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1.A chart has extensive corrections 广泛的修正 to be made to it .After having been corrected,the chart is printed again and the chart issuse is a __B____.
A. first edition B. new edition C. revised edition D. reprint
2.A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indioates ___C____.
A. heavy rain within six hours B. a decrease in wind velocity
C. a change in the present weather conditions D. that fog will soon set in
3.A slow,gradual fall of the barometer 气压计 indicates approaching____C_____. A. gale force winds within 12 hours B. blizzard conditions
C. deteriorating or unsettled weather (恶化的) D. heavy,wind driven rain
4.Stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when___C___. A. on a collsion coures
B. the vessels will pass within one mile
C. it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
D. the relative speed of the vessels indicates collision in less than six minutes 5. A type of precipitation that occurs only in thunderstorms with strong convection currents that convey raindrops above and below the freezing level is known as ___B___.
A. sieet B. nail
C. freezing rain D. rime
6. A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw.With rudder amidships and calm wind,
the vessel will most likely back___B____ A. straight astern B. to port C. to starboard
D. in no particular direction
7. Vessel is tender if cargo weight is___A____
A. concentrated high and the double bottoms empty B. concentrated low and the double bottoms empty C. evenly distributed vertically with the doubel bottoms full D. concentrated and with the doubie bottoms full
8. vessel may enter a traffic separation zone___D___①in an emergency;②to engage
in fishing within the zone;③to cross the traffic separation scheme A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ①+②+③
9. A vessel,the passage of which is not to be impeded,___D___to comply with this Rule when
the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision. A. remains fully obliged B. has no obligation C. is not likely D. is exempted
10. A warm air mass is characterized by___A___. A. stability 稳定 B. instability 不稳定 C. gusty winds 降阵风 D. good visibility
11. Weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northem Hemisphere,this would indicate that it will___B___. A. shift in a clockwise manner B. shift in a counterclokwise manner
C. continue blowing from the same direction D. decrease in velocity
12. D fter transferring a weight forward on a vessel,the draft at the center of flotation will
A. change,depending on the location of the LCG B. increase C. decrease
D. remain constant 保持不变
13. All charts and publications should be kept up to date with the___A___amendments.
A. latest B. updated C. last
D. up-to-dated
14. All echo-sounders can measure the ___B___. A. actual depth of water
B. actual depth of water below keel
C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom 平均深度水线坚硬的底部 D. average depth of water to soft bottom.
15. Among the following,___B___is required to be carried on a lifeboat but not on a liferaft?
A. waterproof electric torch 防水手电筒 B. hatchet 斧 C. radar reflector
D. rocket parachute flares 火箭降落伞
16. An immersion suit must be equipped with a(n)___C___. A. air bottle for breating B. orange smoke canister
C. whistle,light and retroreflective material 吹口哨,光和回射的材料