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a: I ant! But I hardl take an ation. Anho, I kno it’s bad. And it also auses some negative effets hih are bad mood, stress, anxiet and also some health problems. It even imped m

abilit to ahieve m goal.

I found some simple reasons that aused this strange situation. The first one is diffiult. Sometimes, the tasks seem too hard

to do so that e just prorastinate it later. The seond one is time-onsuming. In m bus ollege life, free

time is unavailable until eekend.

The next one is the lak of knoledge or skills. Beause e usuall don’t ant to make a mistake until ou’re

sure it’s right. The last one are fears. I am afraid that everone ill kno I

made a mistake and minimize m abilities.

All of these are the reasons of being a prorastinator. But ho an e overe prorastination? There are some tips for

avoiding prorastination. Firstl, ou should aknoledge that ou are postponing a task. Don’t onsider too muh about failure. Just have a lear goal,

plan on paper and fous on that.

Then, take small steps. Finall, reate a sense of urgen. Prorastination is the thief of time. Overing prorastination

ill do us a great favor in terms of stud and life.

If ou ant to go travelling, if ou ant to see a film,

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If ou ant to lean our room, if ou ant to do some reading, If

ou ant to keep fit, Don’t prorastinate an more, hat makes ou happ is to be able to do hat ou anted to do.篇五:



Hello everone!I’ m Bett. I’ m L level. In our dail life,have ou ever had these experienes? For example, final exams are approahing, but ou don’t ant to stud or revie until the last da before the exams. Or, tomorro is task deadline, but ou are still plaing the games and looking through posts in various forums. You kno ou have urgent things to do, but ou alas did not start it until the

last minute. No e have a ord to desribe this smptom—prorastination. Prorastination refers to behaviors that are unneessar but ause harmful onsequenes. In other ords, e put off things till tomorro. Currentl this ord is not a stritl pshologial or medial term. It’s onl an internet ord. Hoever, it has bee an

important researh topi in management and psholog.

There are four reasons ausing prorastination.

1. Perfetionism. People ho are perfetionists don’t ant

to have a rushed

beginning. The hope everthing is read.

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The tasks are abstrat. When e fae pletel unfamiliar tasks,

e don’t kno ho to start it and here to begin. At this moment, e find it

hard to finish and feel ver anxious.

3. Think a lot. Our brain likes to think simple things.

Hoever e often go to extremes to think all things learl and then start it. As a result of onsidering too man details, e graduall feel the task is plex and diffiult. And then e ma feel oarded b it. Therefore, people have no interest in finishing tasks. In

this a, thinking a lot equals to thinking nothing.

Ho an e kill our prorastination? Here are some advies.

1. Redue distrations. Ask ourself: hat are the three most

mon distrations that keep me from doing m ork? Figure it out and keep them XX from ou b, for example, shutting door to our offie, putting our phone on silent mode for an hour at a time or b having

notifiations for email shut off.

Make small move at one time. Although striving for

perfetion mabe a noble priniple, it osts long time and muh energ. You onl need to

start the first step instead of thinking a lot.

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3. Set up a rearding sstem. Rearding ourself ith

something ou enjo after

ou plete ever step.

4. Effetive supervision. Finding some friends together to

overe this bad habit is muh easier than going alone. You an tell our speifi plans to

our friends and set a deadline. Let our friends supervise ou. Mabe someone still believes the deadline is the first produtive fore. But e also realize prorastination is the thief of time and a lot of people suffer from it. So get rid

of it, for our better life!

Thank ou for our time! Questions: Wh do ou hoose this topi? Do ou have the same smptoms? Can ou share one or to? Ho do ou overe it?do ou think it’s reall bad? Wh?




to me march 28th was a lucky day.it was on that particular evening that i found myself at central stage,in the spotlight.winning the 21st century·ericsson cup seventh

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national english speaking petition is a memory that i shall treasure and one that will surely stay. more important than winning the cup is the friendship that has been established and developed among the contestants,and the chance to municate offstage in addition to peting onstage.also the petition helps boost public speaking in china,a skill hitherto undervalued. for me,though,the petition is a more personal experience.habitually shy,i had been reluctant to take part in any such activities.encouraged by my

friends,however,i made a last-minute decision to give it a try.in the course of preparation i somehow rediscovered myself,a truer me. i found that,after all,i like municating with other people;that exchanging views can be so much fun—and so much rewarding,both emotionally and

intellectually;that public speaking is most effective when you are least guarded;and that it is essential to success in every walk of life. at a more practical level,i realized knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it are equally important.to take the original ideas out of your head and transplant them,so to speak,to that of others,you need to have an organized mind.this ability improves with training. yet there should not be any loss or addition or distortion in the process.those ideas that finally find their way into another head need to be

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