阅读(共两节,每题2.5分;满分97.5分) 第一节
Laura Sides was a psychology major at the University of Nottingham in 2004. She first noticed signs of her dad’s developing dementia(痴呆) when she moved to Nottingham. She said, \what had happened to him, but people try to hide it when they are ill. Then, I came home for my 21st birthday and arranged to meet him, but he never showed up as he’d forgotten. That’s when I knew something serious had happened.\
So, aged 21, she decided to leave university and look after him herself. She lived close by, popping in every day to make sure he was eating, and that the house was tidy, before heading off to her work.
Besides challenging moments, there was a time when looking after her dad was a pure joy. \ask what he wanted to do that day, and however ridiculous the adventure is, off we’d go.\
Sadly, in 2009, 5 years later, Laura lost her father. Before he died, Laura went to a hospital appointment with him, where doctors mentioned that his form of Alzheimer’s disease was genetic meaning there was a fifty-fifty chance that she had inherited it. For several years Laura agonised over whether to be tested, finally finding out in August 2017 that she has the APP gene, meaning that, like him, she will develop the condition within a decade.
At first, she struggled, feeling as if her life lacked purpose. Then, during a sleepless night in the summer of 2018, she decided at around 2 a.m. to enter the 2019 London Marathon sponsored by the charities Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK.
She hoped to start the conversation around early-onset Alzheimer’s disease and to encourage people to talk about it more openly. \t, but I want to be honest and open,\忌讳) we will feel. That said, the support I’ve received so far after going public has been amazing — that’s what is carrying me through.\ 1. Laura noticed her father’s dementia when . A. her father told her his condition in person
B. people nearby informed her of his father’s condition C. her father forgot his own birthday party
D. her father forgot to attend her 21-year-old birthday party
2. The underlined word \ .
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A. excited C. shocked
3. Laura started the open talk in the hope of . B. struggled D. delighted
A. getting people to talk about Alzheimer’s disease openly B. earning some money to help treat her Alzheimer’s disease C. making herself stronger to fight against Alzheimer’s disease
D. raising funds for charities Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s disease Research UK 4. Which words can best describe Laura? A. Caring and positive. C. Patient and cautious.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 【解析】 【分析】
本文是一篇记叙文。Laura Sides在读大学期间,父亲患上了阿尔茨海默病,她离开学校照料父亲直到他去世;后来她得知自己在十年内也会患上同样的病。她挣扎之后便振作了起来,决定参加马拉松比赛,并且进行阿尔茨海默病方面的对话,鼓励人们更加公开地谈论这种病。 【1题详解】
细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后两句“Then, I came home for my 21st birthday…That’s when I knew something serious had happened”可知,Laura的父亲忘记参加女儿的21岁生日会,在那时Laura意识到父亲已患病。故选D。 【2题详解】
词义猜测题。根据上文中的“there was a fifty-fifty chance that she had inherited it”可知,医生告知Laura,她有百分之五十患病的概率,并结合画线词所在句中的“whether to be tested”可推知,此处表示Laura几年来苦苦思索是否去检查一下,与B项词义接近。故选B。 【3题详解】
细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词open talk定位到文章的最后一段。根据该段首句“She hoped to start the conversation around early-onset Alzheimer’s disease and to encourage people to talk about it more openly”可知,作者公开谈论阿尔茨海默病是为了鼓励人们公开谈论此病,故答案是A。 【4题详解】
推理判断题。通读全文内容可知, Laura在得知父亲患阿尔茨海默病后离开学校照料他直至他去世,后来得知自己也会得阿尔茨海默病,挣扎后便振作起来,先是决定参加马拉松比赛,接着围绕这种病进行对话,
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B. Careful and honest. D. Devoted and modest.
【点睛】阅读理解通常都会出现词义猜测题,要求考生从上下文理解中概括出生词或短语的词义。考生作此类题型时,首先要找到所猜测词所在文章的位置,然后在理解文章大意的基础之上,对此词前后句反复研读,最后根据前后句猜测出词义。例如小题2要求猜测出agonised的含义,就是根据上文中的“there was a fifty-fifty chance that she had inherited it”可知,医生告知Laura,她有百分之五十患病的概率,并结合画线词所在句中的“whether to be tested”可推知,此处表示Laura几年来苦苦思索是否去检查一下,与B项词义接近,从而推测出agonised之意。
Life on the street is a constant struggle for homeless people. In times of extreme weather conditions, that struggle becomes even more difficult. Recently, homeless people across Chicago faced freezing to death if they couldn't find shelter for the night.
Thankfully, one local woman refused to let that happen. On January 30,2018, 34-year-old Candice Payne, a local managing broker, was lucky enough to have shelter from the dangerous conditions.
“It was - 20℃, and I knew they were going to be sleeping on ice and I had to do something,” said Payne. Payne started brainstorming different ways she could possibly help. Finally, she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local inns and hotels that she could get to help those stuck on the street.
For Payne, her mission was personal. According to Payne, her husband, Carlos Callahan, had lived on the streets at one point in his life. Based on his experiences, Payne knew that the homeless people still out on the street desperately needed help and that if she didn't step up to help, no one likely would.
However, when Payne explained what she was trying to do,many of the local hotels refused to allow her to pay for the rooms as they didn't want homeless people to stay in their rooms. “No one wanted them, but one hotel, the Amber Inn, was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms,” said Payne.
Payne's selfless act made news across the country. However, she insisted she had never done it for attention. “I am a regular person, ” said Payne, who spent thousands of dollars of her own money to help complete strangers.“It all sounded like a rich person did this, but I’m just a little black girl from the South Side. ” 5. What does the underlined word “ that” in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. Locals living on the street‘ B. The homeless freezing to death. C. The extreme weather. D. The shelter for the homeless.
6. How did Candice Payne help the homeless people? A. By drawing public attention.
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