BES2300-Z Product Specification In-band spurious emissions EDR differential phase encoding (a) VBAT = 3.8 V Temp = 27°C
99% DEVM Peak DEVM F=F0 + 1MHz F=F0 - 1MHz F=F0 + 2MHz F=F0 - 2MHz F=F0 + 3MHz F=F0 - 3MHz F=F0 +/- > 3MHz / / / / / / / / / / 10 13 -32 -32 -28 -28 -41 -41 -44 99 20 25 -20 -20 -20 -20 -40 -40 -40 100 % % dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm dBm % Table 4-8 Bluetooth LE Receiver Specifications
Parameter Frequency Range Receiver Sensitivity Max. Usable Signal C/I Co-channel C/I 1MHz C/I 2MHz C/I ≧3MHz C/I Image channel Description PER < 30.8% PER < 30.8% Co-channel selectivity (PER <30.8%) Adjacent channel selectivity (PER <30.8%) 2nd adjacent channel selectivity (PER< 30.8%) 3rd adjacent channel selectivity (PER < 30.8%) Image channel selectivity (PER <30.8%) 1MHz adjacent to image channel selectivity (PER < 30.8%) 30MHz to 2000MHz 2001MHz to 2339MHz 2501MHz to 3000MHz Min. 2402 / -5 / / / / Typ. -93 0 13 -6 -23 -35 -22 Max. 2480 -90 / 21 15 -17 -27 -9 Unit MHz dBm dBm dB dB dB dB dB C/I Image 1MH Inter-modulation Out-of-band Blocking / -50 -30 -35 -35 -30 -36 -10 -25 -25 -15 / / / / dB dBm dBm dBm dBm
Table 4-9 Bluetooth LE Transmitter Specifications
Parameter Frequency Range Output Power Carrier Frequency Offset and Drift Description At max power output level Frequency offset Frequency drift Max. drift rate Min. 2402 -20 -150 -50 -20 Typ. 7 +/-3 +/-3 +/-3 Max. 2480 10 150 50 20 Unit MHz dBm KHz Khz Hz/us BES2300-Z Product Specification
△f1avg Modulation Characteristic △f2max (For at least 99% of all △f2max) △f2avg/△f1avg In-band Spurious Emission
225 185 0.8 / / 260 208 0.88 -46 -48 275 / / -20 -20 KHz KHz Hz/Hz dBm dBm ±2M offset >±3MHz offset Table 4-10 near field Bluetooth transceiver characteristics (b)
Parameter Carrier frequency Signal bandwidth Data rate Music playback distance between two transceiver Transmitter output voltage Condition π/4 DQPSK with 2Mbps Min 10 0.7 / / / Typ 29.5 1 3 35 6 Max 40 3 / 20 Unit MHz MHz Mbps cm V 4.3 Audio Codec Electrical Characteristics
Table 4-11 Digital to Analogue Converter under 1.95V (b)
Parameter Resolution Output Sample Rate, Fsample SNR(a) Conditions fin=1kHz B/W=20Hz~20kHz A-Weighted 1Vrms Output Fsample 48kHz 48kHz 48kHz Fsample 8kHz 8kHz 8kHz 48kHz 48kHz 48kHz Load 200kΩ 32Ω 16Ω Load 100kΩ 32Ω 16Ω 100kΩ 32Ω 16Ω Min / 8 / / / / / / / / / -70 -18 / / / / / / Typ / / Max 24 384 / / / -95 -95 -95 -95 -95 -98 24 3 1000 / / / / / Unit Bits kHz dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB mV rms dB dB Deg mV uV rms 112 120 120 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 / / / 93 0.086 0.002 <0.1 0.8 THD+N fin=1kHz B/W=20Hz~20KHz 1Vrms Output Digital Gain Analogue Gain Output Voltage IMD Freq. Response Phase Pop Up Noise Noise Floor Digital Gain Resolution = 1dB Analogue Gain Resolution = 0.75dB 600-Ohm loading SMTPE 0.02-20kHz 30mW output 1kHz sine wave A-WT Noise Gating BES2300-Z Product Specification Parameter Noise Floor Crosstalk Crosstalk Crosstalk DNR Conditions Aduio PA on A-WT 100Hz,1Vrms Output 1KHz,1Vrms Output 10KHz,1Vrms Output A-Weight,32Ω Min / / / / / Typ 3 122 130 118 110 Max / / / / / Unit uV rms dB dB dB dB (a) SNR is the ratio of output level with a 1-kHz full-scale input, to the output level playing an all-zero signal, measured A-weighted over a 20-Hz to 20-kHz
(b) The BES2300-Z provides a digital noise gate function for each of the output signal paths. The noise gate ensures best noise performance when the signal
path is idle. When the noise gate is enabled, and the applicable signal level is below the noise gate threshold, then the noise gate is activated, causing the signal path to be muted.
