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Unit 1

( )1. This is _____ key and that is _____ English book (书). A. a; a B. the; an C. the; a D. a; an ( )2. — Is _____ Lucy? — No, her name is Cindy. A. he B. his C. she D. her ( )3. I _____ Mary. What _____ your name? A. am; is B. am; are C. is; is D. is; are ( )4. She is Ella Green. Her first name is _____. A. Ella B. Green C. Ella Green D. Green Ella ( )5. — What's your number? — _____ is 587. A. He B. This C. That D. It ( )6. — What's two and four? — _____. A. Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Nine ( )7. — What color is _____ ruler? — _____ ruler is red. A. your; I B. your; My C. you; My D. you; I ( )8. — Nice to meet you. — _____ A. How are you? B. Are you OK? C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Thank you. ( )9. — __ __ — O-R-A-N-G-E. A. What color is it? B. Spell it, please. C. What's his name? D. Say it in English, please. ( )10. — Is Jimmy your friend? — _____. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, Jimmy is C. No, it isn't D. No, he isn't ( )11. — Paul, your English is very good.


A. OK B. Sorry C. Excuse me D. Thank you ( )12. — Hello, is your name Mike?

— ___________.

A. Yes, it is B. I’m Mike C. Yes, I am D. No, my name is Mike

( )13. Allen, thank you very much ___________ your help.

A. on B. of C. for D. in ( )14.—Is that woman your mother?

—No, she’s my father’s sister, my ___________.

A. grandmother B. uncle C. aunt D. cousin

( )15. Who can ______ his question?

A. look. B. answer. C. ask. D. looks ( )16. This is ______ new watch. I like it very much.

A. my B I C. me D. mine

( )17. –What’s name? – is Eric.

A. his, He B. his, His C. he, His D. he, He

( )18. –What’s your QQ number? – is 355994127. A. I B. He C. It D. She ( )19.–Nice to meet you! – . A. Nice to meet you, too! B. How do you do? C. Hello! D. Good morning!

( )20. –Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. I’m Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily.

– .

A. See you later B. You’re welcome

C. Pleased to meet you all D. You have a point there

( )21. –Hi, Michael. Is this camera(相机)?


–No, it’s not mine. I think it’s Tom’s

A. your B. my C. his D. her

( )22. There is book in my backpack. book is very heavy.

A. a; The B. a; A C. the; A D. the; The

( )23. I can’t find my ticket(票). I think I have lost . A. it B. one C. this D. them

( )24.–Excuse me, what’s your name? –______ name is Betty.

A. My B. His C. Her D. Your

( )25. There are some on the classroom wall.

A. map B. desks C. pictures D. pencilcases

( )26. There is ____ old piano in the living room.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )27.–What’s your name?

–My name is Tom Green. Tom is my given name and Green is my . A. family name B. given name C. full name D. first name

( )28. –Sally’s favorite(最喜欢的) ______ is orange.

–I see. That’s why all her sweaters are orange. A. fruit B. color C. juice

( )29. –Jack, you missed(错过) _____\ \ –Sorry, Sir.

A. a; the B. an; the C. a; a D. the; the

( )30. –______ you David? –Yes, I ______.

A. Are; am B. Are; is C. Is; am D. Is; is

( )31. –What’s three and four? –______.

A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight ( )32. –______ his ID card number and telephone number?

–753 and 370-8046.

A. How is B. How are C. What is D. What are ( )33. –Is he John?

–______, and he is my English teacher.

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, you are C. No, he isn’t D. No, you aren’t ( )34. –______? –Yes. T-H-O-M-A-S.

A. How are you B. Are you Thomas

C. What’s it in English D. Can you spell “Thomas”

Unit 2

( ) 1. Mrs.Smith has ( 有) son and two daughters. A./ B.a C.an D. the

( ) 2 .—W hat are those?

-- my brother's notebooks(笔记本).

A. They are B.Those are C.It is D. These are

( ) 3 .Is this a photo your family?

A . in B. of C.at D. for

( ) 4. These are parents.

