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中央广播电视大学2008--2009学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语Ⅱ(2) 试题 注 意 事 项 2009年7月



三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 第一部分交际用语(共计l0分,每小题2分)


1.一l’ve got a bad cold today. A.Thank you for telling me.

B.Oh,dear!I hope you get better soon. C.It isn’t serious.

D.It’U be better soon. 2.一Would you like a tea?

A.Yes,I prefer coffee. B.I like green tea. C.Yes,please. D.N0,I don’t mind. 3.一Could I talk to Prof.Lee? A.Yes,speaking, B.Oh.it’S you. C 1’m waiting for you. D.I am the operator here.

4.、一So sorry to trouble you.--------- A.I’m sorry.too. B.It’S your fault. C.I don’t think S0.D.It’S a pleasure. 5.一Are you on holiday here? A.We are on holiday here,too. B.We.1ive here,t00.

C.N0。we aren’t.We live here. D.Yas。we live here:



6.Unfortunately the poor girl can’t do anything but——all her belongings at alow price.

A.to sell, B.selling

C.sell D.sold

7.The doctor advised her——enough rest before going back to work. A.get B.got

C.gets D.to get

8.They were asked tO avoid——any water which had not been boiled. A.drinking B.tO drink C.having D.not tO be drunk

9.She is very careful.She—————very few mistakes in her work.

A.does B.takesC.makes D.gets

10.Before joining the army,he spent a lot of time in the village——he belonged. A.which B.tO whichC tO where D.at which

11.The workers are busy—————models for the exhibition. A.tO make B.with makingC.being making D.making 12.Don’t forget——the window before leaving the room.

A.tO close B.to have closed C.having closed .D.closing

13.——she couldn’t understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for help.

A.That B.WhenC.What D.Where

14.The old man is used to early in the morning。 A.exercises B.exercise C.exercised D.exercising

15.1 was sick,bot I it at the weekend. A.got by B.got over C.got at D.got up’


16—25小题:阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 Genetic Engineering

Many people are unaware 16 a lot of the foods they eat every day,17 bread’ham and cheese,have been altered by using new technology.Food can be changed. It can

bemade to taste l8 or to look different—carrots can be made to taste of chocolate andapples can be made redder.Some food that appears the same has been l9. improVed,forexample,fish can be made to grow faster.Should we be pleased or worried?Will newtechnology bring benefits,or is it about to go 20 control? Genetically engineered foods are produced by taking genetic material from one speciesand transferring it 21 another.For example,an’antifreeze’gene which appearsnaturallv in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and straWberries 22 theydon’t freeze in coid weather;a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them 23 more quickly.

Some claim great advantages.They point out that crops can be made stronger and moredisease resistant, 24 pesticides can be reduced.They also maintain that food can bemade more nutritious or that the fat content can 25 to make it healthier. 16.A.that B.what C.for D.of

17.A.such that B.such as C SO that D.SO as

18.A.difference B.differently C.different D..differing

19.A.scientifically B.science C.scientific D.scientifical 20.A.under B.into C.oat D.out of 21.A.for B.to C.out D.into

22.A.such that B.in order to C.SO that D.SO as to

24.A.because B.cause C.result D·s0

25.A.be reducing B.be reduced C.reduced D.reducing 第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分。每小题2分)

26—35小题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上 写出所选的字母符号。 短文理解l

I never used to go anywhere without the car.I regarded it as an essential part of myself.But when the price of gas doubled‘in this year,I decided not to use the car except when absolutely necessary.

For example,I always used to take the car when l went to fetch the papers on Sunday mornings,although our newsagent’S is only lo minutes’walk away.Now I go on foot. I tell myself that l’m not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same time.It’S all a question of habit really.I’m sure you can get used to anything if you try and already feel that I rely on the car less than I used t0.

Besides,now that we live in the suburbs,I can walk down the road and catch a bus

to the office or to any part of the town.We used to live in the country about l 5 miles from town and then l would frequently drive to and fro twice in,one day.That meant l would use 15 gallons of oil or more in a week.Now I only need half that amount.

The trouble is that I am also getting used to the gas prices.They don’t seem SO high to me any more.Perhaps it is easier to get used to expensive gas than it is to doing without the Car.

26.When the prices of gas doubled in this year,the author decided A.to go everywhere without a car

B.only to take the car to fetch the papers C.to use the\D.to go on foot everywhere

27.In the sentence“It’S all a question of habit really.”the pronoun“It”refers to

A.saving the gas B.keeping fit

C.not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same time D.not relying too much on the car

28.To go to the newsagent’s to get his newspaper,the author A.used to walk for lo minutesB.used to drive his car

C.walked down the road to the officeD.walked for lo minutes to keep fit29.We know from the passage that the author

A.is getting used to living in the country about l 5 miles from townB·used to go to and come back from town twice a day by car C.usuaHy buys l59allons of oil or more in a week D·only spends half of the amount of money on gas now 30.The last sentence of the passage suggests that .

A.the author still can not get used to doing without the car

B·the author feels that the high price of gas is a great problemC.it is easy to use gas at high prices

D.the price of gas is not high any more 短文理解2

Cash of all kinds,the French franc,the German mark,and the Italian lita,is bound todisappear physically.The paper notes and gold coins may soon become curious

collections ofthe pre-electronic age.Digital money can replace every use of cash money. It is true thatelectronic money has been around for decades.Each week billions of institutional dollarsflow through the Interbank Payment System through telephone wires and satellite links.Butin the 21 st century,entirely new forms of digital money——including electronic cash and“computerized\cards—will become the means of most personal financial trade.Whata great change this will be! Digital credit cards, smart cards, electronic wallets and eleetronic checks will changeour way of life in the 21 st century.They are efficient and easy to use.Customers will nottake money with them when they go shoppin9.They will pay their bills from a smart cellphone or they will buy their coffee by using a digital credit card.How convenient it will be!And how easily people will do their,shopping in such a way I

With so many changes these days,the Internet will help speed up the end of cash.InEurope,some banks have been offering people electronic cash since late last year.Customerscan withdraw money from their accounts through the bank's website and store their incomeson their home PCs. As the electronic cash is downloaded,the customers’bank accounts arerecorded· Since customers can use electronic cash to buy things on the Internet,electroniccash will transform the Internet into a global marketplace for everythin9.It is going to have a very big impact on our lives· The low cost of computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not j ustfor finance,but also for many other things in our life.The Age of Internet has broughte—businesses to our life,which perhaps will form the backbone of our economy·Mom andPop can go global一all from the comfort of their easy chairs. Citizens will have access toe—government with its website offering a wide range of governmental information’policy andservices.

Racing into the 21 st Century,people all over the world are building up a series of ITDroJ ects,which is surely a part of the global future.People all over the world have beenworking for a brilliant future for centuries and it nOW seems the dream might come true Ve。Y

31.The main point of the first paragraph in this passage is——·

A.the value of the paper notes and gold coins will lie ha coilecti『:bns B.electronic money has been around for decades

C.entire new forms of digital money will replace cash moneyD.cash of all kinds



