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2014考研英语作文十大预测 (2)

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信任缺失问题 The gradual loss of trust between people


For one things,A host of dishonest behaviors in the society have caused distrust between people.

additionally, the absence of deep communication is also responsible for the gradual loss of trust between people. In such a competitive world of today, enormous pressure and the fast -paced way of life has also deprived people of their chance of in-depth communication. 问题的解决措施

Firstly, A large-scale education campaign should be launched to inform the public of the importance of trust between each other.

Secondly, we ourselves should spend more time communicating with people around us. Thus, relationships and trust between people can be enhanced simultaneously . Only in this way can we live in a more harmonious world. (54words)


Helping each other 互助的意义

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of helping each other. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of it. Helping each other is conducive to the harmony of society. On the one hand, those who obtain helps from others can get out of trouble more smoothly and thus sense the warmth of society. On the other hand, those who offer a helping hand are more likely to improve their sense of gratification and achievement by fulfilling their personal value. To further demonstrate the importance of mutual help, I would take Wen Chuan as a case in point : how could it , after being severely damaged by the earthquake in 2008, rebuild its homeland at such a high speed without the help from people at home and abroad ? 中域荣获网易年度盛典全国十大教育集团荣誉 1


At no time should we underestimate the power of a helping hand. Accordingly,under no circumstances should we decline to help others when they are in need. Besides,we should be grateful for those who provide us with help when we are in trouble. Only in this way can we lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.


social morality 社会公德

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of social morality. Definitely,No one can deny the importance of it. Social morality is conducive to the enhancement of the civilization of society, people equipped with the awareness of social morality tend to place a high value on their behaviors , endeavor to adjust their behaviors to their code of conduct and restrict their undesirable actions which are removed from the social standard of being a decent man. To further illustrate the significance of social morality, I would like to take an empirical evidence as a case in point: statistics gathered by certain professional institutions have demonstrated that approximately 89% of countries, when assessing the level of social civilization, recognize social morality as a key indicator.

At no time should we underestimate the power of social morality. The authorities should launch a large-scale educational campaign to popularize the significance of social morality. Coinciding with these moves, we ourselves should also enhance the consciousness of it. Only in this way can we live in a more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.


Dreams/ objectives 梦想和目标的意义

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of our dreams/objectives. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Our dreams/goals/ideals/objectives will prevent us from quitting easily especially when we are in great trouble. They will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best in us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith. To further illustrate the importance of dreams/objectives, I would like to take Helen Keller as a case in point: how could she, a disabled woman who was born blind and deaf, finally be a world-renowned writer who wrote If I Had Three Days to See without her dreams to overcome physical limitations.

Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of dreams/objectives. furthermore, we must set up proper goals before we start to do anything and stick to it whatever difficulties we meet . “One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve. ” Paul Nitze once said. 2013考研英语作文预测之五关于自信 confidence 自信的意义

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of confidence. Definitely, no once 中域荣获网易年度盛典全国十大教育集团荣誉 2


can deny the importance of it. confidence enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. By being confident. We are more likely to win others’ trust and support, discover our potentials and overcome those seemingly-invincible and formidable setbacks. To further illustrate the importance of being confident, I would like to take Jeremy Lin as a case in point: how could he, once and ordinary and obscure basketball player at Harvard University, achieve unprecedented success in NBA?

Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of confidence. Furthermore, when coming with setbacks and bottlenecks, instead of giving up easily, what we must do is to face it with confidence and fight against it without courage. “confident people never get hurt.” Abraham Lincoln also once said.

就业难 (关注大学生现状 ) unemployment


For one thing,College graduates lack practical experience. Quite a few college students have acquired rich professional knowledge but failed to apply it into practice.

For another,they aim too high. All they want are \jobs which could offer decent salaries, comfortable working conditions and high social status. thus, most college students would rather stay at home doing nothing but waiting for their ideal jobs.

Thirdly, Another reason is that many colleges and universities fail to adapt their majors to the rapid development and growing demand of society. So companies find that students are usually not fit for their positions. 问题的解决措施

Firstly, college students should realize their own defects and further improve themselves to keep their competitive edge in society.

Moreover, colleges or universities should provide more trainings and internship opportunities before the students enter society.

Only through these ways can the college students find a satisfactory and ideal job and have a brighter future.


网络谣言传播 Internet-based rumors 问题产生的原因

For one thing,the advanced network technology has provided people with such convenient communication tools as BBS, Microblogs, QQ, and e-mail, which will promote the spread/diffusion of rumors.

中域荣获网易年度盛典全国十大教育集团荣誉 3


Moreover, the convenience of anonymity on the net enables users to shirk responsibility for their remarks , which has also reinforced this trend. (52words) 问题的解决措施

Firstly, the authorities should make and implement relevant laws and regulations to impose heavy penalty on those who spread rumors through the Internet.

Secondly, relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of the network information and stop the circulation of rumors.

Last but not least, as for the Netizen themselves,neither should they believe the rumors easily,nor disseminate rumors deliberately. As the common saying goes, \wise. \


传统文化流失 (traditional culture missing ) 问题产生的原因

To start with,quite a few people hold that Chinese traditional culture is of little use in modern society and it has failed to meet the needs of society's development.

What's more ,Chinese traditional culture is facing an unprecedented challenge. Rich and colorful culture from foreign countries has distracted people's attention, few people can resist the temptation of foreign culture. (64 words) 问题的解决措施

Firstly, A large-scale education campaign, combined with various interesting traditional and cultural activities, should be launched to inform the public of the importance of the protection of Chinese traditional culture.

Additionally, Chinese traditional culture need to adjust to the rapid development and the growing demand of society .

Only in this way can we prevent the loss of traditional culture and hand down the traditional cultural heritages from generation to generation. (78words)


Innovation consciousness 创新意识的意义

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of the consciousness of innovation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. A innovative spirit can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are keeping on creating new things can make continuous progress and maintain competitive edge. To further illustrate the importance of innovation, I would like to take Steve Jobs as a case in point: how could he, a genius who change the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, invent so many powerful 中域荣获网易年度盛典全国十大教育集团荣誉 4


electronic products without a creative spirit ?

From my perspective, at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation. Furthermore, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.


How vivid the cartoon it is! What the profound cartoon reflects is a not uncommon social

phenomenon, from which we can observe that there proves to a subway accident, which results in a number of injuries.

It is universally acknowledged that the above-mentioned cartoon truly demonstrates a social issue which is becoming more and more popular currently. What prove to be the underlying reasons for it? Without any doubt, a number of reasons stated as follows can be taken to account for it. First and foremost, the relevant government organs do not do their utmost to give sufficient emphasis on this issue, more importantly, with regard to the due punishment to those who go against the law, they are not severely implemented and conducted.

In line with my personal perspective, some effective measures should be implemented to put an end to this issue, then, what counter-measures should be taken into account seriously? On the one hand, governments concerned should do their utmost to make rigorous laws and regulations in this regard, on the other hand, the society as a whole should enhance their public awareness, only if we have these measures adopted , can we resolve it in a complete and successful manner!

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2014考研英语作文十大预测 (2)