A.her B.she C. hers D. she's

( ) 5. Look at the girls! are my students.

A. Those B.These C. You D.They

( ) 6 .His mother's is his grandmother.

A.Grandfather B.grandmother C. grandparents D. mother


( ) 7. —Are those keys? — Yes , .

A.they are B.those are C. keys are D. these are

( ) 8 . —Is your photo? —Yes , are my parents.

A.this;this B.these;this C. This;these D.that;that

( ) 9 .This is Mary and that is Kate. my .

A.She's;friend B.They're;friends C.They're;friend D. She's;friends

( ) 10. —Have a good day ,Jim ! — . A.I'm fine B.I am Tim C.Thanks D. Oh, I see

( ) 11.I have ________ uncle and ________ aunt.

A.a, an B.a, a C.an, the D.an, an

( )12.—What are these in English? —They are ________.

A.an orange B.orange C.oranges D.the oranges

( )13.Anna is not my sister.________ my cousin.

A.He's B.She's C.They're D.It's

( )14.This is a picture ________ my family. Coco is ________ my family, too.

A.of, of B.of, for C.of, in D.in, of

( )15.This is my ________,and I'm her son.

A.daughter B.mother C.father D.aunt

( )16.You can see ________ pictures.My parents are in the ________ picture.

A.two;first B.two;one C.one;two D.first;two

( )17.—Are those your grandparents? —Yes,________.

A.they are B.they're C.these are D.those are

( )18.—Is Jeff your father? —________

A.Yes, he isn't. B.No, she isn't. C.Yes, he is. D.No, she is.

( )19.This is ________.His name is Paul Miller.

A.Mr. Miller B.Mrs. Miller C.Mr. Paul D.Mrs. Paul

( )20.Here ________ three pencils for you.

A.am B.is C.are D.be

( )21.Tony ________ in the ________ photo.

A.is, one B.are, one C.is, first D.are, first ( )22.Jim Green is my uncle. I call him ________.

A.Uncle Green B.Green Uncle C.Uncle Jim D.Jim Uncle ( )23.Here ________ three photos of my family.

A.am B.is C.are D.be

( )24.—What are these in English? —They are ________.

A.an orange B.orange C.oranges D.the oranges ( )25.—Jim, ________ is Sonia. ________ is my good friend.

—Nice to meet you, Sonia!

A.he, This B.this, She C.it, She D.she, This

( )26.This is Ms.Smith. My mother is her sister.She's my ________.

A.uncle B.grandmother C.grandfather D.aunt ( )27.—________? —She is my sister.

A.Who's she B.What's this C.What's her name D.How's she ( )28.—________ those? —They are pictures.

A.What is B.What are C.Who are D.How is

( )29.—Is this a photo ________ your family? —Yes,it is.

A.of B.to C.in D.at ( )30.—Have a nice day! —________

A.You are good. B.Thank you. C.I'm OK. D.Nice to meet you.


Unit 3

( ) 1. Look at this photo, there is ____________UFO in it.

A.the B. a C. an D./

( ) 2. Look! ___________ are my uncle’s sons. They are very happy.

A.This B. You C. Those D.That

( ) 3. My telephone number is 13890881239. You can ___________ me.

A.call B. see C. thank D.tell

( ) 4. --- Mary, ____________ --- Thank you, Ms Miller.

A.nice to meet you. B. how are you? C. here’s your eraser. D.Good morning!

( ) 5. --- Is Jack Brown your ___________? --- Yes. I’m his daughter.

A.father B. mother C. uncle D.aunt

( ) 6. I want to ask my mother __________ my computer game.

A.at B. of C. for D.on

( ) 7. --- _______________? --- It’s brown.

A.What’s your family name B. How do you spell it C. What color is the jacket D.What’s this?

( ) 8.-Is this new bag ______? -No, it's ______.

A. her; his B. his; hers C. yours; my D. hers; your

( ) 9.-Here's a box of chocolate on your desk. For me or for your mom?

-It's ______, Dad. Happy Father's Day!

