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Peppa Pig S03E35 Baby Alexander 小宝宝亚历山大

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I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 我是佩琪。这是我的弟弟,乔治。这是猪妈妈。这是猪爸爸。 Peppa Pig 小猪佩琪

Baby Alexander


Peppa and George's cousins are coming to visit today. 佩琪和乔治的堂亲今天要来拜访他们。

Mummy, how long before Cousin Chloé is here? 妈妈,克洛伊还要多久到?

Not long now Peppa, Baby Alexander is coming, too, remember? 快了,佩琪,小亚历山大也会来,还记得他吗? Oh! Baby is crying all the time. They are so noisy. 哦!小宝宝总是会一直哭。他们太吵了。 I'm sure Baby Alexander won't be that noisy. 我相信小亚历山大不会那么吵。 What's that sound? 那是什么声音? Is it a car alarm?

是汽车报警器响吗? Is it a fire engine? 是消防车响吗?

No, it's Baby Alexander. 不,是小亚历山大。 Hello Peppa! Hello George! 你好,佩琪!你好,乔治! Hello Cousin Chloé! 你好,堂姐克洛伊! Hello everyone! 大家好!

Hello Uncle Pig! 你好猪伯父! Hello! 你们好!

Hello Auntie Pig!


You remember Baby Alexander, don't you Peppa? 你还记得小亚历山大,对吗,佩琪? Yes! 记得!

Are you staying for a few days? 你们要住上几天吗?

No, this is what Alexander needs, for just one day. We can't go anywhere without all these baby things.

不,这是亚历山大需要的,就待一天。没有这些婴儿用品我们哪儿也去不了。 Hello Baby Alexander. 你好,小亚历山大。 He can't talk, Peppa.


If he can't talk then how do you know what he wants?

如果他不会说话那么你们是怎么知道他需要什么的呢? We guess.


I'm guessing he is hungry.


Peppa, would you like to help feed Alexander? 佩琪,你想帮忙喂下亚历山大吗? Yes, please.


It is lunch time for Baby Alexander.


Cousin Peppa is going to feed you today, Alexander. 堂姐佩琪今天要来喂你,亚历山大。

Here you are baby. Oh, here it is. Oh, he keeps turning his head. 这里小宝宝。哦,这里。哦,他一直把头转开。 Feeding Baby Alexander is quite hard. 喂小亚历山大很难。

Watch this. Here comes the aeroplane.


Alexander likes it if you return the spoon as an aeroplane. 亚历山大喜欢你把勺子当成飞机送食物进他嘴里。 You have a go, Peppa. 你试试,佩琪。

Here comes the aeroplane. Open your mouth and in free the doors. 飞机来了。张开你的嘴,打开机舱门。 Hurray!


That was an aeroplane. Can you say aeroplane? 那是一架飞机。你能说飞机吗? I told you he can't talk! 我告诉过你他不会说话!

He hasn't even said his first word yet. 他甚至还不会说一个字。

Peppa, do you remember what your first word was? 佩琪,你还记得你说的第一个词是什么吗? No.


It was Mummy.


I thought Peppa's first word was Daddy. 我以为佩琪的说的第一个词是爸爸。 No, Mummy.


What was George's first word? 乔治说的第一个词是什么? Dino-saur.


George's first word was dinosaur.


Somebody looks like that he had a good lunch. 看起来他午饭吃得很好。 Yes, bath time I think.

是的,我想现在是洗澡时间。 Baby Alexander is having a bath.


This is Mr. Dinosaur. Can you say dinosaur? 这是恐龙先生。你会说恐龙吗? Go-go!


He can't talk, Peppa.


But he will talk one day. Then you'll know what he wants. 但总有一天他会说话的。 那你就知道他想要什么了。 What do you want to do now Alexander? 你现在想做什么亚历山大? Go-go. 走-走。

I think he wants to go for a walk.


He can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy. 他还不能走路,但他可以坐着小车出去。 That's a clever little buggy. 那是辆小巧的小车。

Yes, five gears, mud guards, and ADS standard.

是的,有五个挡,还有挡泥板,符合儿童安全标准。 That's how daddies talk. 爸爸们就是这样说话的。

Alexander likes it when you talk, Peppa. 亚历山大喜欢你说话,佩琪。 That's because I am very interesting. 那是因为我很有趣。

This is the sky. Can you say sky?

这就是天空。你能说天空吗? Go-go. 走-走。

The sky is where raincomes from. Can you say rain? Rain is good for ducks and plants and making muddy puddles!

天空是雨来的地方。你能说雨吗?雨水对鸭子和植物都有好处,雨水也能形成泥坑! Peppa has found a big muddy puddle. 佩琪发现了一个大泥坑。

Look Alexander! I'm jumping up and down in a puddle. I love jumping up and down in puddles. 看亚历山大!我在水坑里跳来跳去。我喜欢在水坑里跳来跳去。 Puddles. 水坑。

Alexander has said his first word! Puddles! 亚历山大说了他的第一个词!水坑! Hurray! Puddles! 好诶!水坑!

And I taught him to say it! 我教会了他这么说! Puddles. 水坑。

Peppa Pig S03E35 Baby Alexander 小宝宝亚历山大


