I asked my mother for fifty cents 【童谣】
I asked my mother for fifty cents, To see the elephant jump the fence, He jumped so high, He reached the sky,
And didn’t come back till the Fourth of July. 我跟妈妈要了五毛钱, 去看大象跳栏杆, 它跳的好高, 跳到天上去,
cents [sents] 美分 fence ['fens] 栅栏 jump [d??mp] 跳跃 reach [ri:t?] 达到 high [hai] 高 sky [skai] 天空 July [d?u:'lai] 七月
the Fourth of July 七月四日,美国独立日
红本p 32
Red sky at night
——朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里! Re(d) sky a(t) night, 彩霞映照着夜空 Sheperd's delight ; 牧羊人会喜悦
Re(d) sky in the morning , 朝霞映照着晨曦 Shepherd's warning. 牧羊人会警惕
ents彩色标记部分为韵脚,^为连读部分,()部分略读 warning ['w?rn??] n. 警告;预兆;预告 adj. 警告的;引以为戒的
night, delight morning warning
红本p 34
Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard 老母亲哈伯德,
Wen(t) to the cupboard 去到橱柜边,
To fetch her poor dog^a bone; 想为可怜的狗拿一根骨头; Bu(t) when she go(t) there 当她来到那里,
The cupboard was bare 橱柜已经空空,
An(d) so the poor dog had none. 所以可怜的狗什么也没有了。
She wen(t) to the fishmonger's 她去鱼店,
To buy him some fish; 给他买些鱼,
Bu(t) when she came back 当她回来的时候, He was licking the dish. 他正在舔盘子。
She wen(t) to the fruiterer's 她去水果店,
To buy him some fruit, 给他买些水果,
Bu(t) when she came back. 当她回来的时候, He was playing the flute.
ents彩色标记部分为韵脚,^为连读部分,()部分略读 Hubbard [?h?b?d]:[人名] 哈伯德 cupboard [?k?b?d]:橱柜 bone [b??n]:骨头 bare [be?(r)]:空的
fishmonger [?f??m??g?(r)]:鱼商 lick [l?k]:舔
fruiterer [?fru:t?r?(r)]:商品 flute [flu:t]:长笛
Hubbard cupboard there bare fish dish fruit flute
红本p36 I'm Dusty Bill 【童谣】 I’m Dusty Bill
From Vinegar Hill, Never had a bath And I never will. 我是灰头比尔 来自醋溜山丘, 从来不洗澡, 将来也不洗。
dusty ['d?sti] 灰尘 bill [ bil] 比尔 hill [ hil] 山丘 will [ wil] vinegar ['viniɡ?] 醋