A. hers B. her C. yours D. you

( ) 10.- Is that ______ dictionary? - No, it's not ______. It's Tom's.

A. your; my B. you; mine C. yours; mine D. your; mine

( ) 11.What about ______ to the cinema?

A. go B. going C. to go D. went ( ) 12.-______ have some vegetables and fruit for dinner? -That's a good idea.

A. Let's B. What about C. Shall we D. How about

( ) 13.One piece of my puzzle(拼图) is______. I can't find it anywhere.

A. lost B. lose C. losed D. losing ( ) 14.We can ask Mr. Wu ______ some new books.

A. with B. for C. in D. to

( ) 15.Let me help you ______ the flowers.

A. water B. watering C. to watering D. of watering

( ) 16.--Whose iPad is this?

--I think it’s _____ . She was looking for it everywhere. A. She’s B. her C. she D. hers ( ) 17. ____ room is big and nice.

A. Kate’s and Jane’s B. Kate’s and Jane C. Kate and Jane’s C. Kate and Jane ( ) 18.Thanks very much ____ .

A. to help me B. for helping me C. your help D. for help me ( ) 19. -You gave me a lot of help . Thank you. - _________ .


A. You’re welcome B. Don’t thank me

C. Don’t say so D. This is what I should do ( ) 20. - How do you spell the word ?


A. Yes,it’s a pen B. It’s pen C. P-E-N D. pen ( ) 21.My teacher asked me ____ the room.

A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D.cleaning ( ) 22. ---I have two soccer balls. What about you?

---Oh,I don’t have _____ .

A. some B. no C. any D. much

( ) 23.Please e-mail me ______ sdshzs666@163. com if you have any questions.

A. on B. at C. to D. for ( ) 24. If the traffic light is red ,you ____ go across the street.

A. don’t B. needn’t C. find out D. look ( ) 25. I hope you can _____ your lost ring,

A. look for B. find C. find out D. look

( ) 26. Here are 20 _____ for those good students in our school.

A. set of book B. sets of book C. sets of books D. set of books ( ) 27.---Cindy,is the baseball bat _____ ?

---No,_____ is over there. It must be Mark’s.

A. your;my B. your; mine C. yours; my D. yours;mine ( ) 28. ---What’s the boy’s name ? ---______ is Eric.

A. He B. Her C. Him D. His ( ) 29.These are not my books. Mine ____ new ,

A. is B. am C. are D. be ( ) 30. This is ____ bedroom. It’s tidy and nice .

A. Lily’s and Lucy’s B. Lily and Lucy’s C. Lily’s and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy

( ) 31. ---Are you sure this is a photo ____ , the famous comedy actress? ---It surprised you ,didn’t it ? But she was once really thin.

A. Jia Ling B. Jia Ling’s C. of Jia Ling D. of Jia Ling’s ( ) 32. ---I can’t find my keys. Where are they?

---Look! On the desk ______ a set of _______ .

A. is;key B. are ;key C. is ;keys D. are ;keys

Unit 4

( ) 1. ________clock and ________English book are on the desk.

A.A; an B. An; a C.A; the D. An; the

( ) 2.--- ____________ ? ---A book and a pencil box.

A. How are they B. How do you spell it C. What color are they D. What are in your bag

( ) 3. This room is tidy, ________that room isn't.

A. and B. so C. but D. or

( ) 4. — ? —Oh, yes. Thank you very much.

A. What's that B. What are these C. Are these your books D. Where's my pencil

( ) 5. Put(放)your books in the .


A. pencil box B. schoolbag C. Computer D. bed

( ) 6. —Look! Cindy's books are everywhere.

—Oh, she is not a ________girl. A. fine B. tidy C. nice D. first

( ) 7. —Is your tape player on the desk?

--- . It's on the sofa.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn't C. Yes, they are D. No, they aren't

( ) 8. ______ ____, Bob! The bus is coming. A. Excuse B. Excuse me C. Sorry D. Come on

( ) 9. —___________the keys? —__________on the bed. A. Where is; It’s B. Where are; It’s C. Where’s; They’re D. Where are; They’re

( ) 10. I ___________ Mr. Wang is a good teacher. A. think B. welcome C. ask D. thank ( ) 11. —Where is the new desk? —It's your room.

