hadn’t turned the light off.
当飞机起飞时,我想起忘了关灯。 I’m going to take a week off. 我将休假一星期。 65. take in
例:The newly built museum takes in a lot of visitors every day. 新建的博物馆每天接待许多参观者。
The police took in the lost child and tried to find his parents. 警察收留了丢失的孩子,试图找到他的父母。 66. play off
例:It’s a good feeling to pay off the house after all these years. 这么多年后还清房子是一种很好的感觉。 I’ll pay him off for treating me like that. 他这样待我, 我早晚要报复的。
100 workers will be paid of when the factory closes next week. 下周工厂关闭时100名工人工资会付清。 Did your daring plan pay off? 你大胆的计划成功了吗?
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