250t LF钢包炉炉底透气砖布置模式优化水模实验
【期刊名称】《安徽工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2011(028)004
【摘要】Based on the principle of similarity, the mixing time of steel in 2501 ladle with single permeable brick blowing, double permeable brick blowing in symmetry location and asymmetry location on the same diameter with different gas rate was measured by established water model of 1:3 using conductivity method.The results show that mixing time is shortest when the permeable brick is at the bottom center of 0.61 R for single blowing, and the double permeable brick blowing in symmetry location is better than that with single permeable brick blowing, the asymmetry location is better than the symmetry. The experiment provided a new approach for laying the permeable brick.%根据相似原理,建立1:3的250t钢包水力学模型,用电导法测定钢包底部单透气砖、同一直径上双透气砖对称分布和同一直径上双透气砖非对称分布时,在不同供气量下吹氩气的钢水混匀时间.结果表明,单吹时透气砖离钢包底部中心0.61R时混匀时间最短;双透气砖对称吹氩气优于单透气砖吹氩气,双透气砖非对称吹气优于对称吹气.为优化钢包底部透气砖的布置提供了新的方案. 【总页数】4页(332-335)
【关键词】钢包;底吹氩气;水模型;混匀时间 【作者】柴先义;汪志全;周俐