Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of controllable nonholonomic dynamical systems
Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of controllable nonholonomic dynamical systems
傅景礼; 陈立群; 白景华; 杨晓东
【期刊名称】《《中国物理:英文版》》 【年(卷),期】2003(012)009
【摘要】This paper concentrates on studying the Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of controllable nonholonomic dynamical systems. Based on the infinitesimal transformation, we establish the Lie symmetric determining equations and restrictive equations and give three definitions of Lie symmetries before the structure equations and conserved quantities of the Lie symmetries are obtained. Then we make a study of the inverse problems. Finally, an example is presented for illustrating the results. 【总页数】5页(P.695-699)
【关键词】控制; 李对称; 非完整动力学系统; 分析力学; 守恒规律; 守恒量 【作者】傅景礼; 陈立群; 白景华; 杨晓东
【作者单位】InstituteofMathematicalMechanicsandMathematicalPhysics Shangqiu!reachersCollege
ShanghaiUniversity Shanghai200072 China; DepartmentofMathematics KaifengUniversity Kaifeng475000 China 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】O316 【相关文献】 1.Lie
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Lie symmetries and conserved quantities of controllable nonholonomic dynamical systems