A. on B. of C. under D. in

( ) 12. In________ room, some ________ are in the bookcase.

A. our; book B. we; book C. our; books D. us; books

( ) 13. Mary and Alan are my cousins. ____________ mother is my aunt.

A. Their B. His C. Our D. Her

( ) 14. — ? —It's under the table.

A. What's under the table B. What's that C. What color is the table D. Where is the dog

( ) 15. —Where’s Tom? —Sorry, I____________.

A. am know B. don’t know C. know D. am not know

( ) 16.Where are my pens? Are_______ in my schoolbag?

A. we B. them C. you D. they

( ) 17. —Is the baseball on the desk? —No, _______ isn't.

A. it B. its C. it's D. the baseball

( ) 18. —_______ ? —They are on the sofa.

A, Are those my books B. Where are my books C. What are my books D. Where are them

( ) 19.Is my baseball_______ my room?

A.in B. on C. under D. at

( ) 20.— Where are my keys? — I_______ know.

A. am not B. don’t C. can not D. aren’t

( )21.Is your photo in the bag?________.

A.Yes, I am B.No,it is C.Yes,it is D.No,I’m not

( ) 22.________ my baseball? It’s under the chair.

A.Where B.Where’s C.Where’re D.Where are

( ) 23.________ under the tree? No,they aren’t.

A.Where are B.What is C.Are they D.Is it

( ) 24.Where are your brothers? ________.

A.He is at home B.He is in his room C.Yes,they are D.I don’t know

( ) 25.Here ________ a computer .

A.are B.have C.has D.is

( ) 26.—Where_______ your pens? —______on the TV.

A. is; It’s B. are; It’s C. is ; They’re D. are ; They’re


( ) 27. —Where________ your father? —He _______in the bedroom.

A. is ; are B. are ; is C. is ; is D. are ; are

( ) 28. —__________? —They are cars.

A. What’s this B. What are these C. Where’s this D. Where are these

( ) 29. —Where is my baseball? —It’s _____the table_____ the floor.

A .on ; under B. on ;on C. under ; under D. under; on

( ) 30. — Are Tom’s pens_____ the pencil box? —Yes,_______ are.

A. on ; it B. on ; we C. in ; they D. in ; it

Unit 5

( )1. Bill has _____ basketball. He thinks it's _____ easy sport. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an

( )2. Lucy and Lily _____ in the classroom.They _____ a nice classroom. A. are; are B. are; have C. have; are D. have; have ( )3. I don't have a computer, _____ my cousin _____. A. and; does B. but; does C. and; is D. but; is ( )4. Bill only _____ baseball games ____ TV. A. watches; in B. watch; on C. watch; in D. watches; on ( )5. Lisa and Jenny are ____ the same school. A. on B. for C. in D. of

( )6. — Look at your hat! It's on my dog's head. — Oh, it's _____. A. interesting B. tidy C. late D. easy ( )7. They are Amy and Kate. I like _____.

A. she B. her C. they D. them

( )8. — Does he _____ a brother? — No, he _____. A. has; doesn't B. have; doesn't C. has; don't D. have; don't ( )9. Let's _____ and ask Jim for help. A. go B. to go C. come D. to come ( )10. — What about some bananas? — _____. I like fruit.

A. No, thanks B. I don't know C. That sounds great D. You're welcome ( ) 11.I always play ________ basketball after school.

A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )12.After class, I play ping-pong ________ school ________ my classmates.

A.for, to B.at, with C.in, for D.to, with

( )13.—What ________ do you like,Mike? —Basketball.

A.color B.sport C.number D.name

( )14.—Jenny,let's ________ Tom for the tape player. —OK.

A.to ask B.asks C.ask D.asking

( )15.I don't ________ a computer,but she ________ one.

A.has, have B.have,have C.have,has D.has,has

( )16.—Do you have a baseball? —________.But I don't have a baseball bat.

