BES2300-Z Product Specification Pin VANA_BUCK VBAT VUSB_CAP VUSB PMU interface VCHG_R ADC0 ADC1/LED2 LED1 Digital interface POWKEY RESET GPIO_00 GPIO_01 GPIO_02 GPIO_03 GPIO_05 GPIO_06 GPIO_04 GPIO_07 GPIO_15 GPIO_10 GPIO_11 GPIO_12 GPIO_13 GPIO_14 GPIO_20 GPIO_21 I2C_DAT I2C_CLK Audio interface MIC1_N MIC 1_P MIC 2_N MIC 2_P MIC 3_N MIC 3_P VMIC4 VMIC3 VMIC2 VMIC1 LOUT_LN No. J10 C10 L8 L9 B9 B5 B6 D9 B8 B7 H2 J2 J1 K2 B2 C2 H9 G9 L7 D2 E2 F2 G2 G1 E9 F9 M9 M8 A2 A1 C1 B1 D1 E1 A4 A3 B4 B3 A7 Type Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog I I I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Description Buck dcdc analog output pin Chip power supply 0.9v ldo with decap 2.4~3.9V usb ldo with decap Vbus voltage detector GPADC GPADC/LED Driver LED driver Chip power on input, high level/ high pules(min 10ms) is active Chip reset pin, reset if high I2S_SDI I2S_SDO I2S_WS I2S_SCK GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO GPIO SSD_D2 SSD_D3 SSD_CMD SSD_CLK SSD_D0 UART1_RXD UART1_TXD I2C Data/BT_UART_TXD/GPIO_17 I2C Clock/ BT_UART _RXD/GPIO_16 MIC 1 N port MIC 1 P port MIC 2 N port MIC 2 P port MIC 3 N port MIC 3 P port MIC BIAS4 decap MIC BIAS3 decap MIC BIAS2 decap MIC BIAS1 decap Speaker output negative, left BES2300-Z Product Specification Pin LOUT_LP LOUT_RN LOUT_RP VCM_CAP RF interface BT_RF BTLB_P BTLB_N USB interface USB_DN USB_DP Ground PGND GND GND GND GND GND GND BTLB_GND BTLB_GND XTAL_GND BTLB_GND AVSS_GMC AVSS_REFN REFN_R REFN_L No. A6 A8 A9 F1 M3 M5 M6 L10 M10 F10 E5 F5 G5 H5 L2 M2 M4 M7 M1 L4 G6 H6 E6 F6 Type Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Description Speaker output positive, left Speaker output negative, right Speaker output positive, right Decoupling of audio reference Bluetooth transmitter output /receiver input Low band Bluetooth positive Low band Bluetooth negative USB data minus USB data plus PMU GND Chip GND Chip GND Chip GND Chip GND Chip GND Chip GND Low Band Bluetooth GND Low Band Bluetooth GND Reference 26MHz crystal GND Low band Bluetooth GND For MIC5 Low power ADC GND Audio reference GND Speaker output reference GND, right Speaker output reference GND, left
BES2300-Z Product Specification
5.2 Application Schematic
BES2300-Z Product Specification
6 Package Dimensions
6.1 BGA Dimensions
Figure 6-1 BES2300-Z Dimension
BES2300-Z Product Specification
7 SMT Caution
7.1 Land Pad and Stencil Design
Land Pattern Guidelines for BGA-80B ?
The PCB BGA land pads have to be designed to ensure solder joint reliability and provide optimum manufacturability. The two basic types of BGA land pad design are: 1) The Solder mask defined land pad (SMD)
2) The Non-solder mask defined land pad (NSMD); recommended type for PCB ?
The SMD type of BGA land pad design is characterized by the copper pad being larger than the solder mask opening above this pad. Thus the solder joint area of the land pad is defined by the opening in the solder mask.
Stencil Guideline for BGA-80B ?
The stencils for BGA pitches at or below 0.65 mm have to consider other factors as well. Usually on a PCB, there may be other small size and small pitch components which prevent the stencil opening size to be reduced. Instead, the total stencil thickness is decreased. Typically, stencils are from 0.075 to 0.125 mm thick.
7.2 Solder Reflow Profile
Figure 7-1 Solder Reflow Profile
Table 7-1 Package peak reflow temperature - Sn/Pb
Package Thickness < 2.5 mm ≥2.5 mm Volume mm3< 350 240 + 0°C / -5°C 225 + 0°C / -5°C Volume mm3≥ 350 225 + 0°C / -5°C 225 + 0°C / -5°C Table 7-2 Package peak reflow temperature - Pb-Free (a)