How do you do? I’m the king. I’m the king of gondoland.
How do you do? I’m the queen. He’s brave. And he s clever. No, no! I’m clever. I’m clever. Clever. Here you are. Thank you.
Can I have an ice-cream, Hello.
I’m princess sylvia. Oh, sylvia! Sylvia! Hello. I’m bob. I’m the gardener. How do you do? I’m corvax.
Thank you, corvax. Hi! I’m muzzy. Big muzzy. - Good morning. - Good morning. Good morning. I'm norman. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good...afternoon. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. - Good night. - Good night. - Good night. - Good night. I’m strong. I’m fat.
I’m fat. I’m fat. I’m fat.
I’m beautiful. I’m clever. I’m brave. - Strong. - Fat. - Beautiful - clever. And brave. - You re strong. - Yes, I am. - And you re fat. - Yes, I am.
And she’s beautiful. Yes, she is. Clever. - Strong. - Fat. - Beautiful. - Clever. - And brave. - Big. I’m big. Big muzzy. Big. Small.
I’m big muzzy. Big. Small. Big. Small. Big. Small. Big. Small.
And I m big muzzy. I’ve got a bag. A big bag.
I’ve got a map.
I’ve got a hamburger.
I've got a bike. A motorbike. I’ve got a computer. I’ve got a garden. Look!
I’ve got plums. I’ve got peaches. I’ve got grapes. I like plums. I like peaches. I like grapes.
And I like grapes. Hello, mummy. Hello, daddy.
Can I have a peach, please? I like hamburgers.
Can I have a hamburger, please?
Here you are.
Thank you. Can I have a salad, please?
Here you are. Thank you.
Can I have a drink, please?
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Here you are. Thank you.
Can I have a wash, please? Can I have a peach please, daddy?
Yes. A peach! - A peach. - Thank you.
Can I have a plum and some grapes, please? Yes.
A plum and some grapes! A plum and some grapes. Thank you.
A plum - a peach - a grape. A plum - a peach - some grapes.
A plum - a plum - a plum! Three plums! Jackpot!
Plums! Plums! Plums! - Bob! - Yes? Trees! Trees?
Yes. How many trees? Count!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
How many trees are there? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Bushes!
How many bushes are there? There are two - four - six - eight - ten.
And how many flowers are there?
Flowers? Yes. Yes.
How many flowers?
A hundred? Two hundred? Three hundred? I don t know. I don t know.
A hundred and seven. A hundred and eight. A hundred and nine. A hundred and ten. Bob!
Can i have a rose, please? Thank you. I like roses. And i like you. Oh, look!
I’ve got a rose. I’ve got a plum
and a peach and some grapes. A hamburger and a map. And I’ve got... a bike. - I love you.
- And I love you. Off we go! No! No! No!
I love the princess! I love sylvia! A, e, i, o, u. I love you. A, u, o, i, e. You love me. A, e, i, u, o. Off we go. I, o, u, e, a. Far, far away. A, u, i, o, e. You love me. A, e, i, o, u. I love you! A, e, i, o, u. I love you!
The gardener loves the princess? Yes! Yes! No! No! No!
The princess loves the gardener? Yes! Yes! No! No! Come on! Off we go! Follow me! Bye! - Hi! - Hello!
Daddy! Mummy! Corvax!
Sylvia! Sylvia! Oh, mummy!
I love princess sylvia. - Take him away! - Take him away! - Take him away! - Take him away! Take him away! Take him away, take him away... thank you, corvax. - Name? - Bob. - Age? - Twenty. - Job?
- Gardener. Take him away. Number nineteen. Number nineteen! Number nineteen! Number nineteen! - Nine. - Ten. - Eleven. - Twelve. - Thirteen. - Fourteen. - Fifteen. - Sixteen. Seventeen. - Eighteen. - Nineteen. Twenty. Nineteen! A monster! Hello.
I’m muzzy. Big muzzy.
The big muzzy story. I’m hungry. I’m hungry. I’m hungry. I’m hungry. Lovely!
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I like clocks. I’m hungry. Plums! Plums! Delicious plums! What’s this? It’s a plum. What?