A.Yes,I am B.No,I'm not C.Yes,I do D.No,I don't ( )17.Sam likes basketball,but his brother ________.

A.do B.does C.don't D.doesn't ( )18.Basketball is difficult________girls.

A.for B.of C.at D./

( ) 19.Jim is my cousin.________ are good friends.


A.We B.They C.You D.He

( ) 20.—Jack, what about going to the library? —________. Let's go.

A.You're welcome B.Have a good day C.That sounds good D.Nice to meet you ( ) 21.—Where are our baseball bats? —________.

A.They are white B.They are Linda's C.They are interesting D.They're under the bed ( ) 22. I have a green sweater, I don’t like it.

A. and B. or C. so D. but ( ) 23. Her mother watch TV every day.

A. isn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. aren’t ( ) 24. Jack have salad dinner?

A. Is; to B. Is; at C. Does; for D. Do; for ( ) 25. Let’s some salad.

A. has B. eats C. have D. to have ( ) 26. ---Let’s play volleyball. ---OK. . A. It’s boring B. Yes, it’s good C. No, I don’t D. That sounds fun ( )27. Mike strawberries best.

A. is like B. like C. likes D. do like ( )28. ---What do you like best? ---Broccoli.

A. fruit B. vegetable C. sport D. color ( )29. I like . Do you like ? A. apple; them B. apples; them C. apples; they D. apples; it ( )30. Tony has egg and vegetable for breakfast.

A. a B. an C. some D. any ( )31 ---- Do you like my watch? ---- Yes, .

A. it isn’t good B. it’s your C. it’s well D. it’s good ( )32 They like eggs for breakfast.

A. aren’t B. doesn’t C. don’t D. not ( )33. Do you eat healthy food?

A. a lots of B. a lot C. lots of D. lot of ( )34. --- Mr Brown is his new English teacher. Do you know that? --- .

A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do not C. No, I am not D. Yes, I do ( )35. Look! There are some on the table.

A. water B. boxes C. chicken D. tea ( )36.—Let’s watch TV.

----That sounds ________ . I don’t like watching TV.

A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. fun

Unit 6

( ) 1.Lily __________ some fruit, like bananas.

A.eat B.eats C.does D.have

( ) 2.—_____ your sister and brother like bananas? — _________.

A.Do; Yes, she does. B.Do; No, they don’t. C.Does; Yes, she does. D.Do; Yes, they are.


( ) 3.Do you like ? A.banana B.Pear C.broccolis D.carrots

( ) 4.—Let’s have hamburgers. —Oh, no,

A.I don’t like them. B.I don’t like it. C.that’s good D.let’s eat. ( ) 5.-- bread would you like? --Three pieces of__

A.How many; breads B.How many; bread C.How much; breads D.How much; bread

( ) 6.Mr. Green is healthy. He is not thin or _______.

A.good B.Fat C.nice D.tall ( ) 7.Are these peaches? ______

A.Yes, they are. B.No, these are. C.Yes, they aren’t. ( ) 8.Let’s some ice cream. A.eat B.How C.What D.What’s

( ) 9.I have a cat. It likes fish. It eats _______ every day.

A.a lot B.many C.lots of D.much

( ) 10.Alice is a _______ girl and I know her _______.

A.well; good B.well; well C.good; well D.good; good

( ) 11. In the morning my sister always has ________ egg and some milk.

A.a B. an C. / D. the ( ) 12. —Where are rice and carrots?

—The rice ________ in the bag and the carrots ________ on the table. A.is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is

( ) 13. —Does your sister love red,Helen? —________.Her jacket and hat are red.

A.Yes, I do B. No, I don't C. Yes, she does D. No, she doesn't ( ) 14. —What food do you have for lunch? —Some ________ and two ________.

A. salad; apple B. salad; apples C. hamburger; banana D. hamburgers; banana ( ) 15. John’s birthday is next week. Let’s _________about the food.

A.think B. to think C. thinking D. thinks

( ) 16. —_________does your family have_________ breakfast? —Milk, salad and eggs.