Table 4-10 Codec - Analogue to Digital Converter under 1.95V
Parameter Resolution Output Sample Rate, Fsample SNR THD+N Digital Gain Analogue Gain Conditions fin=1kHz B/W=20Hz~20kHz A-Weighted 0.7Vrms Input fin=1kHzB/W=20Hz~20KHz 0.6Vrms Input Digital Gain Resolution = 1dB Analogue Gain Resolution = 3dB Fsample 48kHz Fsample 48kHz Min / 8 / / -30 -9 Typ / / 100 -95 / / Max 24 384 / / 30 12 Unit Bits kHz dB dB dB dB 4.4 BUCK Electrical Characteristics
Table 4-11 DCDC Characteristics (a)
Parameter Input voltage Output voltage1(vcore) Output voltgae2(Vcodec) Max output current core Max output current ana Active status current Sleep status current Line regulation Load regulation(dc) Load regulation(step) Switch frequency Pwm mode ripple Burst mode ripple Efficiency (pwm mode) Conditions 1mA-100mA Internal_freq<1:0>=10 I=10mA Min 3.1 150 150 Typ 4 0.9 1.5 200 2 1 0.06 0.17 3 10 20 85* Max 5.5 Unit V V V mA mA uA uA % mV/mA mV/mA MHz mV mV % BES2300-Z Product Specification Efficiency (burst mode) Leakage current (a) Efficiency depends on inductor
I=10mA Power down 85 10 % nA
4.5 ESD Protection
Apply ESD static handling precautions during manufacturing. Table 4-12 ESD handling ratings
Condition Human Body Model Contact Discharge per ANSI/ ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 Charged Device Model Contact Discharge per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002-2014 C2B 750V (all pins) Class 2 Max rating 2.5KV (all pins)
BES2300-Z Product Specification
5 Pin Map & Application Schematic
5.1 Pin Description
Figure 5-1 BES2300-Z Pins
Table 5-1 BES2300-Z Pins Description
Pin Clock signals XTAL_OUT XTAL_IN PMU VBAT_SENSE VMEM VIO VANA VCODEC VPA_BT VPA_BTLB VANA_BTLB XTAL_VDD AVDD_INT VCORE LX3 Vcodec_hppa LX1 LX2 No. Type Description L1 K1 C9 B10 K10 J9 A5 L3 L5 L6 H1 K9 H10 D10 A10 G10 E10 Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Reference 26MHz crystal port Reference 26MHz crystal port VBAT sense pin 1.2~2.7V internal memory ldo with decap 1.2~3.3V gpio ldo with decap 1.0~1.8V analog ldo with decap 1.2~2V codec ldo with decap BT_RFPA power supply NF_BTPA power supply NFBT analog power supply 26MHz reference crystal power supply Interface power supply 0.3~1.3V digital core ldo with decap Buck dcdc switch pin3 Audio PA power supply Buck dcdc switch pin1 Buck dcdc switch pin2