- What’s this? - I don t know. It’s a bike. - What’s this? - I don t know. It’s a spaceship. - What’s this? - It’s a clock. - What’s this? - It’s a clock.
No, it’s a parking meter. What’s this? - It’s a typewriter.
- No, it’s a computer. What’s this? It’s a cat.
What’s that? What’s that? It’s my bell. It’s my bell. See you! What’s this?
It’s a plum. Eat it! I don t like it!
Look. How about this? - What is it? - It’s a peach. Eat it! It’s lovely. Eat it!
No! Horrible! I don t like it. It’s horrible. I don t like this
and I don t like that. This. That. This. That. This. That. That. This.
I don t like this
and I don t like that. I don t like these
and I don t like those. I don t like these
and I don t like those. What’s that?
- What’s that thing? - What thing?
That thing. That thing!
It’s a parking meter. A parking meter? Yes. You... lovely! I like this!
I like parking meters. Name?
Name? What’s your name? Muzzy. No, big muzzy. Age? Lovely!
Take him away, take him away... hello.
Hello, monster. I’m muzzy.
Hello, I’m a friend. Who are you?
What’s your name? B... b... berb... berb... What’s your name? Bob!
Who are you? Who?
- Who are you? - I’m the king.
No, it isn’t for you. - Who are you? - I’m the queen. No, it isn’t for you. - Who s this?
- It’s the princess! No, it isn’t for her. - Who s that? - It’s corvax. - You re corvax? - Yes, I am.
This is for you. Here you are. Thank you.
Who... who are you? I’m norman. Bye! Now, who are you?
I’m bob. I’m a gardener. Who are you? Where do you come from? There! Up there! Where?
There! Up there!
I come from up there. There. Where?
Where do you come from? France.
Where do you come from? Britain.
Where do you come from? Germany.
Where do you come from? Italy.
Where do you come from? Greece.
And I come from japan. Bye!
I come from up there, and now I’m down here. I’m here, too. Oh, sylvia. S - y -i - v - i - a. I love you. B - o - b. A - a, b - b, c - c, d - d, e - e, f - f, g - g, h - h, i - i, j -j, k - k, l - i, m - m, n - n, o - o, p - p, q - q, r - r, s - s, t- t, u - u, v- v, w- w.
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X-x, y - y, z - z. - Sylvia!
- Stop it, corvax! Go away! I love bob! I love you, sylvia. Oh, go away! Stop! Sylvia!
Stop! Come here! Oh, sylvia! Stop! Come here! Corvax! Go away! Stop!
Come here! Look! Listen! Go away. Stop!
Come here! Look! Listen! Go away! Oh sylvia! Sylvia! Go away! Ah, sylvia. I love you.
S - y - i - v - i - a. That’s right.
Corvax... loves... sylvia. Oh, sylvia!
Your eyes, your... the body. A head. An eye. An eye. A nose. A mouth. An ear. A neck. An arm. An arm. A hand. A hand. A leg. A leg. A foot. A foot. Good!
Good! My sylvia.
I’ve got you now. Print! Lovely.
That’s good. Where is it?
Here it is! And this. And this.
Now where...? Here! Now! Go!
Sylvia! My sylvia! I have you now. M - u - double z - y. B - o - b. You and me. We!
We’re friends.
We are bob and muzzy, muzzy and bob are we. Me and you. We are two. Two great friends are we. We are bob and muzzy, muzzy and bob are we. Me and you. We are two. Two great friends are we. Hey! Look! - What?
- Look! Up there! - Bars. - Bars.
Lovely, delicious, yummy bars. Oh no. No, thanks. Yes! Eat the bars. One! Two! Three! Four! Five! We’re free! You re free... and I m free. We are free!
You are free and I am free. We are free.
We are free. You and me. We are free! Free?
Yes. We're free. Off we go! You and me. I’m free!
I’m wet, I’m cold and I m hungry. But I’m free. Cold. Hot. Hungry. Thirsty. Wet. Dry.
- I’m thirsty! - Have a drink. It’s hot! Oh, sorry! - I’m hungry.
- Have a hamburger. I’m hot.
Have a shower. I’m wet.
Have a towel. I’m cold.