A.What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; / ( ) 17. My brother likes _________, but I like_________. A. chicken; strawberry B. chickens; strawberries

C. chickens; strawberry D. chicken; strawberries ( ) 18. Do you like hamburgers ________ chicken ?

A.and B. with C. in D. to ( ) 19. ─Do you like pears?

─_________. But my sister likes them very much. A.Yes, I do B. No, I don't C. No, I am not D. Yes, I am ( ) 20. ─Do you like carrots, Mike? ─Yes. They're my favorite _________.

A.fruit B. clothes C. sports D. vegetables

( ) 21. I eat vegetables every day. They are _________ food.

A.interesting B. difficult C. healthy D. boring ( ) 22. —What fruit do you like? —I like________.

A.carrots B. rice C. bread D. apples

( ) 23. A running _______ always has a good eating _______ .

A.star; habit B. stars; habits C. star; habits D. stars; habit


( ) 24. Come on, Jackie! I don’t want _________ late!

A.to being B. to be C. be D. being

( ) 25.—The volleyball game is great.________? —Sounds good.

A. How's it B. What's in it

C. Who's in the game D. How about watching it

( )26.There are eggs and chicken on the table.

A. many; many B. many; lots of C. much; much D. a lot; a lot

( )27.—Some chicken ______on the table;help yourself!(随便吃点)

—Thank you very much.

A.has B.Have C.is D.are ( )28.We should eat ______ food.

A.unhealth B.Healthy C.health D.unhealthy ( )29.My brother ______ an apple.

A.want eat B.wants eating C.wants to eat D.wants eat ( )30.What does he ______ the food?

A.think of B.thinks of C.thinks about D.thinking about

Unit 7

( ) 1.—Do you know the girl red?

—Yes, she is my sister, Lucy.

A.in B.at C.with D.on ( ) 2.How much these socks? A.is B.are C.be D.has ( ) 3.We have all socks very good prices.

A.on B.in C.at D.for

( ) 4. —Frank, do you _______ any help?—No, thanks.

A. need B. ask C. know D. have

( ) 5. —What's the _______ of the white skirt?—It's 115 yuan.

A. color B. price C. number D. name ( ) 6. I like these baseball bats, and I’ll _______ them.

A. sell B. spell C. take D. play ( ) 7.Shoes $10 two pairs.

A.is;at B.are;in C.is;of D.are;for ( ) 8.—How many black shoes do you need?

—We need black shoes.

A.three pair B.three pairs of C.three pair of D.three ( ) 9.— are the sports socks? —6 dollars a pair.

A.What color B.How much C.How D.How many ( ) 10.Mary a bag school.

A.need;to B.need;for C.needs;to D.needs;for ( ) 11.He is a collector.He has basketballs. A.twenty three B.twenty-three C.two ten three D.three-twenty ( ) 12. socks 20 dollars?

A.Is the B.Are they C.Are the D.Is that ( ) 13. His T-shirt _______ white and his shorts _______ yellow.

A. is; is B. is; are C. are; are D. are; is ( ) 14.—Shall we go to the bookstore?


—All right!I hear there are many good books ________.We can ________ some. A.for sale;sell B.on sale;buy C.in sale;buy D.on sale;sell ( ) 15. —Mary, could you please pass me the English dictionary?

—Sure. _______.

A.I have a dictionary B. It’s not mine C. I don’t use it D. Here you are ( ) 16. — How about this one? — _____.

A. It's too big B. Thank you C. You're welcome D. Yes, you're right ( )17. —Please give me some bread. —OK. _________. A. Here you are B. Give you C. Yes,thanks D. You are here ( )18. The pants are cheap(便宜). I’ll _________ them. A. give B. bring C. take D. like

( )19. —Your coat is very beautiful. —_________ A. Oh,no. B. Where? C. Thank you. D. Don’t say it. ( )20.—What can I do for you? —______.

A.No,not B.Don't help me C.Yes,help me D.Yes,please ( )21.How much is the ______?

