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The Novel Coronavirus 在这次的疫情愈发严重的情况下,越来越多政府意识到了“社交隔离”的重要性,于是各种各样的措施被制定出来,我们一起来了解一下吧!


separate (v.) 分隔,分离 practice/practise (v.) 实行 mean (v.) 意思是 as well as 和 in public 在公共场合 refer to 指的是 prevent (v.) 阻止 cancel (v.) 取消 set rules for 制定规则

follow (v.) 按……去做,听从 distance (n.) 距离 fine (n.) 罚款 up to 多达

at a time 每次;一次 at certain times 在特定的时候


To stop the spread of COVID-19, many countries are practicing social distancing (社交隔离). This means people should stay at home as much as possible, as well as stay at least 2 meters away from other people when in public, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Social distancing also refers to other ways of preventing the spread of the virus. These include studying online instead of going to school and canceling (取消) public activities.

Many countries have set strict rules for social distancing. In Australia, for example, people who meet indoors must follow the “one person per four square meters” rule. This means that if a room has an area of 40 square meters, there should be no more than ten people in the

room. In Singapore, people who don’t keep a distance of 1 meter in public areas may need to pay a fine of up to $10,000 (50,000 yuan) or up to six months in prison (监狱).

There are also some more creative rules. In Panama, for example, men and women must leave their homes on different days, two hours at a time. In some Colombian towns, people can only go outside at certain times based on (基于) the last number of their national ID number. For example, people with an ID number ending in 0, 7 or 4 can leave the house on Monday, while those with an ID number ending 1, 8 or 5 can go outside on Tuesday. Choose the best answer Choose the best answer 01

In Australia, only _____ people should be allowed in a 100-square-meter room. A. 4 B. 10 C. 20 D. 25 02

In Singapore, people will be punished with _____ if they come within 1 meter of another person.

A. six months in jail B. a fine of $50,000 C. ten months in jail D. a fine of $100,000 03

What do we know about social distancing? A. It is a way of being polite.

B. It means that people must stay at home. C. It can stop people from getting infected. D. It refers to the same rules all over the world. 04

The story is mainly about _____.

A. why people should follow social distancing rules B. social distancing rules in different places C. which countries are using social distancing D. how to stop COVID-19 infections




