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【参考文档】青岛栈桥英语导游词-实用word文档 (2页)

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青岛栈桥是青岛海滨风景区的景点之一,是国务院1982年首批公布的国家级风景名胜区,也是首批4A级国家旅游区。下面是小编为大家收集的关于青岛栈桥英语 导游词 ,希望大家喜欢!


The fast-paced life has turned us into machines, doing

overloading operations so everyone need a rest and go to travel with relatives or friends. I think QingDao is the best choice.

QingDao is reputed for its elegant mountains, clean air, blue water, white beach and green trees. Are you feeling the wind from the sea?.That is like a lively girl, she crawl up to kiss your feet when you are lost in admiration of the Beautiful scence, when you sip a mouth of it ,it tastes a little salty.

As known as Seashore Pier, Southern Sea Pier or Big Marina, the Jutting Pier is a symbolic structure of Qingdao,which was first built in 1892. when Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, stationed troops in Qingdao, in order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies and anchor the warships of the Northern Navy, a 344meter long simple pier wasthen built on the southwest coast. The dyke

connecting the cosdt was built by laying stones,and the fore part of the pier was built of steel paved with wood. The building materials were remainders of Lvshun Boatyard, Northern Navy. In 1894 when Li Hongzhang made his second inspection tour to Qingdao, he gave a high praise for the Jutting Pier and called it an Iron Pier in his

memorial to the throne. Hereafter, the Jutting Pier was also called Navy Pier, Seashore Pier and Navy Iron Pier. In 1900, the pier was destroyed by a typhoon, in 1901 when Germany occupied Qingdao,the Jutting Pier was rebuilt and used for freight transporting. When the Dagang Port was completed, the Jutting Pier was opened to the public. In 1923, a park was developed around the Northernend of the pier. From September 1931 to April 1933, the pier was rebuilt of steel

【参考文档】青岛栈桥英语导游词-实用word文档 (2页)