A.tomatoes B.bananas C.hamburgers D.chicken ( )22.—Are these your shoes? —Yes,______.

A.they is B.they are C.they're D.these are ( )23.The red socks ______ two dollars.

A.is B.are C.has D.have ( )24. I like red but my brother ____________.

A. likes red, too B. doesn’t C. does D. doesn’t like ( )25. —What color is it? —____________

A. It’s a green car B. It’s a greenC. It’s green D. It’s green car

( )26. They have T-shirts _________ green and black for only $13_______ the shop.

A. at; at B. in; in C. with; with D. at; in ( )27. —Where do you ______ the backpack?

—______ that store. It’s on sale.

A. sell; From B. sell; To C. buy; For D. buy; From ( )28. —Come and see the blue sweaters. —I don’t like them. I like _____ red ones.

A. this B. those C. they D. that

( )29. —How much ______ the broccoli? —______ two yuan.

A. is; It’s B. are; They’re C. is; They’re D. are; It’s

( )30. —Come to the clothes store and see for ______. —OK. Thank ______.

A. you; you B. you; yourself C. yourself; you D. yourself; your ( )31. We have T-shirts______ white and blue ______ only $10. A. in; for B. at; in C. for; in D. in; at

Unit 8

( )1. We have ________ art festival this week.________ festival is really interesting.

A. a; The B. an; The C. the; An D. an; An ( )2. —Is your birthday ________ August?

—No, it's ________ September 26th.

A. on; in B. in; in C. on; on D. in; on ( )3. In China, September 10th is ________.

A. Children's Day B. Women's Day C. Teachers' Day D. New Year's Day ( )4. ---________ are you, Alice? ---I'm eleven.


A. How B. What C. How much D. How old ( )5. —________ is your art festival? —On August 9th.

A. When B. How C. Who D. Where

( )6.—I'm very ________ to meet you,Eric. —Nice to meet you,too.

A. late B. tidy C. happy D. easy

( )7. — Lily, who is that woman in yellow? — She is __________ teacher.

A.Mike and Alex B. Mike’s and Alex’s C. Mike’s and Alex D. Mike and Alex’s ( )8. National Day(国庆节) is a big ________ in China.

A. number B. month C. festival D. question ( )9. ﹣Would you like ____ shopping with me?

﹣Yes, I'd love to.

A.go B.to go C.goes D.Going ( )10. ﹣Happy birthday to you.﹣__________.

A.The same to you B.Happy birthday C.You're welcome D.Thank you

( )11.﹣﹣﹣I'm going to have a summer holiday in Dalian.

﹣﹣﹣ .

A.Have a good time.B.No,it's bad.C.That's all right.D.All right. ( )12.New Year's Day (元旦) is on January ______.

A.1th B.1st C.1rd D.2nd ( )13. I know all my ________birthdays.

A.teachers B.teacher’s C.teachers’ D.teacher’ ( )14. Edison was born _______ Feb. 11th,1879.

A.at B.in C.on D.for ( )15.--_________?

–It’s September 10th.

A. What day is it? B. What’s the date? C. What’s it? D.What’s today? ( )16. Do you have an ______ Festival?

A. math B. speech C. art D. French ( )17. There are ______ days in April.

A. 28 B. 29 C. 30 D. 31 ( )18. —Is Jim’s birthday March 21st? —______. It’s May 12th.

A. Yes, it is B. No, he isn’t C. Yes, he is D. No, it isn’t ( )19.—When were you born(出生)? —I was born ______ July 6th,1992.

A.in B.at C.on D.of

( )20.—How many ______ are there in a year? —______.

A.month;Six B.months;Twelve C.months;Four D.months;The twelfth ( )21.Sunday is the ______ day of the week.

A.seven B.Seventh C.one D.first

( )22.Today is my mother's ______ birthday.I want to buy some flowers for her.

A.thirty B.Thirteenth C.thirtieth D.thirteen ( )23.Jim's class will have a speech ______ next month.

A.trip B.Contest C.concert D.game ( )24.The man in blue is______ father.

