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Chinese shopping overseas 中国人在海外购物

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Foreign destinations draw crowds of Chinese shoppers

As the Chinese New Year holiday comes to a close, Chinese tourists are returning home with suitcases full of brand new buys. From French handbags to Japanese rice cookers, globe-trotting Chinese consumers are going the distance in pursuit of better purchases.

For millions of Chinese, the traditional Spring Festival has come to mean an overseas shopping spree.

During the week-long holiday, over 5 million Chinese travelled overseas, exceeding the number of domestic tourists for the first time.

And shopping was a key focus. In Paris, 80 per cent of Chinese tourist spending was devoted to shopping.

\bought some perfumes because they are much cheaper here. Also France is famous for its perfume. It's a must-buy item.\

\also get a tax return and no worries about counterfeit products.\

The United States is also among the top destinations for Chinese shoppers, who spend more than any other foreign nationalities, at an average of 72-hundred US dollars per visit.

Closer to home, about 450,000 Chinese visited neighboring Japan, packing electronics stores, seeking out one small but high-end product in particular.

Japan has better technology for rice cookers. I bought one even though it's pretty heavy to carry.

The quality of Japanese rice cookers is better. The rice they make tastes better.

And at malls in South Korea, long lines of Chinese tourists formed, hoping to get their hands on the most sought-after cosmetic products before they sold out.

Overseas retailers have begun paying more attention to their product lines and customer service in order to meet -- and cash in on -- the tastes of Chinese shoppers.


Chinese shopping overseas 中国人在海外购物


