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【奥鹏】19秋福师《大学英语(2)》在线作业一 试卷总分:100 得分:100


1、The red rose is her __________. Afavor Bfavorite Clike Dbest

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

2、Our English professor is very____in using chopsticks. Askilled Bgreat Clikely Dgood

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:A

3、He was ________ the Nobel prize for his new discovery. Aoffered Binformed Crewarded Dawarded

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:D

4、It's no good _______ here. Let's go home. Ato wait Bwaited Cwaiting

Dbeing waited

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:C

5、I doubt____________he will lend you the book. Awhether Bwhen Cthat Dwhich

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:A

6、The Smith's family, which____________rather a large one,____________very fond of their old house. Awere ... were Bwas ... were Cwere ... was Dwas ... was

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

7、The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it____________on the way. Agoes wrong

Bshould go wrong Cwent wrong Dwould go wrong

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

8、His father is ____________than his mother. Aolder four years Bas four years older Cfour years older Dfour years bigger

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:C

9、Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far, ____________to be difficult but useful for almost all students. Aprove Bproves

Chave been proved Dare proved

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

10、We must do well____________the boss assigns us to do. Athat Bwhatever Cwhichever Dthose

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

11、E-mail, as well as telephones,____________an important part in daily

communication. Ais playing Bhave played Care playing Dplay

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:A

12、There are many sheep____their farm. Aat Bin Con Dwithin

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:C

13、I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful. AExcept for BBut for CApart from DIn spite of

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:C

1fter a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____. Awithdraw Bresign Cretire Dretreat

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

15、The water gives up energy and becomes cooler____________the ice receives energy and melts. Awhen Bwhile Cfor Dbecause

[仔细分析上述题目,并作出选择] 正确答案是:B

16、— Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? — ________. AOK, but I have to go to a meeting now BNo, I can't