A.Jim and Kate B.Jim and Kate's C.Jim's and Kate's D.Jim's and Kate ( )25.I buy flowers ______ your birthday.

A.in B.For C.of D.with ( )26.“What's his age?”This sentence means(意思是)______


A.“How is he?” B.“What's he?”

C.“Where is he?” D.“How old is he?”

( )27.____ Day is on June first and _____Day is on September tenth.

A.Children’s, Teacher’s B.Children’s, Teachers’ C.Childrens’, Teacher’ D.Children’, Teachers’

( )28.Now, everybody, please turn to Page____and look at the ___picture.

A.Fifth,five B.Five, fifth C.Fifth,fifth D.Five,five ( )29. _____ a Music Festival at your school?

A. There is B. There has C. Is there D. Are there ( )30. _________ comes before December, but after October. A. November B. September C. August D. January

Unit 9

( ) 1.I think this is useful book.Can I have a look?

A.an B.a C./ D.the ( ) 2.I don’t like science it’s very difficult.

A.and B.so C.because D.but ( )3.—Can I go out to play football,Mom?

—When you your homework,you can go out.

A.take B.finish C.help D.call ( )4.—Bob,is math your favorite ?

—No,my favorite is Chinese.

A.subject B.month C.sport D.test

( )5.I can come to your birthday party on Tuesday.I’m on that day.

A.busy B.free C.cool D.happy ( )6.—How’s your day,Peter?

— .

A.It’s Tuesday B.I’m fine today C.It’s my favorite day D.It’s OK ( )7.Lucy lived in Beijing from 2008 2012. A. on B. to C. at D. of

( )8. ---_____ is your favorite action movie actor? ---Jackie Chan.

A. What B. Who C. When D. Where ( )9.I have sports ________.

A. at an hour B. for a hour C. at two hours D. for two hours ( )10. --- _____ are you always staying up so late these days?

--- To prepare for my final exam.

A. How B. Why C. When D. Where ( )11.Mr. White is very _____ . He doesn’t have any time to have lunch.

A. busy B. difficult C. relaxing D. boring

( )12.---_____ do you have geography? ---We have geography on Tuesday and Thursday.

A. What B. When C. Where D. Why ( )13. Mrs. Zhao went _____ after she finished _____ her work last Monday.

A. shop; doing B. shopping; doing C. shopping; to do D. shop; to do ( )14. We have math ________ Friday.It's difficult ________ interesting.

A.on;or B.on;but C.in;or D.in;and ( )15. —Kate, you look ______ in this sweater.

—Thank you, Tom.


A. fat B. fun C. long D. cool ( )16. ---_________does he like fruit? ---Because it’s good for health.

A. What B. When C. Why D. Which ( )17.Music_________ very relaxing.

A.sound B. sounds C. looks D. look ( )18.________ favorite sport is volleyball.

A.He’s B. She’s C. Gina’s D. He ( )19.The game________ at 6:00 p. m.

A.finish B. finishes C. to finish D. finishing ( )20.I like math_________ it’s very interesting.

A.and B. but C. so D. because ( )21.---What is the date today? ---It’s_________.

A.Tuesday B. June C. Monday D. December 13th ( )22.Linda and Lisa’s favorite subject ________P. E.

A.am B. is C. are D. do ( )23.What_________ you usually do on weekends?

A.is B. be C. are D. do ( )24.I play games_________ an hour every day.

A.for B. at C. on D. in ( )25.---________ teaches you science?

---________Brown does. She is very kind to us.

A.Who; Mr. B. What; Mr C. What;Mrs. D. Who; Mrs. ( )26.I’m_________ you are right.

A.sure B. think C. know D. help

( )27.---_________ is her favorite subject? ---Her favorite subject is art.

A.Why B. When C. Who D. What ( )28.---_________is your husband?

---A cook. He works in a restaurant near our home.

A.What B. Where C. How D. Which ( )29.---________ do you like dogs? ---Because they are very cute.

A.What B. How C. Why D. Which ( )30.---________ is your English teacher? ---Mr. Li.

A.Where B. What C. How D. Who




