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安徽省芜湖市2019 - 2020学年高二英语上学期期中试题

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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Father and daughter B. Mother and son C. Friends. 2. What does the man like most about the city ? A. Its friendly people.

B. Its wonderful restaurants. C. Its cold weather.

3. What money did the woman think the ATM gave ?

A. Borrowed money. B. Money in the card. C. Free money. 4. What happened to the woman?

A. She couldn’t find a parking space. B. She was fined for parking.

C. She had a quarrel with a driver. 5. What time is it now ?

A. Around 9:00. B. 10:15. C. 12:15. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. When will the manager come to the speakers’ office ? A. At 8 this morning. B. At 9 tomorrow morning. C. At 4 tomorrow afternoon.

7. Why does the man want the manager to come to his office ? A. He wants to ask for a leave. B. He wants to show he works hard. C. He wants the doorbell repaired.


8. Why does the woman hate flying?

A. She’s afraid of the safety problem. B. She can’t bear the noise of flying.

C. Her ear hurts when flying.

9. What has the woman done with her problem? A. She tried some medicine

B. She entered a training course. C. She had an operation.


10. When did the woman break her finger ? A. When playing volleyball. B. When operating a machine. C. When climbing the stairs.

11. What happened to the man speaker last summer ?

A. He received a reward. B. He had an accident. C. He lost his job. 12. What does the man think of Dr Allen ?

A. He’s a good teacher. B. He is strict with the nurses. C. He is experienced.

听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. How long has Henry been away ?

A. For a week. B. For two weeks. C. For a month. 14. How did Henry go to Atlanta ?

A. By ship. B. By train. C. By air. 15. What has Peter been doing ?

A. Arranging for a meeting. B. Visiting his relatives. C. Attending university.

16. When did the woman move to Colorado ? A. About five years ago. B. About eight years ago. C. More than ten years ago. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Where did the story happen ? A. In the street in New York.

B. In a rescue center in Birmingham. C. In a park in London.

18. What did the man say about the speaker’s greeting him ? A. No one but the speaker smiled to him. B. Everyone in the city was friendly to him. C. He couldn’t understand the speaker. 19. What did the man want ? A. Some food for dinner. B. Some money to go home.

C. A place to keep from the cold.

20. How much money did the speaker give the man ? A. $40. B. $47. C. $50. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



★The Wright Brothers, by David McCullough

Another must-read for history fans, McCullough tells the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright, the brothers who taught the world how to fly. Drawing on all types of historical data—from personal diaries and scrapbooks(剪贴簿), to thousands of private letters of family letters—we get a close look at the actual personalities behind one of the most influential moments in history.

★ The Wonder Garden, by Lauren Acampora

This novel is really a collection of several interwoven(交织) stories of people living in the rich Connecticut suburbs. From tales of an elderly artist to young mother to a woman whose husband just behaves carelessly, The Wonder Garden gives us a reminder that there’s often so much we don’t know about what happens with our neighbors behind closed doors.

★ Between You&Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen, by Mary Norris

Does someone mistaking who for whom make your blood boil ? Do you want to throw a dictionary at someone for mistaking sit for cite ? Enter Between You&Me. Mary Norris brings her experience working in The New Yorker’s copy department to eager grammar fans in this laugh-out-loud book that looks at some of the most common spelling, punctuation, and usage problems in the English language.

★ My Struggle: Book Four, by Karl Ove Knausgaard

My Struggle is a six-volume autobiographical novel that follows the life of Karl

Ove Knausgaard, a Norwegian father of three. In Book Four, he writes of his decision at the age of 18 to move to a fisherman’s village in the far north of the Arctic circle to work as a school teacher. It’s there that he struggles with love, alcoholism(酗酒), and becoming loved by one of his students. 21.What does the book The Wright brothers focus on ?

A. Invention of airplanes. C.

Nature of the characters.

22.Who describes his or her real life experiences in the novel?