Have a sweater. I’m tired. Have a rest. It’s cold. Bob! Bob?
Where are you? Bob! Muzzy!
Where are you? - Here! - Where?
I can’t see you.
I’m here. In the tree. What tree? This tree.
Where are you? I’m under... where?
Where are you? Under the box. Where are you? On the box. Where are you? In the box.
Where are you? In front of the box. Where are you? Behind the box. Where are you? Between the boxes. - Where s the box?
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- Over there.
- Where s the box now? - Over here. In, on, under,
in front of, behind, between. In, on, under,
in front of, behind, between.
Are you all right? Are you all right? Oh, yes.
Just cold and wet and hungry. Where s the palace. It’s over there. Where?
There it is, over there. That’s the palace. Sylvia s there! I’m corvax. Listen!
Can you hear me? Look!
Can you see me? Can you talk? Yes, I can. Can you walk? No, I can’t.
Let me try again. Now can you walk? Yes, I can. Can you run? No, I can’t.
Let me try again. Sylvia,
Do you love me?
No, I don t. I don t like you. Oh, sylvia!
Now I can run. Bye! Sylvia stop! Come back!
What’s happening? I can walk. I can talk. I can hear. I can see. - Who are you? - Am I you? Are you me? - I can jump. - I can swim.
- I can run. - This is fun. - I am you. - You are me. Who are we? Who are you? - I’m sylvia. - I’m sylvia. - I’m sylvia. - I’m sylvia. - I’m sylvia. - I’m sylvia. You re sylvia. Yes, we are.
- Six sylvias? - Yes. Who are they? Sylvia! Six sylvias!
You've got a green dress. You've got a red dress. She's got a blue dress. I like brown.
I've got a yellow dress. Yellow is for happiness.
Black and white looks all right. But I like brown. Black... and white. Yellow. Blue. Red. Green. Brown. See you!
Head and shoulders. Knees and toes, knees and toes.
Eyes and mouth and ears and nose.
Ears and nose... Where are we?
We’re in the garden. Your garden?
No, silly! The palace garden. Look!
There s sylvia! What’s she doing?
She s doing her exercises. Knees and nose, knees and toes...
quick! Behind this thing! - What thing? - The statue.
- Are you all right? - No, we aren’t. We’re hungry.
Can we have some food, please?
Can I have a clock, please? A clock? Excuse me. Yes. A clock. He likes clocks.
Somebody’s coming. Who is it? I don t know. I can’t see. Ok!
Oh, no! It’s raining. Look, wait over there. - Ok.
- See you this evening. - When?
- Seven o’clock.
See you at seven this evening. Seven o’clock. Right! What’s the time now? It’s eight o’clock. Hello?
No, I’m busy. I’m having breakfast.
It’s one o’clock. Hello?
No, I’m busy. I’m having lunch. It’s seven o’clock. Hello?
No, I’m busy.
I’m having dinner. It’s nine o’clock. Hello?
No, I’m busy.
I’m having a bath. It’s ten o’clock. Hello?
Busy? No, I’m going to bed. Good night! One o’clock. It’s lunch-time.
It’s lunch-time, dear. I’m coming.
It’s lunch-time, sylvia.
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I'm not very well.
Can I have lunch in my room? What’s the matter?
I’ve got a terrible headache. Headache. Stomachache. Toothache. Backache. Come in.
What’s the matter?
I’ve got a headache, doctor. A headache? Take this. Thank you, doctor. Next!
What’s the matter?
I’ve got stomachache, doctor. Stomachache? Take this. Thank you, doctor. Next!
What’s the matter?
I’ve got toothache, doctor. Toothache? Take this. Thank you, doctor. Next!
What’s the matter?
I’ve got backache, doctor. Backache? Take this. Thank you, doctor. A headache?
Stay in your room, dear, and have a rest.
Lunch for the princess in her room!
Sylvia isn’t very well. She s got a headache. She s got a headache. She s having lunch in her room. - His. - Her. - Her knife. - His knife. - His fork. - Her fork. - Her glass. - His glass. - His plate. - Her plate. - Her bowl. - His bowl. - His crown.
big muzzy 英语 文本格式