中国环境科学 2019,39(6):2328~2335 China Environmental Science
刘俊女1,朱庆功2*,杨正军2 (1.北京市机动车排放管理中心,北京 100176;2.中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司,天津 300300)
摘要:在一台性能稳定的汽油车上由同一驾驶人员按平顺、粗暴和正常3种驾驶方式分别进行NEDC(新欧洲行驶工况)、FTP75(美国认证工况)以及WLTC(世界统一轻型车测试循环)工况油耗试验,采用能量变化率(ER)、距离变化率(DR)、能量经济性变化率(EER)、绝对速度改变率(ASCR)、速度平方根误差(RMSSE)以及惯性做功改变率(IWR)6个指标作为驾驶质量评价指标,通过分析计算每次试验各项评价指标及其与燃料消耗量变化的相关性,确定了油耗试验驾驶方式的合理性边界条件.结果表明,对于WLTC和FTP75工况,平顺驾驶和粗暴驾驶均会导致评价指标变大或者变小,驾驶方式与评价指标呈规律性变化;对于NEDC工况,不同的驾驶方式对NEDC工况油耗影响较小.油耗试验的边界条件, WLTC工况的EER为(0.25±0.47)%、ASCR为(1.20±0.97)%、RMSSE为(0.85+0.15)km/h、IWR为(2.15±1.27)%时,可认为油耗试验的驾驶方式较为合理;FTP75工况的EER为(-0.09±0.69)%、 ASCR为(-0.59±0.42)%、RMSSE为(0.88+0.34)km/h以及IWR为(-0.69±1.66)%时,油耗试验的驾驶方式较为合理. 关键词:油耗试验;工况;驾驶方式;边界条件
中图分类号:X51 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6923(2019)06-2328-08
Evaluation of the driving way of light-duty vehicle fuel consumption test in different driving cycle. LIU Jun-nü1*, ZHU Qing-gong2, YANG Zheng-jun2 (1.Beijing Vehicle Emission Management Center, Beijing 100176, China;2.China Automotive Technology and Research Center, Tianjin 300300, China). China Environmental Science, 2019,39(6):2328~2335
Abstract:The NEDC、FTP75and WLTC cycle fuel consumption test were carried out in a stabilized gasoline car with three different driving ways including smooth, rough and normal driving by the same driver. Based on the evaluation of energy rating (ER), distance rating (DR), energy economy rating (EER), absolute speed change rating (ASCR), root mean squared speed error (RMSSE) and inertia work rate (IWR), the rationality of the boundary conditions of fuel consumption test were obtained through the analysis and calculation of the above evaluation index and the change of fuel consumption of each test. Smooth and rough driving both resulted in the regular change of evaluation index in FTP75and WLTC test. However, the different driving way had little effect on fuel consumption in NEDC test. The boundary conditions of fuel consumption test were obtained as below. When ER was in the range of (0.25±0.47)%, ASCR was in the range of (1.20±0.97)%, RMSSE was in the range of (0.85+0.15)km/h, IWR was in the range of (2.15±1.27)%,the driving ways of the WLTC cycle fuel consumption test were reasonable. For the cycle of FTP75, the reasonable driving ways of fuel consumption test ought to make sure that EER, ASCR, RMSSE and IWR ranged among (-0.09±0.69)%, (-0.59±0.42)%, (0.88+0.34)km/h and (-0.69±1.66)% respectively.
Key words:the fuel consumption test;the driving cycle;the driving ways;the boundary condition
* 责任作者, 工程师,
不同工况下轻型车油耗试验驾驶方式评价 - 论文