A Glycerol Containing Leave-on Scalp Care Treatment to Improve Dandruff Dr Shengjun (Meggie) Luo Unilever R&D Hair as the Ultimate Personal Beauty Tool of Self-expression More malleable than skin
Nothing more authentic than hair to express and project who you are or want to be More personal than clothes
Dandruff Is a Common Cosmetic Condition ?Dandruff is characterised by the appearance of white flakes both on the scalp surface, and in the hair.
?The dandruff scalp is particularly prone to pruritis.
?The severity of dandruff can range from a mild scaling of the scalp surface to the more severe condition of seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD).
?The differential diagnosis of dandruff and SD remains a clinical one.
?No absolute agreement on the symptomatic and aetiological links between dandruff and SD. Malassezia Is a Key Contributor to Onset and Exacerbation of Dandruff ?A range of anti-fungal technologies as treatments to dandruff have well established efficacy.
?Malassezia globosa and Malassezia restricta are the dominant species present on the human scalp and both are implicated in the development of both dandruff and SD.
?The precise role of the microbial contribution remains unclear.
?Dandruff is more likely a condition linked to the balance
between bacteria and fungi present on the host scalp surface .
?There are factors beyond these yeasts that make certain individuals more prone to the development of dandruff.