A. David McCullough. C. Mary Norris. A. Between You & Me. C. The Wright brothers.

B. Karl Ove Knausgaard. D. Lauren Acampora. B. The Wonder Garden. D. My Struggle.

B. History of airplanes.

D. Ordinary life of the characters.

23.Which of the following books might make you burst into laughter?


A modern Chinese literary author left us on October 30th, 2018. Louis Cha Leung-yung, better known by his pen name Jin Yong, was one of the greatest modern authors of Chinese fiction and respected by fans around the world as the father of the many of the Kung Fu heroes.

Through his descriptions of various heroes in dynastic China's wuxia ,or martial arts, world — and their descriptions in many popular movies, TV and radio series, video games and comic books — he became a famous name among Chinese. It has been said he is the world's most read Chinese author, and certainly his books have taught generations of readers about the importance of values, such as compassion, honesty, and perseverance.

Some people say his passing marks the end of an age in Chinese wuxia fiction, but others believe the heroes he created will live forever.

He was a journalist in the early years of his literary career, Cha became deputy editor of New Evening Post in Hong Kong, where he met Chen Wentong, who wrote wuxia novels using the pen name Liang Yusheng. With Chen's encouragement, Cha began work on his first martial arts novel The Book and the Sword in 1955. It was an instant hit.

Cha went on to write 14 more wuxia novels. His style of storytelling contained fictional characters and plots with historical figures and events, which makes the stories different from other works .

All the memorable characters in his martial arts hero novels, from great kung fu masters to a person who has no importance , no matter how intelligent and strong they appear, are flawed in some way and make mistakes every now and then, just like all of us in real life.

Finally what makes someone a hero in his works is that they have the will and ability to make decisions and do things that serve the best interest of their communities when it matters. 24. Cha is famous for his _______ .

A. martial arts novels B. comic books C. Kung Fu movies D. science fictions 25. From the text, we can know that _______.

A. Cha also devoted himself to popular movies TV and radio series, video games and comic book.

B. People can learn the significance of values from Cha’s works. C. Chinese literature ends up in Cha’s passing.

D. Cha encouraged Chen Wentong to work on his first martial arts novel The Book

and the Sword.

26. What dose the underlined sentence “It was an instant hit.” in the fourth paragraph mean ?

A. The book was a great success. B. The book was not popular with readers. C. The book was very touching. D. The book was instantly published. 27. The characters in Cha’s works are _____.

A. all great Kung Fu masters B. all persons who have no importance C. real people in our life D. not perfect


Do you want to live stress-free ? To be realistic, you aren’t able to live your life with absolutely no stress at all, but you can be free from stress. Even though some stress is unavoidable in life, you can manage your life so that your experience with stress is limited.

Change can be really stressful. Reactions to good or bad changes vary greatly from person to person. Typically, the more significant the change is , the more stress it can bring a person. Heavy work loads or increased demands on your time and energy can be enough for someone to feel stressed.

When you begin to feel worried, anxious, or afraid about something, your body tenses up and stress hormones(荷尔蒙) are released throughout your body. These hormones are helpful in emergencies, but since your body is not meant to keep that level of high-energy, stress over a long period of time can be harmful to our health,

Often stress enters our lives when we feel we are losing control. There are two ways that we can fight this type of stress. First, don’t worry about things that you have no control over, like the weather and the choices other people make. The second thing that you can do is to take control over what you do have power over: yourself. When things take you by surprise, it is up to you to stay cool.

Another tress-relieving tip is to say “no” once in a while. Be realistic about the number of tasks you take on, and don’t try to be a superhuman. 28. The passage mainly talks about___________.

A. what causes stress B. what stress is C. how to be free from stress D. how to avoid stress 29. When you face stress, you should________.

A. think about what choices others make B. try to take control over yourself C. let yourself be subject to weather D. know first what surprises you

安徽省芜湖市2019 - 2020学年高二英语上学期期中试题


