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姓名 职称 通讯地址 范 可 研究员 性别 职务 女 大气物理研究所竺可桢-南森国际中心 邮编 100029 电子fanke@mail.iap.ac.cn 邮箱 研究气候动力学和气候预测 方向 范可,研究员、博士生导师。1971年生。1992年本科毕业于云南大学大气科学系,2005在中国科学院大气物理研究所获得气象学博士学位。2013国家杰出青年基金获得者,荣获2010年第十一届中国青年科技奖,2007年全国优秀博士论文等奖项、中国科学院优秀导师奖等奖项。担任《Advances in the Atmospheric Sciences》编委,《大气科学》常务编委,WCRP中国委员会委员。 主要研究领域是台风、季风、沙尘等气候变异及气候预测研究。主要学术成果:揭示南极涛动的纬向不对称性特征及其对我国气候有重要影响。发现冬、春季南极涛动与中国北方沙尘频次的反相变化关系,揭示冬季的南极涛动可以作为预测我国沙尘发生频次异常简历 的一个重要气候因子。揭示南极涛动具有显著的纬向不对称性特征,并非是此前认为的“纬 向对称模”,并发现这种纬向不对称性与ENSO循环有密切的关系,由于认识了南极涛动的纬向不称性,对理解南极涛动与东亚夏季降水和热带系统以及大西洋飓风都有重要的意义。发现了除ENSO之外影响和预测台风活动的多个中高纬重要气候因子,包括北太平洋海冰、北太平洋涛动、南极涛动,并将新发现的预测因子应用到研制台风预测模型,提高台风气候预测能力。在气候预测理论和方法研究方面, 提出年际增量的预测方法和热带相似理论并进行气候预测模型研究,由此发展了短期气候预测理论,并正在气候业务预测中推广。 已发表论文60多篇,有30多篇被SCI收录。第一作者发表论文30多篇。2012年完成专著一部《我国短期气候预测的新方法和新技术》(作为第二完成人),气象出版社出版。承担公益性行业(气象)专项(项目负责人);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)(课题负责人);中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(青年人才类)(项目负责人);国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人)等。 1. Fan, K., B Q Tian, 2013: Prediction of wintertime snow activity in Northeast China. Chin Sci Bull, 58,doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5502-7. 2. Fan, K., Z.Q. Xu, B. Q. Tian, 2013: Has the intensity of the interannual variability in summer rainfall over South China remarkably increased? Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Accepted) 3. Fan, K., Y. Liu and H. Chen, 2012: Improving the Prediction of the East Asian Summer Monsoon: New Approaches. Wea. Forecasting, 27:1017-1030 doi:10.1175/WAF-d-11-000921 4. Tian B Q., and K. Fan* 2013, Factors favorable to frequent extreme precipitation in the upper Yangtze River Valley, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, doi 10.1007/s00703-013-0261-9 5. Fan, K.,2012:A statistical prediction model for spring rainfall over northern China based on internnual increment approach, Journal of tropical Meteorology, 18(4):543-550 6. Liu, Y. and K. Fan*, 2012: A new statistical downscaling model for autumn precipitation in China, Int. J. Climatol.Doi.101002/joc.3514 7. Liu, Y. and K. Fan*, 2012:Improve the Prediction of Summer Precipitation in the Southeastern China by a Hybrid Statistical Downscaling Model, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,117:121-134,doi:10.1007/s00703-012-0201-0 8. Liu, Y. and K. Fan* , 2012: Prediction of Spring Precipitation in China using a Downscaling Approach. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 118:79-93 DOI: 0.1007/s00703-012-0202-z 9. Fan, K. 2010: A prediction model for Atlantic named storm frequency using a year-by-year increment approach, Weather and Forecasting, 25(6), 1842-1851. 10. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2010: Seasonal prediction of summer temperature over Northeast China using a year-to-year incremental approach. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 24(3), 269-275. 11. Fan, K, Wang H. J. (2010), Seasonal prediction of summer temperature over Northeast China using a year-to-year increment approach, Acta Meteor.Sinica., 24(3), 269-275 12. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2009: A new approach to forecasting typhoon frequency over the 代表性著作 western North Pacific, Weather 10.1175/2009WAF2222194.1 and Forecasting13. Fan, K, M. J. Lin, Y. Z. Gao, 2009: Forecasting the summer rainfall in North China using the year-to-year increment approach , Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 52 (4): 532-539 范可,林美静,高煜中, 2008: 用年际增量的方法预测华北汛期降水,中国科学D辑, 38(11) 1452-1459 14. Fan, K., and H. J. Wang, Y. J. Choi, 2008: A physically-based statistical forecast model for the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River Valley summer rainfall. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(4):602-609 范可,王会军,Choi Y J., 2007:一个长江中下游夏季降水的物理统计预测模型,科学通报,52(24):2900-2905 15. Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2009: A New Scheme for Improving the Seasonal Prediction of Summer Precipitation Anomalies, Weather and Forecasting, 24: 548- 554. DOI: 10.1175/2008WAF2222171.1 16. Fan, K., 2007: Zonal asymmetry of the Antarctic Oscillation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L02706, doi:10.1029/2006GL0280453. 17. Fan, K., 2007a: Sea ice cover over North Pacific, a predictor for the typhoon frequency over west North Pacific? Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 50(8): 1251―1257)范可,2007:北太平洋海冰:一个台风预测的新因子?中国科学D,37(6):851-856. 18. Fan, K.,2007b: New predictors and a new prediction model for the typhoon frequency over western North Pacific,Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci,50(9): 1417-1423. 范可,2007:西北太平洋台风生成频次的新预测因子和新预测模型,中国科学D,37(9):1260-1266 19. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2007: Dust storms in North China in 2002: A case study of the low frequency oscillation, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 24(1), 15-23(SCI) 20. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2007: Simulation on the AAO anomaly and its influence on the Northern Hemispheric circulation in boreal winter and spring, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 50(2):397-403. 范可,王会军, 2007: 南极涛动异常及其对冬春季北半球大气环流影响的数值模拟试验,地球物理学报,50(2): 397-403 21. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2004: Antarctic oscillation and the dust weather frequency in North China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L10201, doi:10.1029/2004GL019465 22. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2006a: Interannual variability of Antarctic Oscillation and its influence on East Asian climate during boreal winter and spring,Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 2006, 49(5) 554-560 范可,王会军, 2006: 南极涛动的年际变化及其对东亚冬春季气候的影响,中国科学(D),36(4),385-391 23. Fan, K., 2006: Atmospheric circulation in southern Hemisphere and summer rainfall over Yangtze River Valley. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 49(3):599-606. 范可,2006: 南半球环流异常与长江中下游旱涝的关系,地球物理学报, 49(3):672-679 24. Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2006b: The Interannual Variability of Dust Weather Frequency In Beijing and Its Global Atmospheric Circulation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 49(4): 890-897 范可,2006:北京的沙尘频次的年际变化及其全球环流背景分析,地球物理学报,49(4):1006-1014 25. Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2005: Central-north China precipitation as reconstructed from the Qing dynasty: Signal of the Antarctic Atmospheric Oscillation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L24705, doi:10.1029/2005GL024562. 26. Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2007: Relationship between the Antarctic oscillation and the western North Pacific typhoon frequency, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(4): 561-565 27. Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2006: Southern Hemisphere mean zonal wind in upper troposphere and East Asian summer monsoon circulation, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(12), 1508-1514, DOI:10.1007/s11434-006-2009-0 王会军,范可, 2006:南半球对流层上层纬向风与东亚夏季风环流,科学通报, 51(13),1595-1600 28. Wang, H. J. and K. Fan, 2007: Relationship between the Antarctic oscillation and the western North Pacific typhoon frequency, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(4), 561-565 王会军,范可,2006:西太平洋台风生成频次与南极涛动的关系,科学通报,51(24),2910-2914 29. Wang, H. J., J. Q. Sun, and K. Fan, 2007: Relationships between the North Pacific Oscillation and typhoon and hurricane frequencies. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 50(9) :1409-1416 王会军,孙建奇,范可,2007:北太平洋涛动与台风和飓风频次的关系研究, 中国科学D,37(9):966-973. 30. Fan K, H. Liu, 2013: Evaluation of Atmospheric Circulation in the Southern Hemisphere in 20CRv2, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 6, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0009 31. Fan, K., 2011: A statistical scheme for seasonal forecasting of North China winter temperature, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 4, 81-85 32. Fan,K, 2009a: Linkage between the Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Frequency and the Antarctic Oscillation in the Western Hemisphere, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(3), 159?164 33. Fan,K., 2009b: Seasonal Forecast Model for the Number of Tropical Cyclones to Make Landfall in China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(5):251-254 34. Fan, K., 2009c: Predicting winter surface air temperature in Northeast China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(1), 14?17 35. Liu Y, K. Fan, Y. P. Yan(2013), A new statistical downscaling scheme for predicting winter precipitation in China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 6, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0008 36. 范可,王会军, 2007: 异常弱的南极涛动及2006年我国春季的沙尘形势,气候与环境研究,12(4):475-480 37. 王会军,范可,孙建奇,等,2007: 关于西太平洋台风气候变异和预测的若干研究进展,大气科学,31(6):1076-1081 38. 范可,王会军,2006: 有关南半球大气环流与东亚气候的关系研究的若干新进展,大气科学, 20(3),402-412 39. 范可,王会军,2006: 南极涛动异常与2006年我国东部夏季降水形势预测,应用气象学报,17(3),383-384 40. Lin, M. J., K. Fan, and H. J. Wang. 2008: Somali jet changes user the global warming, Acta Meteorological Sinica, 22(4) : 502-510 林美静, 范可,王会军, 2008:全球气候变暖背景下索马里急流变化的预估研究,气象学报, 66(5): 756-764 41. 徐志清,范可,2012:冬季和春季印度洋海温异常年际变率模态对中国东部夏季降水的可能影响过程,大气科学,36(5),879-888 42. Tian, B. Q. and K. Fan, 2012: Relationship between the late spring NAO and summer extreme precipitation frequency in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 5(6), 445-460. 43. Liu, Y., K. Fan, and H. J. Wang, 2011: Statistical downscaling prediction of summer precipitation in southeastern China, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett, 4, 173-180.2011 44. 林美静,范可,王会军, 2010: 西北太平洋区域纬向风垂直切变的气候特征研究,气象学报,68(3): 309-314 **



