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Meghan Gerrity lost her job at a New Jersey mobile app development start-up in 2016. Then she found that the timing couldn’t have been 1 . Gerrity’s 3-year-old daughter had just been taken to hospital with pneumonia (肺炎) and she and her husband were closing on their first home together.

“At the time, I 2 felt as if I was a huge failure and I would never work again, ” she told Huff Post. “I felt betrayed by my manager and my team who had always 3 my work and contributions to the company. ” It was the kindness and 4 of her family and friends that helped her 5 that difficult time. Her loved ones 6 their own stories about losing a job and finding another, which made Gerrity feel 7 and less alone.

“Hearing their similar stories, or the stories of people they knew who were in the same situation, 8 me and made me feel like I was going to be OK, ” she told Huff Post. “Learning that all of my 9 who lost their job earlier in their career were all now very 10 made me feel less upset. I realized that losing your 11 is just a minor setback and allows you the opportunity to make it clear what you want out of your life and career. ”

If someone close to you has been 12 or laid off, it’s necessary not to treat the job 13 like an embarrassing subject, Gerrity added. “ 14 the dialogue and normalizing a very unnatural-feeling situation is the best thing that a friend can do for someone who is going through a similar 15 , ” she told Huff

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【文章大意】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。Meghan Gerrity失去工作后, 家人的支持以及朋友们的理解和经验分享使她不再难过。 1. A. worse B. riper

C. prettier D. earlier

【解析】选A。根据下文可知, 当Meghan Gerrity失业时, 女儿刚因肺炎入院, 所以她失业的时机真是再糟糕(worse)不过了。故选A。 2. A. hardly

B. fairly

C. mainly

D. really

【解析】选D。Meghan Gerrity诉说她当时的真实(really)感受。故选D。 3. A. doubted

B. envied

C. helped

D. praised

【解析】选D。经理和同事们总是表扬(praised)她的工作以及她对公司的贡献, (可是自己被辞退了)她感到这些人背叛了她。故选D。 4. A. happiness C. tendency

B. support D. member

【解析】选B。家人以及朋友的善意和支持(support)帮助她熬过了这段艰难时期。故选B。 5. A. come across C. get through

B. get away D. get rid of

【解析】选C。此处指“熬过这段时期”, come across (偶遇); get away(离开); get through(熬过); get rid of (去除)。 6. A. experienced C. shared

B. remembered D. believed


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故选 C。 7. A. sad

B. hopeful D. surprised

C. proud

【解析】选B。这些分享使她充满希望(hopeful), 不再感到那么孤单。故选B。 8. A. interested C. educated

B. disturbed D. comforted

【解析】选D。由下文内容“made me feel like I was going to be OK”可推知, 我得到了安慰(comforted)。故选D。 9. A. workmates C. team

B. friends D. folks

【解析】选B。文章一直在讲述她的朋友及家人对她的理解和支持。故选B。 10. A. rich

B. jobless D. kind

C. successful

【解析】选C。她的朋友们曾经失去工作, 现在都很成功(successful)。故选C。 11. A. job C. chance

B. money D. family

【解析】选A。文章一直谈论失去工作对Meghan Gerrity的影响, 所以此处指, Meghan Gerrity认识到失去工作(job)只是一个小小的挫折。故选A。 12. A. hurt B. hired

C. trained D. fired

【解析】选D。根据并列连词or 可知, 此空与laid off意思相近, 指失业或下岗。be fired意为“被解雇”。故选D。 13. A. pay

B. attitude

C. loss

D. hunt

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【解析】选C。根据Gerrity的观点, 不要把失业看成难堪的事。the job loss为名词短语, 意为“失业”。故选C。 14. A. Opening C. Following

B. Making D. Considering

【解析】选A。根据Gerrity的观点, 不要把失业看成难堪的事, 而要说出来。 open the dialogue“开启对话”。故选A。 15. A. subject C. dialogue

B. situation D. question

【解析】选B。此处复指本句前面提到的a very unnatural-feeling situation。故选B。


第3题容易误选A(doubted)或B(envied), 受上下文影响, 考生可能理解为: 我被解雇是因为他们怀疑我的工作, 或他们嫉妒我的工作。但此处空格的意思应该表达本句中I felt betrayed的原因。即: 经理和同事们平时表扬我的工作, 现在我却被解雇, 因此我感到他们背叛了我。


Lehrner had always wanted to design roller coasters. Even as a 1 , though, she knew that there had to be more to it than just hopping on board. “I started 2 how I would prepare, ” she says. She looked to science and math and 3 advanced classes in algebra and geometry in middle school and high school. Then she took even more 4 math and a high-level physics course.

She also 5 theme parks as often as she could and researched the makers of those coasters online. When it came time for college, she went to the Colorado

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School of Mines in Golden, where she 6 a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

Now Lehrner 7 her days working with amusement parks to design and build new coasters. These new coasters they design are 8 made of wood, except for a metal 9 on which the cars run. The basic design has been around for more than a century. Still, Lehrner notes, each new one is different. “We use a lot of the same 10 and concepts. But they 11 with the terrain(地势) and design. That tells us what the limits will be—how tight the curves and how 12 the hills are. ”

Some parks want their coasters to be as scary as possible. That means big 13 and quick turns and lots of inversions. Lehrner is expert at making twisted wood coasters. The coasters she designs make you feel as if you’re going 14 than you really are because the tracks are lower to the ground. “We also try to build rides that are fun for the whole 15 —children as well as their parents, ” she said. 【文章大意】Lehrner 从小就想设计过山车, 于是她努力学习数学、物理等, 现在她为多家游乐场设计、建造木质过山车。 1. A. genius B. kid C. designer D. inventor

【解析】选B。根据下文可知, 此处指Lehrner从小就想设计过山车。as a kid意为“小时候”, 故选B。 2. A. thinking about C. writing down

B. going over D. dreaming of

【解析】选A。根据下文中的“She looked to science and math. . . ”可知, 为了将来

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