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Oh,no!the assighment should be handed in tomorro!” These

are all the performane of prorastination.

h e suffer from prorastination?

There are 4 simple reasons as follos: Firstl,the task seems too hard for us to do.seondl,our free time is unavailable until the eekend,thirdl,e are lak of knolegdes and skills.Besides,e don’t ant to make a mistake until e’re sure it’s right.At last,the fear everone ill kno

e made a mistake ill also ause prorastination. Hoever,There are also 3 plex reasons for prorastination that e an’t ignore. The first reason is perfetionism.The person ho is a perfetionist,mabe think that if i an’t do it right. I don’t do it at all.The seond reason is the hostilit to assignments or leaders,if e are hostile to our essential task.e ill refuse to take our best efforts to finish the task out of spite.The last reason is lo self-evaluation,it ill

minimize our abilities.

3.What is negative effets of prorastination. To m mind,missing deadline is the most serious onsequene of prorastination.And the qualit of our ork ma suffer,espeiall if it’s done at the last minite.At the same time ,it an add

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to our stress levels and affet our life outside ork.,suh as letting ourselves don ,not ahieving our full potential and so


4.B the a, Do ou kno hat perentage of people prorastinate? It’s a surprising number.95%.So,hat an e do to overe

prorastination. There are some helpful tips:

Write don our tasks in visible plae ith their due dates.

Make the tasks look eas in our mind.

Break the task in several parts.

Modif our environment to enourage aplishing the task. Tell our famil or friends about our goal.The ill motivate ou

along the a. Reard for ourself for a job ell done. That’s all,thank ou for our listening


英语课前演讲稿prorastination拖延症 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Toda, our topi is about

prorastination. Well, hat is prorastination? Generall speaking,

prorastination is an at of putting of an essential task until a later time. And there is no doubt that prorastination ill

do harm to our stud and health. Let’s see some behavior of a prorastinator. When the deadline is set, he ill think there is one eek until the assignment is due. So he has the false sense of seurit. I

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have plent of time. As time passes, he ill think that I ill get started soon beause I an onl ork under great pressure. And hen the last da is ing, he hurries to do his ork panikil

and under great pressure. And the ase of us is often that. Toda I must rite m paper, so I haven’t to be online. Well, I need to searh some statistis, so I must use puter. And the traged happens on us. An evening

is killed b our entertainment. And let’s see its four reasons. First, perfetionism. Everthing ou ant to do should be done at a high level. You ant to sueed b one time and don’t ant to repeat again. Seond, resistane and hostilit. The teaher’s attitude toards me is so bad, so I don’t ant to do his homeork. Third, be eas to be deadene. The task is so diffiult. Wh other people needn’t do but I have to do? I an’t tolerate doing that. Mabe I ill do it tomorro. Last, self-depreiation. M abilit bees loer and

loer graduall as I usuall an’t finish m tasks ell. Mabe everbod have prorastination to some degree. But ho do to

deal ith it? Let’s see some measures.

First, realize it's no need to prorastinate Seond, rite don the reason h ou ill prorastinate piee b piee

Third, overe

And then, take ation right no. If ou ant to finish our homeork, if ou ant to get a high sore

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for TEM4, if ou ant to do reading, if ou ant to keep fit, or if ou ant to sho our love to our relatives or a speial person. Don’t prorastinate an more. What make ou the most happ is be

able to do hat ou ant to do. That’s all. Thank ou.


英语演讲 --拖延症 现象 在现实生活中,这样的事屡见不鲜,



⑤期末考试临近,却不愿碰专业书本或文献一下,甚至哪怕deadline就在几天之后,这样的人有一个共同的名字——“拖延症患者” In our dail life, suh things are mon. A pile of dirt lothes to be ashed have been not started. Knoing immediatel to hand in papers, still plaing the game, uploading photos, seeing posts in various forums, not until the last minute ill ou get started to ork. Final exams are approahing, but ou do not ant to touh the professional literature about the book or even just a fe das es the deadline even. Suh people have a mon name - delaing disease patients, or e an all them

patients ith prorastination

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定义 拖延症(Prorastination)指的是非必要、后果有害的推迟行为。取意“将之前的事情放置明天”。目前这个词并不是一个严格的心理学或医学术语,但拖延现象现已成为管理学家和心理学家研究的一个重

要课题 Prorastination refers to a non neessar to postpone the onsequenes of harmful behavior, hih is Intended to take put the things off till tomorro. Currentl the ord is not a stritl pshologial or medial terminolog. Hoever, delas have bee to be

an important researh topi in the management and psholog 问题存在 中国青年报的一项网上心理调查结果显示,2250名被访者中,有7

8%的人坦言自己患上了拖延症。其中1 4.0%的人觉得自己的额拖延症“非常明显”,4 1.5%的人觉得“比较明显”,仅

7.3%的人觉得自己没有拖延症 美国和加拿大的统计数据表明,70%的大学生存在学业拖延的状况,普通人中也有20%的人每天出现拖延行为。按照这个数据推算,全球有近

10亿人患有拖延症。 The results of an online surve of pshologial made b China Youth Dail, Sho that 2250 respondents, 7

8% of people admitted that the are suffering from prorastination. Of hih 1

4.0% feel that their amount prorastination ver lear, 4

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