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A: 2003年10月至2005年7月,中法两国将互办文化年。中国文化年10月6


B: To reform and open to the outside world is the basic national policy of China for

the development of its economy and its contemporary culture. As part of the China’s strategy of “going global”, the Chinese Culture Year emerges at the right moment under the policy of Chinese reform and opening up to the outside world, and in turn it exemplifies China’s intensifying that policy. // With the improvement of its comprehensive national strength and its international status, China is now increasingly remarkable in the international arena. Meanwhile, there is an increasingly keen desire from the outside world to learn about China. Today China is ready to go global. All these have laid a solid foundation for us to popularize the Chinese culture in the world at large and provided us with an unprecedented opportunity to promote the exchanges between the East and the West. // In the 21st century the role and status of culture is becoming more and more critical in improving the international relations, therefore it is urgently important to do cultural exchanges and cooperation between countries. The communication of different cultures can help remove the misunderstanding between nations and improve the political and economical relationship among countries. Cultural diplomacy has become part of the entire foreign affairs of China.

A: 首次在国外办文化年,为什么选择了法国?

B: China and France are the two representative countries in the orient and the

occident. Both of them attach much attention to protecting and popularizing their cultures, call for the dialogue between different civilizations and the exchange of different cultures, and advocate maintaining their national cultural characteristics while defending and promoting the diversity of cultures in the world. // The cultural tie plays a unique role in the Sino-French relation, so it is a direct concern of the leaders of both countries and a hallmark of their relation. It was in 1999 and 2000 that Chinese President Jiang Zemin and French President Jacques Chirac discussed and then decided the exchanging Culture Year to be hosted by the two countries in turn. // The cooperative mechanism for the Culture Year is the organization of a mixed committee, which has till now held five meetings on a number of decisions. For example, the aim, the financial rules, the theme and the items of the Culture Year are all decided by the mixed committee in a bilateral cooperative manner, // It is a multi-level and comprehensive cooperation. The cultural exchange is a process of learning and meriting from each other. To hold the Culture Year is, as a matter of fact, to meet the needs of the development of China’s own culture. The Chinese culture, on the one hand, must keep its locality and tradition, and on the other hand, must step up with the times. We admire the advanced cultures of other nations and would like to learn from them openheartedly. This just meets the


needs of developing our national, mass and socialist culture. A: 中国文化年有三大主题:“古老的中国、多彩的中国、现代的中国”。在三大


B: This is a Sino-French exchange and cooperation in all fields in the broadest

concept of culture. The 300 items to be exhibited cover the areas of literature and art, education, science and technology, sports, ethnic, and tourism. The broad and narrow concepts of culture are relative, and nowadays the former one is the most popular in the international cultural exchanges.

A: 怎样才能使中国文化年的活动尽可能地为法国人知晓,让他们参与这些活


B: The cultural exchange is actually the communication between people, the

bridging of souls. The exchange and communication can bring about mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation. During our Culture Year, we will, of course, put on performances in the theaters, display the Chinese calligraphy and paintings in the exhibition hall and show our national historical relics in the museums. At the meantime, we will prepare some exchange activities in mass cultural places to let more people understand the Chinese culture. For its nature, culture belongs to the masses. // All in all, we will work closely with the concerned French departments and cities in a sincere and responsible manner to make a simple fervent and symbolic Chinese Culture Year which will arouse great response from the mass media.

A: 最后,请谈谈您对法国文化特性的理解。

B: The French culture has unique charms. Whenever someone else talks with me

about France, I would immediately think of the numerous world famous masters in thought, culture and art, such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Descartes, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Dumas Pere and Dumas Fils, Rodin, Debussy, Berlioz, and Sartre. The New Cultural Movement of China was deeply influenced by the French literature of the 19th century // and, the thoughts of “liberty, equality and fraternity” that came along during the French Revolution have made great contribution to the world civilization. At the perspective of foreign affairs, the French people’s pursuing their cultural values and holding fast to their cultural quality and style has resulted in the independency of France in the international political arena. // It is not by coincidence that France, one of the superpowers in the West, took the lead in establishing diplomatic relationship with China. The French people are proud of their culture and at the same time treat other cultures equally. This has always been their practice rather than on their lips. They acknowledge the diversity of cultures in a sincere way indeed. // For example, President Chirac encourages people to bring forth new ideas in culture. He has once said, “Though I do not like some of the modern arts, I think that the artists are respectable for their devotion to exploring the new forms of art.” I am deeply convinced that China and France, the two countries that have a long history of cultural exchanges, will be successful in this great venture of hosting the Culture Year in turn.




