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Diddle, diddle, dumpling my son John 【童谣】

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John,

Went to bed with his trousers on; One shoe off, and one shoe on,

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.

摇啊摇,小宝宝。 我的儿子约翰。 穿着裤子上床去, 一只鞋脱掉, 一只鞋穿着,

叮当,叮当,小不点, 我的儿子约翰。


diddle ['didl] 摇摆

dumpling ['d?mpli?] 饺子,布丁 John [d??n] 约翰 on [?n] 穿上

trousers ['trauz?z] 裤子(复数) shoe [?u:] 鞋子


Diddle, diddle, 摇啊摇,摇篮曲的开头。 dumpling 饺子,布丁,这里指宝宝的昵称。 押韵:son, John, on


Twinkle, twinkle, little star 【童谣】

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. 一闪一闪小星星,

我想知道你到底是什么! 高高挂在世界顶端, 像天上的一颗钻石。


Twinkle ['tw??k(?)l] vi. 闪烁;发亮

Wonder ['w?nd?] vt. 怀疑;惊奇;对…感到惊讶 Diamond ['da??m?nd] n. 钻石,


押韵:star, are; high ,sky


Mademoiselle she went to the well 【童谣】

Mademoiselle she went to the well, She didn’t forget her soap and towel;

She washed her hands, she wiped them dry, She said her prayers, And jumped up high. 一个小淑女,走到井边去, 她没忘記香皂和毛巾; 她洗洗小手,她擦干小手, 她做完祷告, 然后跳起来。


Mademoiselle [mɑ:dmwɑ:'zel] n.[法语]小姐;Miss的法语对应词 well [wel] 井

soap [s?up] n.肥皂

towel ['tau?l] n.毛巾;手巾 wipe [waip] 擦

dry [drai] adj.干的,干燥 的 prayer [pre?] n.祷告,祈祷 jump [d??mp] vi.跳,跃; high [hai] adj.高的;


押韵:Mademoiselle,well,towel;dry,high 连读:went to; jumped up

红本p88 Tinker, tailor 【童谣】 Tinker, tailor, Soldier, sailor,

Richman, poorman, Plough boy, Thief. 工匠,裁缝, 士兵,水手, 富人,穷人, 农夫, 小偷。


tinker ['ti?k?] 修补匠

tailor ['teil?] (尤指缝制男子外衣的)裁缝 soldier ['s?uld??] 士兵 sailor ['seil?] 海员,水手 plough [plau] 犁,人名 thief [θi:f] 小偷


Ride a cockhorse 【童谣】

Ride a cockhorse, To Banbury Cross,

To see what Tommy can buy; A penny white loaf, A penny white cake,

And a two-penny apple pie. 骑上公鸡木马,

到 班伯里大十字架 , 看看汤米可以买什么; 一分钱的白面包, 一分钱的白蛋糕,



cockhorse ['k?k'h?:s]

Banbury Cross ['b?nb?ri] [ kr?:s ] 班伯里(Banbury):英格兰牛津郡查韦尔(Charwell)区城镇.

班伯里大十字架(Banbury Cross),其来源为著名童谣“骑上公鸡白马前往班伯里大十字架”, 如今的十字架是原物的复制品 。

Penny ['peni] 便士,英国货币最小单位,等于1/100英镑。 loaf [l?uf] 面包 cake [keik] 蛋糕 apple pie [pai ] 馅饼

【讲解】 [?:]

音标特征:后元音 半低音 圆唇 长元音

发音要诀:双唇向外突出成圆形,稍稍收圆,介于开闭,圆唇之间。 舌后升起,比[ R ]略高,舌尖不触下齿。

牙床半开渐至全开,舌尖卷上后在过渡微卷后。 注意:双唇收得要更圆更小,并用力向前突出。 注意长度,不要发得太短。

发音组合:a oo aw ou ore au or ar 发音组合:ou ow

【押韵】 cockhorse,cross;buy,pie



