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1a Match the words with the things in the picture. 将下列单词与图中的物品配对。 1. baseball e 4. ID card _______ 7. ring ______ 2. watch _______ 5. key _______ 8. pen ______ 3. computer game ______ 6. notebook _______ 9. bag _______

1b Ask and answer questions about the things

A: What’s this? in the picture. 就上图中物品与同伴回答。

B:It’s a watch.

A:How do you spell it ?


1c Listen and circle the things you hear in 1a.

听录音,在1a 中圈出所听到的物品。

1d Listen again. Write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.


1e Student A is Linda and Student B is Mike. Make conversations about the things

in 1d. then change roles. 学生A扮演琳达,学生B扮演迈克。用1d中的物品

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2a Write the things you lose easily. 写出你常丢失的物品。

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

2b Read the notice on the board and circle the lost things.

阅读公告栏信息,圈出丢失的物品。 Found: Lin Hai, Some keys are in A computer game is in the Classroom 7E. school library. Is it yours?Are they yours? E-mail Ask the teacher for it? me at maryg2@gfimail. Mike com. Is this your watch? My phone number is Lost: I lost my school ID card. 495-3539. Call me. I must find it. Call me at John 685-6034. Tom ?

2c Read the notices again and write down the items. Then check(∨) Lost and Found.

再读一遍公告栏,写出丢失物品,并在Lost或Found下打勾。 Item Lost Found ____________________ □ □ ____________________ □ □ ____________________ □ □ ____________________ □ □

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3a Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.

选择正确的单词或号码补全信息。 name yours found 284-5486 lost call _____________: My notebook My __________ is David. Please __________ me at 679-8871.

____________: A set of keys Are these ___________? Call Jenny at _____________. 3b Write your own lost or found notice with your name and phone number.


1 Write the school things you know. 写出你知道的学习用品。 pen, ruler, 2 Complete the chart with pronouns. 用代词填表。 I me my nine you yours her hers he him 3 Look at the picture and write conversations. 看图写话。 ① A: Is this your schoolbag? B: No, it isn’t. ② A: _______________________________ B: _______________________________ ③ A: _______________________________ B: _______________________________ ④ A: _______________________________ B: _______________________________

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Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?

Language Goal: Talk about where things are 语言目标:谈论物品的位置


Match the words with the things in the picture. 将单词与图中物品配对。

1. table __________ 2. bed ____________ 3. bookcase _________ 4. sofa ___________ 5. chair ____________ 6. school __________ 7. books ___________ 8. keys ____________

1b Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4]. 听读音,为图中物品编号。

1c Practice the conversation in 1a with your partner. Then make your own conversations using the words in the box.


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A: Where’s the schoolbag? B: It’s under the table.

2a Listen and number the things [1-6]. 听录音,为物品编号。

2b Listen again. Find the things from 2a and number them in the picture [1-6].


2c Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture in 2b.

就2b图中物品位置与同伴问答。 A: Are the keys on the sofa? B: No, they aren’t. They’re on the table.

2d Role-play the conversation. 分角色表演对话。

Mom: Come on, Jack!

Jack: Oh, no! Where’s my bag? Mom: Hmm…is it on your desk? Jack: No. And it’s not under the chair. Mom: Oh! It’s on the sofa.

Jack: Thank you, Mom. Err…where’s the map? Mom: I think it’s in your grandparents’ room. Jack: Yes, it’s on their bed! And my hat? Mom: It’s on your head! Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!

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