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英文回复信范例 Response Letter

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pit with the dimensions of” (L210).

19. Ln. 199: Change 5 → “five”

Response: the statements of “5” was corrected as “five” (L212).

20. Ln. 204–205: What is meant by “the accepted range of soil temperature change”?( -40 to +60 C) temperature change in the soil or where? If in the soil, why such extreme numbers?

Response: 这个只是仪器的测定范围,研究区土壤温度在什么什么范围(各个图层的都加加上),所以用该仪器可以保证所测区域温度准确。

21. Ln. 206: Remove “nearly-original”

Response: The “nearly-original” was removed (L?).

22. Ln. 212: Why was this data (2014–2015) not available? Maybe add an explanation.

Response: The 80-cm data from the NF stand were not available for the 2014 and 2015 growing season due to the volumetric water content and temperature ECH2O


sensor at this layer was damaged. And we added an explanation at the line of L225-227.

23. Ln. 214: Equation → equations

Response: The statement of “equation” was corrected as “equations” (L229).

24. Ln. 192: Add “Total nitrogen (Ntot)” use that for total nitrogen rather than “TN” (Ln. 268)

Response: The statement of “total nitrogen” was corrected as “Total nitrogen (Ntot)”, and we use “Ntot” rather than “TN” in the following parts (L205).

25. Ln. 268: Rephrase so that the reader understands that the SOC and Ntot varied with thinning intensity – maybe → ..” soil depths tended to decrease with increased thinning intensity, while soil bulk density tended to increase.”

Response: Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We amended our text to clarify, and now it reads: “Generally, SOC and Ntot in all sampled soil depths tended to decrease with increased thinning intensity, while soil bulk density tended to increase” (MS, L283-284).


26. Ln. 273–274: Rephrase so that there will be less repetition.

Response: We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion (L270-281).这句感觉没有重复。

27. Ln. 287: Considered rephrasing “improving the utilization efficiency of precipitation”. Efficiency of the soil, stand?

Response: thus improving the utilization efficiency of precipitation for soil.

28. Ln. 334–336: Here, the data is well presented, sums the results for the reader (for VSWC)

Response: 除了10 cm外,NF在其他各个图层土壤水分最高。Soil moisture content changed drastically after thinning, with a significant decrease near-surface (10 cm), and a significant increase in sub-surface (60 and 80 cm) soil.

29. Ln. 339: Change the other “HD” to “LD” and remove “LD” from the end of the sentence.

Response: We agree, and we have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s


suggestion (L320-322).

30. Ln. 391: One percentage seems to be missing?

Response:查一下文献,加上具体的百分比。Moreover, successive rainfall events enable a faster wetting of canopies, a 391 higher degree of saturation of canopy water storage, and longer periods of 392 throughfall (Crokford and Richardson, 2000; Lozano-Parra et al., 2015).

31. (Ln. 393: Maybe rephrase → Evaporation is limited by energy availability)

Response: According to your suggestions, the statements of “Further, in wet conditions, evaporation from wet surfaces is lower due to limited energy availability” was corrected as “Further, in wet conditions, evaporation is limited by energy availability” (L?-?).

32. Ln. 397: Rephrase: “soil” → “soils”, “has” → “have”

Response: The statement of “soil” was corrected as “soils”, and the statement of “has” was corrected as “have” (L?-?).

33. Ln. 421–425: Repetition here → summarize.


Response: That was an excellent suggestion, and we have made revisions according to your comments (MS, L11).

We agree, and we have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion (L320-322).

We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion (L270-281).

34. Ln. 478: “was” → “is”

Response: The statement of “was” was corrected as “is” (L?-?).

35. Discussion-section, although well-written, needs a bit of “compressing”. There are repetitive sentences that can easily be removed. Furthermore, all the numbers (for example canopy interception ln. 377–378) should be reported in the results-section.

Response: That was an excellent suggestion, and we have made revisions according to your comments (MS, L11). In addition, all the numbers (for example canopy interception ln. 377–378) have been reported in the results-section.

Reviewer 2 General comments:


英文回复信范例 Response Letter


