6.3 Traditional processing and advanced processing
Hello, everyone, today we are going to talk about traditional processing and advanced processing for ceramic processing. 译文:
For ceramic, there are traditional processing and advanced processing. First we talk about traditional processing. The first ceramic materials produced by processing were bricks and lime plaster. Limestone was roasted to produce lime, which was mixed with water. This mixture was added clay, straw, or fibers to provide building materials. It was used widely and are still in use today. 最早产生陶瓷材料是砖和石灰石膏。石灰岩被烤成石灰,与水混合。在这种混合物中添加了粘土、稻草或纤维,以提供建筑材料,至今仍在广泛使用使用。 译文:
When added to the clay materials, water provides the clay with plasticity or workability, in addition to providing the bonding strength. 当加入粘土材料时,水与黏土混合使材料具有可塑性或可操作性,并为提供粘合强度。 译文:
Traditional ceramics are still produced with basically the same materials. Now look at the Figure. Slip casting is an age-old process for making vases and other hollowware, it is a production process still used for many ceramics. 注浆成型法是一个古老方法去制作花瓶和其他空心制品的过程,许多陶瓷制品的生产过程仍然使用这个方法。
Many other traditional ceramics are produced by blending, pressing, and firing. 许多传统陶瓷都是由混合、压制和烧制而成。 译文:
Often, traditional ceramics develop a glassy phase upon cooling after firing, which accomplishes densification. 通常,传统陶瓷在烧制后冷却阶段会形成玻璃来达到致密
However, in advanced ceramics produced from ceramic particulates, Glass phases must be avoided. 然而,在用陶瓷颗粒产生的先进陶瓷中,必须避免玻璃相。 译文:
Ceramic materials processed to produce refractories,structural clay products(such as brick and pipe),or white ware liking dinnerware,tile pottery)can be considered traditional ceramics.耐火材料生产、结构粘土产品(砖和管)或白色器皿(日用陶瓷、餐具,瓷砖陶器)可以被认为是传统的陶瓷。 译文:
Next we discuss the Advanced Ceramic Processing
Modem ceramics with the unique and more sophisticated properties needed in this highly technological age are referred to using a variety of terms. High-tech, high-performance, fine, new, value-added, engineered, engineering, and advanced are some of the terms seen in the literature. In this section we use the word advanced to describe such ceramics. 在这个高度科技化的时代,现代陶瓷具有独特而复杂的特性,它使用了各种术语。高科技、高性能、精细、新、增值、工程、工程和先进是在文学中所看到的一些术语。在这一节中,我们用“高级”这个词来代表这种陶瓷。 译文:
Ceramic processing can be simply described as consisting of two steps: (1) a cold step, in which the ceramic part is formed or shaped into a “green” part or preform and (2) a hot step, in which the green compact is first subjected to heat to dry up any liquid phase formed during the processing and then subjected to higher heating, known as sintering. 陶瓷的制备过程可以简单地描述为两个步骤: (1)冷步骤, 形成陶瓷件或形成一个“生坯”件或预成型, (2)热步骤,生坯首先受热干燥,以排除形成的液相,然后在更高的温度下烧结。 译文:
陶瓷的制备过程可以简单地描述为两个步骤:(1)冷步骤, 形成陶瓷件或形成一个“生坯”件或预成型,以及(2) 热步骤,生坯首先受热干燥,以排除形成的液相,然后在更高的温度下烧结。
The firing consolidates the particles and bonds the ceramic particles together permanently to give the ceramic its strength and other final properties. 烧结使陶瓷粒